48 hours of dark?


Well-Known Member
i am close to the end of my first indoor grow, a massive crop of one plant that unfortunatly went hermi. today is day 55 of flower. about 30-40%hairs are brown/red, others are white or amber. my question is should i do the 48 hour of dark before chop thing. ive seen some people do it on here. lookin for some oppinons. if i understand right, it thinks its gonna die and goes into a bit of a fury and finishes realy strong. thanks for any help

pics if needed are in my grow journal, hit the signature



Active Member
I was wondering about this too? If it really has an effect or if its just a "weed legend"? I heard 24-36h though...


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=+2]Dark period before harvest[/SIZE]
by Ed Rosenthal Should I switch to solid darkness just before harvest?

What do you think about giving plants 24-48 hours of darkness just prior to harvest? People claim this increases THC or makes the plants more "frosty".


In the 1970s, Dr Carleton Turner at the University of Mississippi found that there was a variation in the amount of THC in a sample, depending upon the time that the plant was taken. The most potent point was just before dawn after nighttime darkness.

Then, in 2000, Dr Paul Mahlberg of Indiana University showed that THC was produced extracellularly, on the inside of the glandular membrane, which would allow for its daily recycling.

The idea of using a dark period to increase THC before harvest warrants some investigation. An extended dark period right before harvest might very well increase THC content.


That doesn't really answer the question to most of our satisfaction though, does it? It does howerver imply there is some merit to the "harvest during a dark period before lights-on" theory. Anyone else have any articles, links or quotes on this topic? I'm still curious to know more.



Active Member
Thats interesting, i have never heard this before and since i am at around this stage myself i figure i'll give it a go myself, at least it will be better for the power bill


Well-Known Member
i think its worth the old college try, being that you don't have to do anything, except keep the lights off. im going to let my ladies bask in darkness for 36 hours before the chop. :joint:

BTW - welcome azrael

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I am gonna do 36 hours of darkness just like i did before i put them into flower, and i had a great success with that dark period...

And have only heard good things about both periods of darkness.


Well-Known Member
I was just looking at a thread from some grower in Amsterdam and he says 24 is alright but 48 can promote moldy buds...so it's your choice...your environment bro....whatever you feel comfortable with

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
lol honkeytown every experience i have had with you on a thread has been hostile...

I have done a lot of reading/researching on the 36 hours before flower, and i have come to the conclusion that their is a lot of value to it.

After starting a thread about it, I also tried it and had great results- check the before and after for yourself... Kinda hard to turn your plants hermie when their still in veg kid.

But here is the research I found and the pics, its all in the thread I made; I hope you have a more open mind then honkeytown, you may just learn something...


Ohh and in everything you read did you happen to skip by The Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes, or any of Arjan's videos from Greenhouse Seeds Co (won 28 out of 32 cups or something like that) in them, you would notice both master growers recommend this dark period before flower... but who are they other than some of the best growers and writers of cannabis growing guides. psh- your prly right, will turn you budless plants into hermies. lol
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Well-Known Member
ive heard from lots of expierenced growers that 48 hrs of darkness right before u harvest is really good simply because the plant thinks its dying so it pumps out resin which in the end gives a higher thc and better bud


Well-Known Member
lol honkeytown every experience i have had with you on a thread has been hostile...

I have done a lot of reading/researching on the 36 hours before flower, and i have come to the conclusion that their is a lot of value to it.

After starting a thread about it, I also tried it and had great results- check the before and after for yourself... Kinda hard to turn your plants hermie when their still in veg kid.

But here is the research I found and the pics, its all in the thread I made; I hope you have a more open mind then honkeytown, you may just learn something...


Ohh and in everything you read did you happen to skip by The Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes, or any of Arjan's videos from Greenhouse Seeds Co (won 28 out of 32 cups or something like that) in them, you would notice both master growers recommend this dark period before flower... but who are they other than some of the best growers and writers of cannabis growing guides. psh- your prly right, will turn you budless plants into hermies. lol
you can say I am being negative but it's not how I mean to come across. messing with light cycles causes hormonal changes in the plant, you are gonna stretch your plant, doesn't make a difference as long as you veg long enough to see preflowers, and messing with light cycles is a great way to turn your plant hermie...btw...yes...you can turn a plant hermie when you are trying to force flower....but you are pretty much on the safe side if it has preflowered...but yeah OB it's possible bro. it's very very possible...

here ya go ..enjoy
and btw... no I am not trying to be a dick...just showing you some of what I have read on this K...no hard feelings man...im just tryin to help
Problems with 12/12
If you switch to 12/12 before pre-flowers have shown, you may encounter the following problems:
1. Stress-related sex problems (hermaphrodites)
2. Abnormal bud growth
Stress-related Sex Problems (Hermaphrodites)
Stress-related sex problems might produce hermaphrodite plants. The stress of what's sometimes called early flowering triggers the plant into a situation where it thinks its chances of reproduction are slim to none. That situation induces a condition or act of self-pollination, in which the plant produces both male and female flowers on the same plant. The male flowers then pollinate the female flowers, which eventually produce seeds.
The reason for this is that the plant notices that the photoperiod is irregular* and should no longer be in the vegetative growth stage but in flowering. This shocks the plant into a last ditch effort to receive pollen because it feels that it's missed its chance to receive pollen already. In the wild, males release their pollen just around the time that females begin to flower.


Well-Known Member
we're talking about a dark period before flowering, not forcing them to flower. :peace:
sorry then I was confused...I thought you were talking about force flowering...which yes can turn a plant hermie...so everyone is correct...just trying to get more info on the subject out there for everyone...sorry if I missed the boat on the specific topic here guys


Well-Known Member
i guess ill give it a go. not much response against it. too bad i wont be able to post any real findings on if it helped or not. as i only have the one plant and wont have a control.

as for turning it hermi, well it already is. from light leaks

anyway. thanks for all the replys. here it is the close up is afew days ago




Well-Known Member
im doing this right now... 24hrs going in the indoor (12 more to go) and going on 12 for the outdoor one...


Well-Known Member
Thanks OB, i like the pretty pistols as well. not sure if its strain related or if its conditional. i saw someone else say they had pink/purple pistols doing outdoor from cooler temps, was wonderin if it could be done indoor. i dunno if what he said was valid. my room was hot to begin with and cooled down a good bit right when i hit flowering, but temps arent much lower than most grows. they still get high sometimes too.


for bonus rep, who knows the symbol in the close up pic, theres 2 but only one is clear.


Well-Known Member
check out my grow journal and my gallery for the pics... 36hr i feel did make it frost up... dont see any bad side effects yet... will monitor and advise... heheheheh:joint: