Wakin Bacon Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
I had read the sugar leaves develop faster then the buds generally speaking, but that post was no where near as well put together as the one you linked :) Good read, thanks for that.

and the rep+ thanks for that too :) I've got a thread with my current grow, I don't update it too much, but would love if you stopped by :)

Your plants look great, you will have some nice smoke.


Well-Known Member
I never new about this, good bit of info. :)
I haven't had a microscope yet so I never really thought about it......

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
On week 8 now and the ladies are really starting to use their stored up nutrients. The WW has significant yellowing at this point as expected. The NL is starting to show a little bit of yellowing. The WW clone hasn't changed at all. The WW clone has been getting the recommended feeding from General Hydroponics and is prolly gonna take a little longer to flush her. Totally worth it though cause she is just a monster.

I feel like I am taking a gamble by flushing my plants now and hoping for the trichomes to change before the plants totally die, but I think it's better this way. Don't ask me why, but I just feel that it will be a better smoke if done this way.

Let someone borrow my camera so no bud porn today. I can't wait to chop this stuff down!

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Playing the waiting game now. Friday will be the end of week 8 so I am still keeping an eye on the trichcomes and running ph'd water til harvest. Getting my area all set up for trimming and drying. Trying to keep the plants all separate so I can see exactly how each plant did when it comes down to dried weight. I am gonna say 3 ounces for the NL, 2.5 ounces from the WW clone, and 11 ounces from the WW. About 1 pound of personal smoke is my guess.

Day 58:

WW flushing right along.


NL getting ripe. Should really start yellow up and drop some leaves in the next few days.


WW clone is just a miniature monster. I love how evenly it grew and packed on some serious weight for such a short plant. Those buds are fuckin nice!


I wonder if these ladies have one last swell in them???


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Only have two more days on the NL until 8 weeks of 12/12 is up. So Friday is what the info from the breeder says, but the trichomes don't lie. The flowers weren't really noticeable until about 8-10 days into flowering, so the way I see it, that's when flowering started. So I just add those days onto my original 8 weeks. So, the middle of week 9 is when the NL will most likely be ready to come down. I am about to check the trichomes in a minute, though. If she's ready, she's ready.

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Starting tonight I am dropping the temps and the humidity during lights out period until harvest. Gonna shoot for 30-35% on humidity and 60-65 on the temps. I am hoping it makes em extra frosty.

I thought the buds kinda slowed down their growth a good bit, but when I started moving shit around I noticed they've actually gotten heavier. So those suckers are really dense and super sticky. The buds that are directly under the MH appear to be fluffier, frostier, and sticker than the ones directly under the HPS, but are still heavy despite looking fluffier. These trichomes need to hurry up and change! :weed:

Day 61:


Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Harvested on the 16th which was day 65. They could've gone another 3-7 days for sure, but I had some other shit to do so I harvested. Everything is curing in their jars after drying for about 7 days. So this ended up being Christmas bud after all. Santa brought me 13.8 ounces of WW, 3 ounces of WWC, and 3 ounces of NL. Just under 20 ounces of trimmed bud! Or, 1.2 pounds! Or, 560 grams! If I would have harvested the WW twice as originally planned, those numbers would be a good bit bigger. Definitely happy with how my first grow turned out, but I gotta make a list of things I can improve on so I can dial it in even more for next go round. I still get to make bubble hash tonight once the rest of the trimmings freeze up real good. Tomorrow when I burp the jars I'll post some pics of the goods. I thought about making a cool merry christmas pic with some bud, but said fuck that. After trimming all of it by myself the only thing I wanted to do with it was SMOKE IT! :eyesmoke:

Wakin Bacon

Active Member
Well, probably won't be posting here anymore since things are all wrapped up. Was gonna post a pic of everything all jarred up, but da fuck is the point? It was cool learning to grow some bud and knowing I will prolly never pay for weed again. EVER! Oh, and if some random person stumbles across this stoned one day cause they are thinking about growing DWC but are having second thoughts cause they're scared they are gonna fuck up cause it's hydro and blah blah blah....just fucking do it, it's not hard. If you're new and need some help with something, just hit me up. I'll be lurkin til the next time the bloom room is in action. PEACE :eyesmoke: