Yeah.....payback's a bitch!.......Yet when we kill a quarter million people with a bomb we tell them to get over it.
Why we don't hold the president accountable for knowing it was going to happen and allowing it to happen so we could enter the war is beyond me. Power, greed, and corruption are a MF.
In 40-50 years we will "discover" that BushCo did 911. Disgusting.
Yet when we kill a quarter million people with a bomb we tell them to get over it.
You simply do not understand the people or the time. That bomb saved millions of japanese lives, or so thought the isei and nisei, who lived around us. It was a different world than you can imagine and history can not accurately portray the time. We did not tell them to get over it. We helped them rebuild their country. By the time my hub was stationed there in the 1970's they were our friends and almost a different people from the people my parents generation fought.
Yet when we kill a quarter million people with a bomb we tell them to get over it.
Yep, if you don't mind sleeping with my plantsHey ringsixty...I need a vacation. You got a spare Peace & be kind.
Seems the younger generation only remembers what they saw on the movies...
Na we are just old and remember
I went to the arizona memorial was closed
I've been there a couple of times.
It is somber and at the same time melancholy beyond words.
Edit: That's how it hits me.