

Well-Known Member
My buddy had a friend call for some dank( black feller) I didnt no him but he called my phone( prepaid no name luckly) I told him you sell it I dont no him you do. So he said alright so I gave my friend a qp and oz and my cell phone I am in my infiniti backed up between 2 box trucks my buddy pukks up in the parking lot.(1st redflag he was in no car standing there by himself in a shopping center back parking lot with a walkway path to get back to front parking lot. Anyways he walks up to my friend my friend shows him the dank the black boy punches him he falls to the ground and takes off running thru the cut. I dropoed my car into 1st and hammered in aroubd the building he was getting into a junky camry. They get on folly rd a main rd. And I pull up next to them they look at me(they have never seen me yes 2 of them the get away driver and the gangster) I put my window down picked up my gun and started shooting while driving. I blew out both passanger windows instanly ran out a hole clip 45 caliber rounds 8 In the clip. They hit the brakes and go into a neighborhood. They threw the whole bag of weed out. I stopoed got it. I hammered my car to the floor ran them back down and Started shooting again. They then shot back at me. The emptied there gun and then I charged. I blew out the rear window a front tire rear tire hole in gas tank and many more. They called my phone crying and begging for there life and In the back ground you here me shooting. I put 24 rounds into there car I tried killing them. After that I w
Quickly parked my car in a garage and left it for 4 months. Police were called it was on the news for any info leading to the arrest of a gunman in a car shooting multiple shots in a neighborhood. They had a real basic descript of my car.. but said it was a maxima. I got lucky on this. True story no lie

I'd still delete that if I were you. Just trying to help.

Nether Region

Well-Known Member
The roads were icy today and I was a bit distracted so when a minivan pulled out in front of me I couldn't stop in time. I t-boned this minivan pretty good with my truck and could see the driver fly around in the van because he wasn't wearing his seat belt, his cowboy hat flew off too. It was kind of funny because it happened in slow motion to me. I pulled over and checked on him. He was talking Spanish and didn't speak any English, but I asked him for his insurance. He either did not know what I was saying, or acted like it because he didn't have any. He was holding his arm and kind of motioning like he was hurt. It was all starting to stink so I looked back at my truck and didn't see any damage. He was starting to yell and act really hurt, like maybe a lawyer would drive by. I figured he was illegal and shouldn't of been driving anyway, so I got back in my truck and drove away. The look on his face was priceless.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why but every woman i see, i imagine sex with briefly. Even sometimes family, its weird, like my subconscious thinks of shit my conscious mind is sickened by... Makes me wonder how much control i really have over my mind, and i often times think of horrible things, and other times i have nightmares about horrible things. I feel I'm constantly subjected to mental torment by my subconscious.


Well-Known Member
^ also note, im appalled at the thought of cheating, and dont masturbate often, and im a faithful mate with a healthy sex life.


Well-Known Member
The roads were icy today and I was a bit distracted so when a minivan pulled out in front of me I couldn't stop in time. I t-boned this minivan pretty good with my truck and could see the driver fly around in the van because he wasn't wearing his seat belt, his cowboy hat flew off too. It was kind of funny because it happened in slow motion to me. I pulled over and checked on him. He was talking Spanish and didn't speak any English, but I asked him for his insurance. He either did not know what I was saying, or acted like it because he didn't have any. He was holding his arm and kind of motioning like he was hurt. It was all starting to stink so I looked back at my truck and didn't see any damage. He was starting to yell and act really hurt, like maybe a lawyer would drive by. I figured he was illegal and shouldn't of been driving anyway, so I got back in my truck and drove away. The look on his face was priceless.
lmfao, hope he learned not to pull out infront of people in shit conditions.


Well-Known Member
I don't know why but every woman i see, i imagine sex with briefly. Even sometimes family, its weird, like my subconscious thinks of shit my conscious mind is sickened by... Makes me wonder how much control i really have over my mind, and i often times think of horrible things, and other times i have nightmares about horrible things. I feel I'm constantly subjected to mental torment by my subconscious.
I posted earlier in the thread something really similar... I think about having sex with my 75 yr old professors, people I'm disgusted by, etc. I can't help it. Half the time I psyche myself out and create my own anxiety issues by thinking about really disturbing things... though not usually fucking people, lol I usually have to laugh at myself for that because it's so weird. But one thing I'm terrified of is paper cuts, to a retardedly abnormal degree... if I think about a paper cut (like right now haha), I ALWAYS just think about getting paper cuts in the worst place... my eye, my nipple, my vajayjay... fucking terrible!!


Well-Known Member
I posted earlier in the thread something really similar... I think about having sex with my 75 yr old professors, people I'm disgusted by, etc. I can't help it. Half the time I psyche myself out and create my own anxiety issues by thinking about really disturbing things... though not usually fucking people, lol I usually have to laugh at myself for that because it's so weird. But one thing I'm terrified of is paper cuts, to a retardedly abnormal degree... if I think about a paper cut (like right now haha), I ALWAYS just think about getting paper cuts in the worst place... my eye, my nipple, my vajayjay... fucking terrible!!

i hope you picture sex with these guys.. let us know how that image feels...