Doc's laboratory


Well-Known Member
in flower i have
Ken's GDP
R.P. OG Kush
R.P. Purple Wreck
Seedsman Purple Bud
Pos. Black Widow
W.O.S. NL/SK last run
H.S.O. Sour D. #2 last run

in veg i have my mothers one stud

next to flower is my crosses

20 OG #2 X B.A. ( my male Blue Dream X ? ) Alligator Kush f1

4 OG #1 X B.A.

1 OG #1 X GDP

2 Super Ch. X B.A.

a bunch of my OG kush, and GDP cutings

i have seeds coming now and like1,000,000 in my hands as we speak. look back and i have some pics of them there are way to many to list


Awesome room! I love the passive heat-ventilation, heat rises!.. You got a lot of nice looking gals under what single lamp. :weed:

Sorry if I missed it, but what breed is the mom? It looks a hell of a lot like Cherry Pie.! some sort of OG ?
I saw somebody growing with vertical lights using 400 watt induction lights. He was growing vertically with light movers. We compared the induction light compared to the t-5s. The induction lights were way better than the T 5s. It seems like you lose alot of lumens when you use the t 5s. Those black carbon deposits on the end of the t 5 bulbs loses efficiency. I heard those induction lights last for 100,000 hrs. I am going to get one of these induction lights and give it a trial test against the t 5s to see the difference myself.


Well-Known Member
I saw somebody growing with vertical lights using 400 watt induction lights. He was growing vertically with light movers. We compared the induction light compared to the t-5s. The induction lights were way better than the T 5s. It seems like you lose alot of lumens when you use the t 5s. Those black carbon deposits on the end of the t 5 bulbs loses efficiency. I heard those induction lights last for 100,000 hrs. I am going to get one of these induction lights and give it a trial test against the t 5s to see the difference myself.
no i have been looking at it my self.


Well-Known Member
Week 5[video=youtube;YONZQHT-FpU][/video]


Well-Known Member
in flower i have
Ken's GDP
R.P. OG Kush
R.P. Purple Wreck
Seedsman Purple Bud how is that one i had a pack but gave it to my popps got any pics??
Pos. Black Widow
W.O.S. NL/SK last run
H.S.O. Sour D. #2 last run

in veg i have my mothers one stud

next to flower is my crosses

20 OG #2 X B.A. ( my male Blue Dream X ? ) Alligator Kush f1

4 OG #1 X B.A.

1 OG #1 X GDP

2 Super Ch. X B.A.

a bunch of my OG kush, and GDP cutings

i have seeds coming now and like1,000,000 in my hands as we speak. look back and i have some pics of them there are way to many to list

how u like the seedsman purp. i popped a few last year and only got males. so i crossed a it with Recon from DNA... and my dad has all thos beans now.. i hope he finds a keeper out of it but was curious as to how the seedsman turned out for you an if you like it how would you rate it 1/10???


Well-Known Member
I was not a big fan so far. I had 2 W.W. That is supposed to be good both of mine sprouted with rings on the tap root like a ring shank nail they poped the dirt and would not do anything. The purple bud I had a few that had the claw bad one is in flower now. The other two are descent so far will know more when I smoke it, but two for 12 is now the odds I wanted.

ricot check jigs grow out it is working pretty damn good. I want a room like that for production and one for running seed for my breeding protects.

supposed to have some extra seeds in my package when it gets here thanks to a kind fairy. Some cherry puff ( cherry pie X og )

i would like to add my #4 PB started to smell like cheese. then sour milk, and now a skunk's ass hole:lol:


Well-Known Member
Wow, cherry puff sounds like an amazing cross..
And jigs tubes are definitely efficient and lush as hell.


Well-Known Member
Jad nice to have you. hang out and we will work with you and get your grow right man. how often do you water and what kind of mix where you using. it looked loose but the pants looked like they had some root rot or something never could put my finger on it. what kind of water an fert also.
Thanks man! I'm using Advanced Hydroponics of Holland Nutes, and Natural Power Additives (both are Dutch Formula products). I water when dry or near dry. Nutes every other week or so, depending on medium.
Lot's things went wrong with my grow. I'm hoping for smoother sailing next time around. Thanks for the support!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! I'm using Advanced Hydroponics of Holland Nutes, and Natural Power Additives (both are Dutch Formula products). I water when dry or near dry. Nutes every other week or so, depending on medium.
Lot's things went wrong with my grow. I'm hoping for smoother sailing next time around. Thanks for the support!
well good luck there is a lot of good info on here. you have any thing going yet? i would check in to a organic grow it is hard to go wrong in soil.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
hey d81, have you ever thought of trading your 600 for a 1000 watter? seems like it would be perfect for your area, or is heat a prob.?


Well-Known Member
i grew my first plant in GA 17 years ago now. Been patchy though but it is always there. i have space to breed now which is very nice. i cant wait till harvest and my first work will go in.