ok here's my situation. ...

E.a.t. a. D.i.c.k....
There.. spelled properly...
Thanks duck..you know I can't spell..lol(weird since my english degree says otherwise..hehe)
It's cool. I suck at spelling as well. When we had to take those standardized tests in school I would be in the 99th %ile for everything but spelling where I was usually somewhere in the 20s. Damned dyslexia and lack of consistent rules for spelling in English.
Penmanship was my failing point, then these boxes with keyboards showed up everywhere, said "enter opinion here" so I did!

Love at first type
just put that self righteous piece of shit on ignore Vega. Pathetic motherfucker has to make fun of other peoples problems just to feel good about himself. Fucking sociopath!
just put that self righteous piece of shit on ignore Vega. Pathetic motherfucker has to make fun of other peoples problems just to feel good about himself. Fucking sociopath!
He's not botherin me bro.....I kinda get a kick out of his sorry ass....
I DON'T play internet "Tough Guy", although I'd gladly accept a personal meeting to discuss our differences...you ever make it out to the San Francisco Bay Area?,,can your truck make it more than 10 miles prior to breaking down?...Alex
Gimmie a fkn break man...ha...
I don't have any "differences" w u man....I mean u really think I give two fucks what ur sayin bro?...are u that fuckin stupid for real?....bro I've got more pussy and had more fun than ur goofy ass could even dream of...yeah drugs have their consequences but they have they're perks too....I promise u that some dorky motherfkr on the marijuana facebook runnin his fingers tryin to use big words to impress ppl has zero affect on any of my thoughts or actions WHATSOEVER....other than I may say somthin here n there simply to amuse myself.....but keep goin man....ur makin an awesome rep for urself....

I live in the real world bro....this is entertainment for me while I'm at work bored....that's it
HEY vega, I'm worried about you, appears you receptacle is ungrounded. Who did your tattoo, a blind, drunk guy tattooing on a roller coaster?!...Alex

Your feeble attempts at personal attacks are getting weaker and weaker...
Alex Alex Alex Alex Alex.....Alex....

I am opiated Alex....Alex

Alex Alex.......Alex.....hahaha......
Nah I got that in prison bro.....love to see u there someday...:)
TOO SMART for prison & RICH enough for the best attorney to have on retainer. You really are a "Train Wreck"...addiction, incarceration, relationship problems, lousy jailhouse ink, etc,etc,...Alex