Have you ever traded weed for sex?


Well-Known Member
Put another hundred with that & you can get a half pound here,not dirt weed either but excellent smoke.
I've paid cheap prices to for good smoke.
It all matters on what part of country you are in.
Where I live, There's alot of people who smoke but very few growers. The ones that do grow, sell dirt weed for insane prices because they know that if you don't want to pay their prices, someone else will.

With gas prices as high as they are, The people around here won't drive somewhere else to get it. To drive somewhere else to get decent smoke for pretty fair prices you would have to drive 150-200 miles one way.

I'm not a dealer, but I could easily make some decent money around here. But around here, word travels fast. With what I'm growing, it's going to be for my own personal use.
I make decent money already with my business, I don't want to fuck that up just to make few extra bucks.