Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
wonder what the thief will leave me tonight..... really would like a new smart phone..

thing is pretty new too.. blade is not dull and has not been sharpened..



New Member
so the newly hired guy at work got caught "borrowing" the boss's truck.He used it all weekend.He brought it back smelling like whiskey,bad.The guy has no license from DUI.We gave him a job as a laborer and a cabin to live in.Even though he can't even drive to Napa.
It sucks for me b/c its a nice truck that we got to use for parts run or whatever.Now it sits there locked up tight


Well-Known Member
You two would be a really cute couple... Just sayin. And if there is ever a wedding I better get an invite :eyesmoke: edit. 2000th post. Epic :bigjoint:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
YouwhoOOOoooooo Do that whole youauau part from TOnight I'm loving you while listening to radioactive. Fricking Amazing.

Lynsey Stirling is pretty amazing too.



Staff member
[video=youtube;gqhUM_UilnQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqhUM_UilnQ&list=PLC1E132C3A398188F[/video] my most fav song ever


Well-Known Member
Why is the thief leaving you gifts? Isn't that, like, the opposite of a thief?
well it was more of a trade.. post earlier in the day some guy went thru my car.. took 1/2 a cig that was probably very stale.. and left this as payment I assume..

fair trade In my book... wonder what if I put half a J in there in trade for a new smart phone.. or HD camera..


Well-Known Member
At worst that's bartering right?
I'm cool with either term.. trades have been fair so far.. just hoping I dont wake up on Tuesday with a missing car and my stolen stale cig butt in it's place..

either way.. got my money outta that car..

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
and the hits just keep on coming :(

my buddy was pulling a gas tank out of a car today and blew himself up. Severe burns over his entire arm and chest. They said his skin came off like a glove, clear up to his elbow. Really don't know all the details. They lifeflighted he and his buddy. :( :(

fuck.....gonna go to the hospital tomorrow.