question about CFL


Active Member
sry if this is a newb questions

so do CFL's apply even to those spiral bulbs i use in lights?
they are "feit electric ecobulbs" and they say "soft white light" "800 lumens" and "13 watts"

are these ok to use in a clone garden or something like that?


Well-Known Member
sorry to rain on u dude but them wont work at all but you can get other cfls from home depot but yea to answer ur question them everyday house hold ones dont work


Well-Known Member
Yes they will work, but I would get at least 23watts for blue and 40 watts for red.


Well-Known Member
If he is talking about the same feit spiral bulbs that I have sitting on my shelf they will. I would just get something a lot more wattage than 13.
u cant use the same ones that go in everyday household lamps dude


Well-Known Member
rkm is right, and you are mistaken. THe spiral ones and compact florescent lights (used for weed cultivation) the round ones are incandecent and emit alot more heat, not good for growing. But, the funny thing is incandecents are being outlawed and soon it will only be cfls/ but the low watt cfls (like 13W) are used in homes alot (as they save energy).


Well-Known Member
I cant? What type of lamp socket did I take this out of?
dont listen to him you can you can you can this is what they do this is with 23w cfls, the ones you use in your house.
this is over kill i just wanted to give her all she could take for lights lol



Well-Known Member
that looks like my room only i use 2 100W for each plant. I would recommend cfls because they are so dam easy.


Well-Known Member
opps i thought he was talking about them single white bulbs that go in everyday household lamps MY BAD have a heart rkn why dont ya but seriously dudes 40 watts for 1 plant wow


Active Member
I use CFL's as they are beautifully efficient and saving power is a big concern. Also you dont have any of the fiery heat of HPS or HID lights that i always fear would be a risk in an old wooden frame house like this with walls lined with kindling. The real important thing when thinking of CFL's is what light band they are working on. I spent ages going through all the lightbulbs on offer at B&Q looking for the 4 digit temperature rating that is commonly summerized by the 'cool white' 'warm white' terms.

There are two types of lighting you want for a good grow, blue spectrum and red spectrum. As i understand it the blue is crucial for good initial growth from seed and the red promotes flowering.

the colours are referenced by temperature
Red: around 2700 K (degrees Kelvin)
Blue: around 6400 K

i think you want to have around 60/40 red blue ratio

As for the wattage remember that many bulbs rack up. I have about 5 blue spectrum bulbs instead of one large one for positioning above individual plants as well as two long flourescent tubes adding up to a couple of hundred watts. cost about £30 including cables, plugs and fittings