We do grow in HS


Active Member
i was think along the lines of bright white sterile environment, hospital-like, which is not my ideal place to be when feeling like that.


Well-Known Member
Bright white lights suck..I'm getting ready to replace all my mylar with orca film..in fact I gotta go se about that now..


Well-Known Member
How are feminized seeds created? If a plant hermies and has a few seeds here and there and pollen dicks then it can pollinate another plant, right? Well what good would hermying do if it can't also create male seeds? You see my logic here... a plant stresses and throws out seeds to reproduce itself... well would it not also call for male seeds to? I understand plants don't think but from a evolutionary stand point it only makes sense if the hermy pollinated other females with male and female seeds...

im high


Well-Known Member
Greensummit, please please post a follow up on our discussion.... I will be so happy for you if it works out


Well-Known Member
I have always wanted to try peyote. I hear it offers more than just mescaline. The other alkaloids bring a different angle....I want to try it with a full on religious ceremony some day too. I am not religious but I have sat through enough protestant churches in my day... i should offer up my respect for the Native American Church.... It is not a very pleasant experience from what I have seen and read. You are suppose to sit up straight in a crossed legged position for a very long period of time staring into a fire and passing around tobacco. then the leader of the ceremony beats a drum and tells stories.... tobacco and mescaline are good friends ...unfortunately I quit smoking though


Well-Known Member
really shitty i phone pics... I want a real camera some day


you can still kinda see the balls. and the dicks are coming through...they are a yellow greenish color for those of you lucky enough to have never seen one


Well-Known Member
Yea those are males..sorry bro!!
I've been looking into the polination of a flower with a female pollen..all I see are suggestions its a last ditch effort to continue the species,since males have millions of chances to continue with the pollen,and females a lot more limited reproduction,if left in a stressful environment t or sometimes from not being polinated at all,the female will produce hermie flowers to continue the species.through this a usually female seeed is produced since the female is the birth of so many seeds potentially


Well-Known Member
And feminized seeds can be made through this oor using colloidial silver..and another spray but I forget its name...


Well-Known Member
Silver will prevent the plant from binding ethylene and make it unable to form female flowers so it will default to forming male ones. Apparently males can be treated with ethylene to cause them to produce female flowers.
edit: i don't trust fems made by stressing the "father" into producing male parts by means other than silver. I know my girls will never run into silver accidentally.


Well-Known Member
Chopping down my Green Poison in about 10 mins.

Got a 6-pack of Founder's All Day IPA, NYE 95 at MSG playing, and the greatest Christmas movie of all time, Jingle all the Way on in the background.

Also it's in the single digits tonight so definitely a good stay in night lol.


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome dutch! I'm on the way to plant about 40 more,harvest a few,plant some seeds,feed and water both rooms and put up orca film! I'm gonna be busy tonight!...but,I should also be coming home with a fair amount of good buds also..then ill haver your stoner norman rockwell moment!!
Congrats on your harvest!!


Well-Known Member
Oh and my friend sent me a present (conveniently) of a wooden kief-box with the screens and mirrored bottom. Anyone have any experience with these? Should I use dry ice?




Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome dutch! I'm on the way to plant about 40 more,harvest a few,plant some seeds,feed and water both rooms and put up orca film! I'm gonna be busy tonight!...but,I should also be coming home with a fair amount of good buds also..then ill haver your stoner norman rockwell moment!!
Congrats on your harvest!!

Haha thanks man! Should be a fun if hazy night!


Well-Known Member
Silver will prevent the plant from binding ethylene and make it unable to form female flowers so it will default to forming male ones. Apparently males can be treated with ethylene to cause them to produce female flowers.
edit: i don't trust fems made by stressing the "father" into producing male parts by means other than silver. I know my girls will never run into silver accidentally.
so theoretically if you treated an entire male plant with ethylene you could reap a decent harvest of female buds from the plant? interesting...i can't help but think that is too good to be true lol.


Well-Known Member
Finally finished up so here's the pics:

Heres my most impressive bud off this plant. Also that's not a Black Kenny Powers in the background, but Shaggy, from the 90's hit "It Wasn't Me". That's apparently what he looks like now lol.


Last 2 are final yield which is not very impressive looking but I can attest to the rock-hard density. Plus Im planning on doing a large hash run this cycle so I put a fair amount of bud into the trim bag.



Well-Known Member
so theoretically if you treated an entire male plant with ethylene you could reap a decent harvest of female buds from the plant? interesting...i can't help but think that is too good to be true lol.
I think that's true, just not feasible really (unless you want to pay for tanks of ethylene) but it does beg the question of whether or not adding bananas to your room could possibly help reduce hermies. Bananas off-gas a lot of ethylene so the theory is there. I personally won't because of the fruit flies but maybe it is plausible?

Plus the amount of time you'd have to spend trying to change sex on the plant is for sure going to end in severely reduced yields. Makes me wish cannabis wasn't a Schedule 1. All sorts of crazy experiments could be tried out in standardized labs then.


Well-Known Member
so theoretically if you treated an entire male plant with ethylene you could reap a decent harvest of female buds from the plant? interesting...i can't help but think that is too good to be true lol.
In theory but to get almost completely female flowers you need a lot of ethylene and the total number of flowers is greatly reduced. Neville used it to help select males in the 80s. I'd rather reverse females that I know are good to try the seeds.


Well-Known Member
I use to think that having a perfect canopy was the optimal way to grow. Like a Screen of Green. You want all your colas uniformed and in rows. ...is how I use to think of a perfect grow..... But I am having some revelations here in thinking about lighting, reflection, and space. I think less plants per light is better. NO more than 3 per 600w. And it has much less to do with having colas in a row and much more to do with light reflection and use of space. You need panels for each side of the plant to keep light from 'splashing' out of the area.. ... I am getting some really nicely developed lower bud sites this grow. I think it is much more important to have as many leaves as possible getting as much light as possible. That does not equate to having rows of colas in a scr og but more like have plants spaced and reflector panels.
The light has to be reflected in order for the plants to get it anyways. Ironically all the best hoods have the worst reflective material for light...that metal shit with the bubbles.... (someone ought to figure out how to get Orca reflective hoods and then you will be in business!)...

anyways... just a few thoughts this morning.... I think you can get really dense, fat colas low on the plant... it has to do with the leaf light exposure and not the colas at all. so therefor a scrog is a useless gimic according to this logic


Well-Known Member
Orca film is great!! My flower room is so bright now!! I'm actually gonna spring for new lightbulbs a month early!!
Nice buds dutch! I didn't get to pull any down last night but I have a couple purplr hazes that are frosty,dense,and looks like they took a lot of viagra!! Big donkey dicks!..can't wait..
5 outta 6 kali mist seeds popped..and I stuck some oldschool strain in the dirt also to pop..I'm gonna call it the 'vermontster' since its a local vermont strain that reported to be crazy good!! I'm excited about that..
Imp all my plants are different sizes and different amounts of plants under the lights..I don't raise or lower my lights..I instead circle the footprint with the taller ones and put the small ones in the center..and I rotate em all around every watering..they all grow straight and all the buds are nice..some people combo your theory..one plant per light..just trained to use the most light..I wanna get a good harvest in and use one light to take care of one plant..see what my yeild will be then..it'd be hard for me to turn 2 harvests a month then..lol..I feel it'd all equal out to the same amount just different amolunts of time between harvests..