What's the weather where you are???


Ursus marijanus
so it is basically double and add 20, not 30 to get a rough questimation.. bookmarked this page so i can come back and try and memorize yours later on when i'm not as stoned.. :D
Nope; it's subtract 32 and multiply by 1.8 going from F to C

from C to F it's divide by 1.8 9or multiply by 5/9) and add 32. The order of addition and multiplication is oomportant.


bud bootlegger
Nope; it's subtract 32 and multiply by 1.8 going from F to C

from C to F it's divide by 1.8 9or multiply by 5/9) and add 32. The order of addition and multiplication is oomportant.
ok, because w/e i'm watching an f1 race i'm trying to figure out wtf the damn temps are.. wish the entire world would just pick on method and stick with it to make things much simpler, but noo, we americans have to use te standard measurement, along with f just to be different i guess. :(


Well-Known Member
its like in the low 20's they only called for 3 inches of snow.. looks likes its gonna be double that now


Ursus marijanus
ok, because w/e i'm watching an f1 race i'm trying to figure out wtf the damn temps are.. wish the entire world would just pick on method and stick with it to make things much simpler, but noo, we americans have to use te standard measurement, along with f just to be different i guess. :(
My parents had an old alcohol thermometer that they mounted by the kitchen window. It had Celsius on one side and the obsolete Réaumur scale on t'other.

Granny weed

Well-Known Member
minus 15, but you people use that crazy celsius stuff, so let me do a quick conversion to f.. 15 double that, add 30, shit, that's about 125 f, not too bad.. :D
What do you mean YOU PEOPLE! you make us sound like aliens :oWe are the same as you just a lot wetter because of all the rain we have. And minus 15 is extremely cold to us, the traffic grinds to a holt, we have power cuts, the schools close, our heating boilers break down and you can't get anyone out to fix them, the deliveries to the super markets can't get through, flights are delayed, I could go on for ever the UK is pretty much crap at coping with any thing you should visit you would be amazed at what happens or should I say what doesn't happen here.:lol:


bud bootlegger
What do you mean YOU PEOPLE! you make us sound like aliens :oWe are the same as you just a lot wetter because of all the rain we have. And minus 15 is extremely cold to us, the traffic grinds to a holt, we have power cuts, the schools close, our heating boilers break down and you can't get anyone out to fix them, the deliveries to the super markets can't get through, flights are delayed, I could go on for ever the UK is pretty much crap at coping with any thing you should visit you would be amazed at what happens or should I say what doesn't happen here.:lol:
The you people was my lame attempt at.humor granny.. sorry..
And the UK doesn't sound too bad, I know like two or so years ago, Texas, which is normally one of our warmer States, managed to get like 3 inches of snow..shut the entire state down for like a week.. that's right, if you tried to drive into Texas during that time, they had big signs telling you to go home, the entire state is closed.. :)
( that was also my lame attempt at humor BTW)..


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else give the wrong info on this thread so people can't figure out where you are with a weather map?


Well-Known Member
I already know where you are 420God. You're on the list for my roadtrip one day if I ever win a massive amount of money!


It was 13 when I woke up this morning, glad I mostly work from home and this is my slow time of year. I did get up and go clean off the car and start it for my wife though

Silly String

Well-Known Member
It got down to -8F over the weekend. That's not supposed to happen here in central Oregon! Snow all over the place, and the schools are still closed. We had to borrow snow plows from Salem!


Well-Known Member
The whether where I am? Hmm, Let me look out the window... Sounds easier than it is, but currently, if I hold my hand in front of my face at full arms length(if I were outside), I will only just be able to make out a slight silhouette of my hand, it's that foggy here. I am not exaggerating either.