have weed...cant smoke

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
so my dentist said i shouldnt smoke to prevent infections because i got my wisdom tooth pulled, and before that i bought an 8th and i dont know what to do with it. its been 15 days since the extraction, can someone else tell me from their experience if i can smoke? its not like im desperate for a smoke, but it definently is a pleasure that i miss.


Well-Known Member
I got dry sockets :( they are horrible
at the time I smoked cigs.. and I wouldnt stop for no silly wisdom teeth!
ended up being drugged on pain killers for 2 weeks, out of necessity. was bad.

Vaporize is a slightly better option btw

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
I got dry sockets :( they are horrible
at the time I smoked cigs.. and I wouldnt stop for no silly wisdom teeth!
ended up being drugged on pain killers for 2 weeks, out of necessity. was bad.

Vaporize is a slightly better option btw
i dont at all want to risk having a dry socket, so i'll just pass smoking for another week or so.. the longer the better.

until than im gonna drink some sake


Active Member
haha thats shitty but save that shit or just get rid of it to someone and try and make you 5 bucks or so. you might as well get a value meal out of it


Well-Known Member
Wait until they're healed... Dry socket SUCKS ASS. I didn't get it because I didn't smoke after I got my wisdom teeth pulled and waited until the stitches came out. One the stitches are out, THEN you can smoke.


Active Member
i had one of my molars removed and replaced with a screw and bla bla bla, and i smoked as soon as the morphine from the surgery wore off haha, all you have to do is drink a decent amount of water and swish it around your mouth before you swallow it so that it keeps your mouth moist and free of painful painful drysockets