ok here's my situation. ...


DAMN!!...I'm surprised that Mr Veg posted the photo I sent him when he was in jail. He told me he needed some Jack-off pictures...Alex


Well-Known Member

I have never taken an opiate, but no one has made me want to shoot up something more than Alex. He is the worst argument for being clean that I have ever read.


There are also misspelling in the Constitution & the Declaration of Independence.Does that nullify their Supreme importance? It's a rhetorical Question. One a person/s (Your) argument is of little substance & validity, then they quickly resort to the lowest common denominator, which in your case would be pointing out spelling errors. A feeble attempt and effort on your part, which is in keeping with your limited resourcefulness...Alex


Yeah I know......smart guy huh???.....haha
With your loooong, exhaustive history of Horrendous life choices,actions, decisions, you have the unmitigated nerve to question my intelligence? The precarious foundation from which you preach is decayed & crumbling from beneath your soiled feet.Have you considered Laser removal?...Alex


Well-Known Member
Cunt has an acronymn also. Can't understand normal thinking..
And I believe I allready told alex to eat a dick...he is no longer alex..he shall be reffered to as 'cock breath' from now on...


Cunt has an acronymn also. Can't understand normal thinking..
And I believe I allready told alex to eat a dick...he is no longer alex..he shall be reffered to as 'cock breath' from now on...
I could also be disparaging to you Rory, but you spent 3 years in Oklahoma, you've been punished enough...Alex


Cunt has an acronymn also. Can't understand normal thinking..
And I believe I allready told alex to eat a dick...he is no longer alex..he shall be reffered to as 'cock breath' from now on...
Prick also has an Acronym . Pussy Rory is Cockhold King...Alex


Can a mod just lock this catastrophe now?
OHHHH, put your "Big Boy Pants ON"...a mod has already posted in this thread, I believe he enjoys the good-nature sparring...Alex

  • 12-10-2013, 10:47 AM

    ModeratorMr. Ganja
    Join DateDec 2008
    Locationroom 237 @ overlook hotel ..Posts21,171


    Originally Posted by Sticky Lungs
    wow, 19 pages of worthless insults. I'm sure this thread will be closed soon. Ha!

    You must be new here on riu, I see you're a bit green around the horns still..

    rory420420 likes this.


    Originally Posted by timeismoney1
    nah bro your still young!! keep doing drugs!! your not dead yet



Well-Known Member
There's good-nature sparring and pointless spam threads. This falls into the latter category and hasn't had anything useful in it for 20 pages. There's already an OT thread in HS "don't dominate the rap game" specifically meant for things like that. Lets try and not flood the board with meaningless crap.


Well-Known Member
Wtf is a cockhold?..
You should resort to calling me a 'doody head' or 'poo poo face'..those at least make sense..you're really reaching..and racer commented because he likes to laugh..at trolls..


Well-Known Member
Wtf is a cockhold?.. Reply With Quote
You should resort to calling me a 'doody head' or 'poo poo face'..those at least make sense..you're really reaching..and racer commented because he likes to laugh..at trolls..
My guess is he meant to say "cuckold" but I honestly kinda like "cockhold". "Some fucking cockhold try to rip me off on a bag last night." or "Some fucking cockhold keeps spamming threads." has a nice ring to it.


Wtf is a cockhold?..
You should resort to calling me a 'doody head' or 'poo poo face'..those at least make sense..you're really reaching..and racer commented because he likes to laugh..at trolls..
Simple Google search will tell you...It's a BDSM term...Alex