

Well-Known Member
i forgot who wrote but they said somethn like i had to put that niggerish in translate lol it was goof tho but kinda racist lol


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Staff member
yeah i love my fam that are addicted too. but i hope they can get help
It's as if they're bodies are held hostage by that shit & I didn't even know them while using.
Once clean they both tell me they remember next to nothing. Years worth !
And now both are looking at quite a few more "in".
Fuck that shit !


Well-Known Member
Meth is bad ummmmkay. Since you are high why not go to a porn site and beat off for 6 hours instead of telling the world your now another scrap collector/air conditioner thief.
NICE! I just had a tweaker steal an axle and chain I clip my housedogs on when i let them out to go pee last week. Opened my gate to the back yard to get it. Tweaker dropped his keys in the axle hole on the way out. Cop I handed the keys to laughed and said "I know who it is, kiss your axle goodbye, it's scrapped". Then gave me his name and showed me a photo. If the creature wasn't so poisonous I'd track him down and use him for fertilizer.


Well-Known Member shoud solvent extract his whole blood stream and sell him back his
I grew up in the land of "Winters Bone" for a time. I was think more like setting up a shotgun booby trap but with a paintballgun instead; replace the paintball with an India ink/DMSO ball. Stain the fucker through to the muscle tissue long term.:twisted:


Well-Known Member
Haha..we played paintball roulette in highschool..freeze like 5 paintballs and put em into the gun hopper..never know when you're gonna get hit with a rock!!lol


Well-Known Member
back in like 6 7 8th grade we use to have battles with frozen paintballs in the guns man that shit would hurt but was fun at the same time
i remember one time we unloaded on a bum that that was tryng to attack our friend it was crazy


Well-Known Member
You can out run need to hurt
This one kid jason got hit in the arm and it took flesh out his forearm..literally in was a concave chunk someone scooped out half a paintball from his arm..that's when we stopped..


Well-Known Member
dam thats crazy lol we nver got hurt like that but we get really deep bruises
lol yeah we could have out ran him but this was like a daily thing hed was fuck with us alot when wed be doin trick on our bikes n shit


Well-Known Member
Back in the day I took one in the neck during play about 2 hours into a game in Feb. in Missouri. This was theearly days pre masks just goggles:o


Well-Known Member
i never went to an actual paint ball place always in alleys or backyards or abandoned houses ha ha those were my favorite


Active Member
I grew up in the land of "Winters Bone" for a time. I was think more like setting up a shotgun booby trap but with a paintballgun instead; replace the paintball with an India ink/DMSO ball. Stain the fucker through to the muscle tissue long term.:twisted:
This is so sad,,,i like how you think