Wax from tasteless bud?


Well-Known Member
Picked up a zip last night, got it home, shit has almost no smell and tastes like you would expect from something dried too fast and not cured right... I can barely stand the taste, it does the job but first time in a long time I haven't wanted to smoke my shit.....

If I was to make a wax from this would it affect the taste much you think, or would this be one my best bets for salvaging this shit? never made a wax but figured I go the butane route or maybe alcohol. opinions from the experienced appreciated.

Maybe make some QWISO hash out of it. Either with 99% isopropyl alcohol or 190 proof Everclear.

Worth a shot.

BHO can get expensive to do it correctly.
Yieh but his garbage in is low flavor not fungus, it's the whole point of concentrating that .02 percent up to something you can taste to go along with the high. Why do you think it's made from unsmokables. Is popcorn nugs garbage too? 50% of the people I help are just learning the cure process on there way to top shelf. I'm running bubba nugs all day because of a heat wave that overdried 4 pounds back in the summer. Smokes like a tire fire but made into oil it's the cat's meow.
Im rocking half of it in alcohol, tons of baby seeds floated to the top so I assume they didn't help flavor... How long should it soak before I strain into glass dish?
Im rocking half of it in alcohol, tons of baby seeds floated to the top so I assume they didn't help flavor... How long should it soak before I strain into glass dish?

ASAP in my opinion. Now if it was first frozen, I recommend three minutes or less. I prefer to shake it in a jar rather than stir and crush in a pan or bucket. Either way, I don't recommend more than 5 minutes. If you do it longer it will just strip some additional plant waxes and extra chlorophyll. If you did soak it too long you can always winterize it. I like to do the extractions with everything having been in the freezer for 48 hours or longer. Buds and solvent. Here is how I make all my oils.


I am currently working on some new methods.

At the very bottom of this page provides a link to skunkfarms winterizing process for different solvents. http://michiganmedicalmarijuana.org...nnabis-oil-and-e-cigarette-oil/#commentsStart
Garbage In = Garbage Out

In some aspect yes and then no..

I will explain.. I user premature buds in many of my medible recipes since it provides for me a huge needed...energy buzz most folks would not cut and then user buds 1-2 weeks from full ready.. but.. I prefer it..

I have also have some flavorless buds and made firecrackers outta them and WOW!!

not sure if that is what ya meant buy garbage?
Picked up a zip last night, got it home, shit has almost no smell and tastes like you would expect from something dried too fast and not cured right... I can barely stand the taste, it does the job but first time in a long time I haven't wanted to smoke my shit.....

If I was to make a wax from this would it affect the taste much you think, or would this be one my best bets for salvaging this shit? never made a wax but figured I go the butane route or maybe alcohol. opinions from the experienced appreciated.


You can extract it several different ways, but a good extract tastes and smells like the original material, so you may not like it much either. A cold BHO extract and minimal heat purge would be the best way to retain what monoterpenes are left.
Gave it a scraping this morning after letting it evaporate all night. Big improvement over origional product. Taste is more tolerable, I didn't freeze anything and I soaked it a lil too long, most of it was ruined with chlorphyle but I had some nice tan scrapings to smoke, the greenish black shit I just tossed. I will give it a rego tonight frozen and only swirl it in the jar for like 45 sec this time.
Gave it a scraping this morning after letting it evaporate all night. Big improvement over origional product. Taste is more tolerable, I didn't freeze anything and I soaked it a lil too long, most of it was ruined with chlorphyle but I had some nice tan scrapings to smoke, the greenish black shit I just tossed. I will give it a rego tonight frozen and only swirl it in the jar for like 45 sec this time.

Throw it out just because of chlorophyll? You could have done some good things with it. I must admit, if you think something is not good it is best to get rid of it. In this case, you could have removed the chlorophyll or at least a good portion of it. You could have used it for a topical for cuts, blisters, scrapes, burns, etc. You also could have tried something completely different than smoking. You could have simply heated it up to the appropriate temperature and decarbed the THC, then just ingest it or winterize it first if you think it was too heavy in chlorophyll.

