Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
The Girl Scout Cookies x Puna Budder is great..never got that much of it but it's top shelf. I was burping up cookie flavors hours after smoking a pre cured joint. The flavor really coats your mouth, and leaves you feeling like you can take on the world. I forgot about a nice GSC leaning male but caught him early before he was about to have a splooge fest.


Well-Known Member
Hey Coot, you been following the rols guys? Been reading Cootz for years, he and gascanstan just started a new website....invocation and all those guys are there. I've been reusing my soil for the past year....


Well-Known Member
Hey Spliffer, how you? Seen Puna lately? Tell him I said hi. Yeah, got 3 pb x gsc from Greenhorns and 2 are pretty nice....one is keeper, I put pics up tomorow....what all you testing right now?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I took a crack at the ROLS, still use some of the methods in my garden..Always changing it up though no run is the same. I want to do outdoor anaerobic hydroponics..or make some global buckets though. That would be the shit.


Well-Known Member
Hey Coot, you been following the rols guys? Been reading Cootz for years, he and gascanstan just started a new website....invocation and all those guys are there. I've been reusing my soil for the past year....

hey bro. can you get me an invite to that site? I heard you gotta have an invitation to join. Let em' know I want in!


Well-Known Member
Sweet find Surfd, I've been following along Cootz and the gang for a little more than a year also. Due to location constraints (that were recently resolved) I was not able to cultivate everyones favorite plant in it, but I have a 30gal smart pot that hasn't been disturbed for a year and a half now. Quality of growth (and even speed, in some cases) have dramatically improved as I've grown all kinds of veggies, etc. Here is a volunteer cherry tomato that my lovely fiancee wouldn't have me cut down for my own purposes:
Just finished harvesting all kind green beans from this same pot last week, they were all chopped and eaten before I took pics... Sorry :lol:. Also, all the organic matter from the bean plants were just dropped on the surface of the soil and none of it remains (except a couple stems) a week later.

I recommend going to eye-c-mag and looking up ROLS and organic living soil to anyone who hasn't already. They've helped me break through the ignorance.


Well-Known Member
Aloha Hilo, how is the new place? Did you handle the albizias? Stoked on your organic trip, growing food is the key. I hope im your neighbor one day..


Well-Known Member
Hey Coot, you been following the rols guys? Been reading Cootz for years, he and gascanstan just started a new website....invocation and all those guys are there. I've been reusing my soil for the past year....
I've recycled soil in the past with great success, but these days all my spent soil gets tossed in my garden, so i guess that's a yes and no...lol I've had better results using my integrated soil. My base soil is all organic and when the organic soil can't keep up with the demands of the plant they get a douching of balanced salts...lol. I still swear by FF Marine Cuisine, i know it has some nasties in it, but once the plant has been harvested I've brewed up the spent soil containing salts,and the FF MC... it bubbles right up and it's a live and productive......it's the best of both worlds approach


Well-Known Member
hey bro. can you get me an invite to that site? I heard you gotta have an invitation to join. Let em' know I want in!
Let me find out, I'm not sure how the invite thing works over there.

Riddlem is a killer site no trolling and a majority of the members understand how to grow a plant, You'd fit right in Brother Wheez!


Well-Known Member
They came pre crushed that's why I think he should put them in crush proof instead of little ziplocs. They most likely got smashed on the way over here but still...some valuable genetics that got crushed don't cha think?