We do grow in HS

i like to post in HS its one if not the only other section of the forum that i post in but yes i can kinda grow too i make plenty of mistakes but i have had my goodish grows too....


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well if we ever make it to colorado i am using his systems for sure! don't really want to go the whole vertical route but i don't think that's a necessity for the big yields he's pulling.

You can do massive plants with overhead lights but its easier with vert.
Well, the thing is for me.....Yield needs to correlate with the amount of watts used.... cuz like I said I pay my electric bill and it is about 300 a month for two 600s, my AC and a couple 8 inch inline fans, plus my air filter, heater...... a 6-8 week veg is out of the question. One must figure out how many grows to pull off in a year, the cost of electricity and then of course use of space.

The use of space is a big cost factor ... anyone could veg a plant for 3 months and get huge yields.... but you could have harvested a smaller crop and be half way into the next .... math
Separate veg and flower room bro. Forget that turn around keep a crop flowering constantly. If you're trying to squeeze the most out of your electric bill a SOG flowering freshly rooted clones is probably your best bet. You don't need much light at all to keep moms and root clones and then you're ready to flower so you maximize that.
I agree. I need a t-5 in a veg room with tall healthy females always ready .

OK , so I use to be mr. natural when it came to insect control. but mr. natural went away with my money. IN other words, I need cheap and effective pest control ....like right now. So, I bought HOt Shot Pest strip. I read another post about it a while back and said eeecck ...that gets in the buds... Fuck it. For 5 $ this shit Kills all insects as listed, heres the list : Kills ALL crawling insects, Kills all flying insects.

I also bought some neem oil from Lowes ...
15$..20lbs of co2..dead.
Math... overhead(100$)={ 1plant@worst scenario:zero!..and I'm sure were not producing zero...
If your room isn't sealed it won't always work. Also tanks are known to freeze up and stop putting out enough gas to gas the little fuckers. It's certainly doable but it's not always that simple. But when it works it fucking annihilates them!
15$..20lbs of co2..dead.
Math... overhead(100$)={ 1plant@worst scenario:zero!..and I'm sure were not producing zero...
yeah, I have tried this 3 times. I put the tank right next to a infested plant once.... the spider mites were still chillen when I checked. I thought the room was pretty sealed.... not perfectly though....but why didn't the mites right by the tank valve die?

I am not sayin' it don't work...just sayin' that I tried it and failed

If you are unfamiliar with HotShot pest strips it is a powerful product. My whole garage smells like the strip not just the tent. I am only going to leave it in there until the spider mites are dead. I also spayed with Neem Oil I got hella cheap from Lowes. I mean fuck. COmpared to the Grow Shops Lowes shit is like 800% cheaper
imp hot shots are no good, seriously bad for your health. and just like co2 they only really work in very small closed spaces, any ventilation and they are a waste, wont even kill fungus gnats.

just my .02 i have used them before and for the cost i was highly disappopinted. forbid 4f all the way for mites.
thanks... Ya I hung a infested leaf on the Hot Shot and checked it two hours later. The mite I was observing was still eating my leaf. I think that thread on RIU about Hot Shot was just bullshit from the company.

The DoctorDoom seems to do a little damage... I will order the Forbid... I am desperate now. My white widow are bitches when it comes to the mites. All the other plants are fine but the widow fucking stresses from a small infestation. fuck man.... I am just going to pull all the plants out of the tent every other day and wash with neem oil spray until the Forbid comes in. I am thrwoing the hot shot in the trash
Oh and I forgot... After the third time I tried C02 bombing I had a epiphany. I told my grow partner : " Dude, don't plants create fucking O2? How the Fuck will Co2 kill them when they are getting pure O2 from the plants they are eating?!"

I just remembered that... sure the air around them is deadly high levels of CO2 but don't the mites have on fucking gas masks basically?
forbid will destroy them for sure. its one application every 45 days. it didnt kill my fungus gnats (those are just a part of life now i think, as they seem indestructible) but it did destroy the mites. and its much safer than avid supposedly. if you are spraying things in flower, well you might just have to scrap whats in flower.
I tried fungal gnat predators once.... no noticed effect, still had gnats but I felt empowered knowing that at least I unoeashed hell on some of their larva
I hvae read so much bullshit on mites... cover your floor in salt?! wtf! have you seen them move? they are slower than all fucking hell. I think they float around through the air.. and they can grab on to shit. they also have a hibernating mode. they are incredible creatures
i think ive tried just about everything on those bastards. foggers, sprays, bti granules/mosquito dunks, predators, everything. even azamax only keeps them at bay. i havent found one thing that will completely kill them yet (except scrapping and starting over, and that will not be happening)

all because i tried to save a pepper plant from the winter 2 years ago. i have learned to live with them, they do no real damage, and are just a minor annoyance at this point. i am sick of being defeated by them though, its this never ending war that i can NOT win. it sucks.

yay gnats!
Fluoromite or however you spell it. The old Avid as well. When you need things to die organophosphates are generally extremely effective.