Why do these plants look so different


New Member
First grow,all sprouted from bag seeds, all seed came out of just a few buds,so they really must be from the same type, at least I would think so. Started germination about 1 month ago. Took 3 days to sprout. Planted and then replanted in bigger pots about 10 days ago. Pinched the tops(2 topped 2 fim'd) 2 days ago. 18/6 schedule. 300 watt led light. Temp 80 with lights and 70 without. Why do some have fatter leaves than the others? They look so different.....is this just mother nature? Do they look ok? They are really growing quickly now, I am amazed when I look in on them after a few days of not seeing them. This sure is fun!
1216 01.jpg1216 02.jpg1216 03.jpg1216 04.jpg1216 05.jpg1216 06.jpg


Well-Known Member
Phenotypes. If your parents have 10 kids, they might slightly resemble each other but at the same time there will be many differences.


Well-Known Member
Do you have any siblings with the same mom and dad? How exact are you?

I have three plants from the same seed in flower. I call one bushy, one stretchy, and one Peter (the middle child). They all should be the same. I even rotate their positions in the tent when I water to keep all fair.

Just the marvels of mother nature.


Active Member
The reason the plant on the top right of the first picture looks so different is because that is a sativa strain while the other three are all indicas. You can tell the difference becasue sativa plants are tall with skinny leaves and indica plants are short and bushy with fatter leaves. All the plants look healthy for there age and dont show any signs of deficiency so id say your sittin pretty.


Phenotypes. If your parents have 10 kids, they might slightly resemble each other but at the same time there will be many differences.
Fuck me sideways mate, I have never thought of that before! Nice man, again!


Do you have any siblings with the same mom and dad? How exact are you?

I have three plants from the same seed in flower. I call one bushy, one stretchy, and one Peter (the middle child). They all should be the same. I even rotate their positions in the tent when I water to keep all fair.

Just the marvels of mother nature.
Goodness, I thought I was the only one who names my plant's. lolololol, so glad I am not alone. Apologies for double post

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

No worries, your plants are doing just fine, best of wishes!
Dr. Jekyll

They really do look like miserable dwarfs that will likely produce very low yields, might as well give up now!
Mr. Hyde

little butch

Active Member
Seems I'm always dragging along after gtran and thinking he just gave my answer.....he must be a bright guy...LOL. Peace & be kind.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
The 3 fat leaf ladies are exhibiting indica dominant leaves. The one that has thinner leaves is exhibiting a slight sativa dominance in the leaves.

The thinner leaf lady might be the recessive genes within this particular strain. What strain is it? What kind of herb did it come from?


New Member
The 3 fat leaf ladies are exhibiting indica dominant leaves. The one that has thinner leaves is exhibiting a slight sativa dominance in the leaves.

The thinner leaf lady might be the recessive genes within this particular strain. What strain is it? What kind of herb did it come from?
All the seeds came from the same bag, buds just like this.
parent bud.jpg
I do not know what type this is, maybe someone does? Thanks for the replies, I am glad to know all my girls look healthy(I hope they are girls)