The UK Growers Thread!

Yep true that today's facts are 2morros jokes..its the orion nebular theories that are fucking my head the min..if there tight in what there saying it blows all religion and a lot of science out of the water fookin crazy shiiiiit
lol thats what i was thinking as after a quick google search the only mention of bilberry seeds is some kinda blueberry hybrid an the eating berry type not the weed type lmao

Well actually the billberry is the proper name for a blueberry, billberrys only grow in the wild in certain eco systems and can't be cultivated at will (just like porcini mushrooms).

Blueberrys that we know from the supermarket are actually modern hybrids of the billberry created by the
Yanks years ago in order to cultivate them, despite this American blueberrys look and taste nothing like proper blueberrys/billberrys.
They're not even blue inside for a start and have no taste at all, they're blue berrys in external look alone.
I've got some proper ones in the freezer from Poland last year, I'll sling a few photos up later and show what proper ones look like.
Once you get hold of proper ones you'll never buy those fake American ones ever again, lol.
we all know religion is bullshit, but so is a lot of science, particularly physics. todays laws are tomorrows jokes

science is the new religion and anybody who believes that is just as guillable in my opinion.

we know fuck all about anything, especially zedd and yorkie!.

Professor Steven Hawking would beg to differ, lol.
Well actually the billberry is the proper name for a blueberry, billberrys only grow in the wild in certain eco systems and can't be cultivated at will (just like porcini mushrooms).

Blueberrys that we know from the supermarket are actually modern hybrids of the billberry created by the
Yanks years ago in order to cultivate them, despite this American blueberrys look and taste nothing like proper blueberrys/billberrys.
They're not even blue inside for a start and have no taste at all, they're blue berrys in external look alone.
I've got some proper ones in the freezer from Poland last year, I'll sling a few photos up later and show what proper ones look like.
Once you get hold of proper ones you'll never buy those fake American ones ever again, lol.

blueberries fuck with my head like a lot of weed does, it never tastes as it smell even though supposedly the majority of tastes come from smell.

and that raspberry ripple can argue all he want's, he won't be convincing me about any of this theoritical bullshit that we will NEVER be able to prove right or wrong.
Ah yes pseudoscience like acupuncture n healing crystals those are the worse kind of people, praying on desperate sick ppl same fucks that turn around n say GMOs are bad, fucking ignorant cock mongers!

very ignorant mate, these things are not pseudoscience, pharmacology is a pseudoscience, they mite be a load of bullshit but they are not part of the system of population reduction, I wouldn't comment on healing crystals as I am completely ignorant of the subject, u mate are playing to the wrong crowd
I might be having acupuncture on my back soon I heard it pretty good shit my bro had it aswell for heroin addiction Lol that fucker failed miserably...
and that raspberry ripple can argue all he want's, he won't be convincing me about any of this theoritical bullshit that we will NEVER be able to prove right or wrong.

He and others have collectively managed to prove everything right back to the big bang, lol.

I've read his book 6 times, if you could be arsed reading and wrapping your head round chem and physics tor the next 3 hours I could explain the beggining of evolution from nothing but elements. ;)
That's something I can't get my head big bang I can't accept that everything we see and what's around us was created by an explosion it just doesn't.make sense....
what created the explosion what created that and so on, we will never EVER know.

We know exactly what caused the explosion. Infinite mass in a finite space (something along those lines without pulling the book and getting REALLY techy).

We don't know what forces put those conditions for the big bang in place though, so like I said we know pretty much everything up until the big bang
(his book explains it in fraction of a second intervals all the way through the process, it takes about 10 pages to explain what happened in the first 3. seconds).

What we don't know is what was before the big bang, this we may never know.
I'm having pysio on me back aswell at the mo pain in the arse my back is. I'm trying to sue for it but my old gaffers a right cunt and I know I'm gonna struggle to get owt out of him...Yeh I didn't break any bones but my backs still fucked 6 months later!!!!! He's a wanker lol
That's something I can't get my head big bang I can't accept that everything we see and what's around us was created by an explosion it just doesn't.make sense....

It does if you understand what was happening at the centre of that massive explosion and all the chemical reactions taking place at once.

I'll make an effort to type up Hawkins explanation from the easier of the two books to understand but even then it's intense.
It took me 4 years to fully understand curved space, lol.
fry my head lol, ok then you win. i still find it amusing that you have faith in these people though.

i was bored and looking for a reaction but i was a bit disappointed to be honest.

got shit to do now so bored banter will have to wait.

have a nice weekend people.