Help me friens. How long does the seed take to come up throught the dirt?


New Member
so I planted my four seeds some two days ago in the best looking ground dirt I could find in my backyard in cups with holes. my question is as follow. How long does it take to break earh? thanks:blsmoke::roll::lol:
Given optimal conditions, couple days to a week, depends on the seed and how far deep you planted them.

They grow slower when you are looking at them :)
ok ill dig them back out and use a ruler to make 1-4 inch or what is this in millimetres or centermetres?
id "till up " the top 1/2 inch of soil with a pencil very, very carefully. If a saw a seed head while "tilling", id pack in around it but otherwise, try to free up the top soil to make it easier for the ceeds to break ground

perhaps dump off a little top soil if your successful in not finding your ceeds. try putting the soil on a white paper then sifting it around under a light to look for the ceed just in case

for reference 1cm is about half an inch, so you want it anywhere from 1/2-1cm down.
more precisely 1cm is about .4 inches
in the future use a new pencil eraser. poke just the rubber part into the soil add seed then cover. works for me. just my nickels worth (only worth a penny now. LOL)
If they were just planted 2 days ago then I agree that removing about 1/2" is a good idea particularly in light of the fact that you used common dirt to start them in. Keep them in a warm place perhaps in a window, keep them moist (not wet) and hope they sprout. In the future and at transplant make a small investment in a 2 cu ft bag of good potting soil (12-20 dollars) and you will be well rewarded. Good luck and keep us posted on your setup and progress. You may get some snarky comments but most will offer advice and opinions in a friendly community atmosphere. ( Right Guys and Gals ? :peace: ) Have a great day, Larry
For the future,,,,,Get yourself a "seedling" heat mat. Take a couple of paper towels and get them wet (not so the water is running out of them - squeeze out excess) Fold them so they will fit in a small butter tub. Place them in the tub and open the fold to half way your seeds in there and close the fold to cover the seeds. Put the top on the butter tub. Now place that on the plugged in and running seedling 24 -48 hr you will have popped seeds - place the popped seeds into your media with the little root pointing DOWN ,,,,, 1/4 INCH,,,, = 6.35 millimeter or .635 centimeter deep and lightly water with pH corrected water.......viola,,,your growing.
For the future,,,,,Get yourself a "seedling" heat mat. Take a couple of paper towels and get them wet (not so the water is running out of them - squeeze out excess) Fold them so they will fit in a small butter tub. Place them in the tub and open the fold to half way your seeds in there and close the fold to cover the seeds. Put the top on the butter tub. Now place that on the plugged in and running seedling 24 -48 hr you will have popped seeds - place the popped seeds into your media with the little root pointing DOWN ,,,,, 1/4 INCH,,,, = 6.35 millimeter or .635 centimeter deep and lightly water with pH corrected water.......viola,,,your growing.

Don't you need some sort of thermostat to regulate the heating mats temp? I bought a mat when I first started growing and fried all my clones. It was a big expense for me to get the mat to begin with, I should have bought soil or nutes instead, so I never justified spending even more money on what killed my plants, on a heat control, so I never used the mat again.
Seedling mats are temp regulated but you dont need one. I have one and never use it any more. I germinate in a paper towel in a sealed tupperware bowl. Takes appr 48 hours to pop then i plant them.
The best advice I ever got was to use the paper towel method after a 24 hour soak. Then ( this is the important part), have your media pre watered. Place the seed taproot down almost totally above ground ( except the root), and sprinkle about one quarter. Inch of soil over the seed. Do not pack the soil!!! A big newbie mistake is to plant too deep. This works perfect for me. I rarely have a seed that will not germ, and they always ...always sprout. Good luck. Peace and be kind.
ok I pulled them all ot and did the snad paper trick thaty I read here where I rubbed the 180gritted paper all ov er them and then put them in a querater of an inch inthe metric term back to fully germate
so I planted my four seeds some two days ago in the best looking ground dirt I could find in my backyard in cups with holes. my question is as follow. How long does it take to break earh? thanks:blsmoke::roll::lol:
Im a nob. But i belive you shouldnt use outdoor dirt. Too many bugs n whatnot. Not sure tho.
ok I pulled them all ot and did the snad paper trick thaty I read here where I rubbed the 180gritted paper all ov er them and then put them in a querater of an inch inthe metric term back to fully germate
dude that poor seed is never going to see the light of day, and if it does you are to over thinking this.
Took mine 2 days to pop up through soil after using paper towel method. The trick is if you keep your self busy and forget they pop up even quicker
Germinating in soil is fine.

People just like to complicate things.

Soak seeds in glass of water for 24hrs.

Put seed in raising mix (it'll sprout 98%)