Anyway, eating the oil when it is properly decarbed is far different than smoking buds. One of my heaviest user patients, I warned him, he ate 1/2 gram of decarbed concentrated cannabis oil (RSO). He said he slightly hallucinated for the first 24 hours. The next 24 hours he had an extreme buzz. The third day he said he could still feel it but it was not intense anymore. I would be afraid to eat 1/2 gram of that oil, unless I had already built up a tolerance to it. Especially very high quality oil.

Here is a link to winterizing using different solvents: http://skunkpharmresearch.com/getting-the-green-and-waxes-out-afterwards/ They refer to it as polishing extracts.

You have it right on the freezing and 45 seconds. The more dry the bud is the better it works.
Yeah its not ruined; just lower grade. Second or third runs often come out green/black and taste plant'y but will do the job none the less.

Worst case scenario you decarb and put it into food if it taste too bad.
It was pretty much black. I picked up a quarter of good bud and called it good. I got enough health problems I don't need to make my self sick for a buzz. I scraped off what looked good, looked like the worst of it was what stuck to the sides up higher probably the waxes n chlorophyll bottom was good.
I'm confused on what is going to make you sick? Unless you'r not purging correctly. Basically all you have is cannabinoids, lipids and chlorophyll.

If chlorophyll is your issue, its been used for centuries for detoxification.

Like I said, if you can't lung it; food it. bongsmilie

Fun facts about chlorophyll:

  • Cleanses and oxygenates and builds the blood
  • A powerful detoxification effect on the body
  • Rich in enzymes that promote quick rejuvenation of our cells
  • High in Amino acids
  • Extracts toxins form the liver and improves liver function
  • Regulator of calcium
  • Helps break addiction
  • Alkalizes the body
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Wound-healing properties
  • Fight infection
  • Anti-oxidant – neutralize free radicals
  • Promotes healthy intestinal flora
  • Helps reverse protein-deficient anemia
  • Protection from cancer
  • Helps skin disorders

waste not, want not bongsmilie
Are we all doing the same thing at the same time psychic style? I was experimenting with trying to get 99% solvent recovery after a run so I forced water through the tubes to push out the immiscible solvent. It worked dandy and was green as the hulk when I decanted the water. Wow I've never taste honeycomb that taste of Pure plant material in my life, and I can't believe it honeycombed too. I thought this would be perfect for medibles but the green shit looked sooo dabable....I can't continue to dab this it really taste amazingly like a fresh wood sandwich.

Ok 1 more dab Im starting to get a hardon for this plant root flavor, reminds me of root laxatives from my childhood......I'm such a warchild I can't waste this shit somebody tell me where does this fit in? It's not the black stuff that I use for my feet, I don't want to cook it cuzz it's honeycomb, I can't dab it without becoming a tree eating vampire. It's fucken winterized!
Damit why did you have to say waist not, now i'll never get rid of this stuff. If anyone ever accuses me of being the baker who wont eat his bread i'll die.
Oh good lord this blueberry wood log is kicking in, I love it, now I just need to put down this dabber and purge the actual blueberry.
Ok Blu I figured out why i'm on my 15th dab of this green comb. Dam thing is a sativa! and I havn't had a no anxiety sativa in months, i was getting ashamed for a second about why i was dabbing plant material flavor like a crack head. This blueberry that's going in the vac is going straight to the head stash, I get slovenly bashful about sativas. I couldn't figure out why I was so alive!
Mmmmm saaaaatiiiivaaaaas.....*drool
Nothing better than a good sativa!
First hit makes the tip of your tongue numb with the rest of your FACE to follow..heart pounding out yur chest. Thoughts racing...this shit laced? Nope it is homegrown after all...gotta remind yourself..visual field starts shifting..close your eyes.....now your spinning! Better open, don't wanna puke.. now that were awake might as well clean the house right?

Yep sativas......that's a pretty typical columbian if you were wondering
Yieh but his garbage in is low flavor not fungus, it's the whole point of concentrating that .02 percent up to something you can taste to go along with the high. Why do you think it's made from unsmokables. Is popcorn nugs garbage too? 50% of the people I help are just learning the cure process on there way to top shelf. I'm running bubba nugs all day because of a heat wave that overdried 4 pounds back in the summer. Smokes like a tire fire but made into oil it's the cat's meow.

smokes like a tire fire. Love it. I concur. 'unsmokable' makes great concentrate IMO. I'm sure fresh frozen top cola nugs would be good too, but who would do that? :)