If you want to make some noise by raising a DIN, start here:
Anyone who wants a DIN for MM should buy from PPS/CML, because they are likely the only crew with the know-how to pull it off. The faster you give them your money, the faster they can generate the DIN.
Good luck to you too Pat, you're going to need it.
Doing well thanks. Hard work and a good team is essential.
There's a few reasons I said you're going to need luck Pat. Sorry if it came off as being rude.
Hey pat...a good team is so critical. Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. One of the biggest challenges is to have investors on the same wave length as the growers and marketing team. Many investors just don't understand the marijuana business. Some think it's just like growing corn, I suggest they think of it more like producing wine!
I think growers have to be kept in check. Meaning they tend to fall in love with growing techniques and strains. They tend to forget that the marketplace dictates what should be grown, and how.
Although the MMPR only requires you to notify police, fire, and municipalities it is highly recommended that you get their blessing. It is so much easier to work with them. If you don't, I would expect you would have some very expensive lawyer bills in the future.
250k security for 10ksqft is way out of proportion IMO.
There really shouldn't be any sticker shock. The MMPR is an expensive venture. 750k for 16k sqft sounds appropriate ( I think that was your #s ).
Having said that....an application can be made, and an approval to build from HC can be achieved with minimal cost. You don't need a building, a LOI will suffice. You don't need the security in place, a detailed plan is required. The majority of capital required 99% only is required after the approval to build has been granted. It is a lot easier going to an investor with an approval to build in hand.
A plant can never receive a din. A din can be assigned once hc allows lps and RnD companies to develop and sell cannabis products..i.e a patch (like the quit smoking patch), inhalers, oils etc.
Mj on its own will never get a din.
I actually lly asked this in another thread. Can you explain why the plant will never get a DIN? I was wondering about this earlier but I couldn't recall why it hasn't been treated like other "drugs" and why big pharma hadn't jumped all over it.
So far were seeing 6-12 dollars a gram from the MMPR. That covers the thread heading LOL. Hoping it gets hijacked.
Everyone is talking quality bud. Has anyone considered offering any of the rest of the plant? Many patients prefer to eat or drink it but will find the cost prohibitive under the new system.
When we are hand trimming our crops we find it very easy to sort everything into stem, fan leaves, bud trimmings (seconds) and buds. The stem has no medical value I'm aware of, but the fan leaves can be used for juicing and many other things. The seconds are covered in crystal and make very potent cookies as well as being hard to tell the difference from the bud when used in a vaporizer.
HC says we are only allowed to sell "dried marihuana" but they do not state how dry, only that it has gone through a "drying process". Can we offer seconds and fan leaves that are suitable for juicing and many other things, at a much reduced cost after our 20 minute drying process?
It would need an expiry date for sure and have to be shipped quickly or frozen. Testing it would add to the costs, reducing the benefit to the patients.
Yup! Not sure about half dried leaves. The seconds and sugar leaves? Sell em at a discount! Bakers, low income, and people that don't need kick ass cannabis will flock to your door!
Oh no...that has to be destroyed...Right!!!