Cocaine usually just tells me to do more cocaine. And I usually oblige so I get what you're getting at.
It has a really high affinity for the receptors so it's not surprising. Fentanyl is also supposed to be good for breaking through bupe but I don't care for it. When it was first introduced it was recommended that Dilaudid be used if a sub patient needed emergency analgesia beyond what the bupe could do but that was before Opana was put back on the market.I always found Opana did the trick more than anything else when going without subs. I really miss opana to be honest. Can't do that though =\
Was it the purpleish opana 30 octagon? Or are they all weird now days where you can't even bite it in half? I haven't touched them since they were all easy to snort. But I'll never forget the Opana boogers.
light blue w a half moon on one coating...just crush n snort....they're good...but I only got a couple...same guy had strips I just grabbed some of those....I know ill need em...I always found Opana did the trick more than anything else when going without subs. I really miss opana to be honest. Can't do that though =\
Was it the purpleish opana 30 octagon? Or are they all weird now days where you can't even bite it in half? I haven't touched them since they were all easy to snort. But I'll never forget the Opana boogers.
EXTREMELY IRRESPONSIBLE drug usage, stay at HOME & get high, NOT HIGH & DRIVING!!!...AlexI snorted it on the kitchen counter....grabbed my keys lit up a cig and walked out to the the time I shut the door n fired it up it had hit me.....they're strong and fast..
So I just ran across a good deal on opana 30s.......
I know its not the rite path to go......
But ima get hi while I can DAMMIT.....
you don't know shit about addiction.Enjoy not being able to piss lol...heres an idea. Just quit doing drugs? Does weed and the occasional trip not get you high enough? And please, dont pull the oh Im an addict card. What your experiencing is mind over matter, if you dont mind, it dont matter! Your kidding no one here, you dont want to quit or you would of by now. I cant stand people who hide behind the "illness" or "disease" when in actuality you just dont want to like the junk.
you don't know shit about addiction.
I lost my bestfriend to heroin. Watched her wither away for years to that bullshit.....I told her the same thing as Im telling this dude. She chose to do the drugs bc she wanted to, its mind over matter, if you dont dont matter.
you must not have been watching too closely if you think heroin addiction is simply 'mind over matter'...maybe if you knew anything about addiction you could have provided her real help and things might have turned out different.I lost my bestfriend to heroin. Watched her wither away for years to that bullshit.....I told her the same thing as Im telling this dude. She chose to do the drugs bc she wanted to, its mind over matter, if you dont dont matter.