Meth and Oxy in the UK.....


Well-Known Member
i like to read world news and watch plenty of docs, just surprise's me that the UK who are i think the biggest drug takers in Europe have never in the past n still today not been hit with a meth problem, even today its still just a gay mans drug here and even so still not that poplar from what i read anyway very few large seizures or arrests.

this is a drug thats gripped the world for a long time but the UK still not, some parts of europe are awash with the stuff but not the UK???

and oxycontin also, very rare in the UK why? like i say the people of the UK love there drugs and another drug thats widely abused in the us and other countrys yet most in the UK have never heard of it, even tho theres been a big herion problem for many a year?
Lack of hill billies and rednecks and trailer parks would be my first guess maybe ??

Lol, I'm kidding of.course.. where I live on the east coast, meth has never had the popularity it has in other parts of the us.. I don't think even oxies have the same presence here as say parts of the south, but I'd think k that's mainly due to the large amount of heroin easily available here..
i suppose thats very true what with how large the US is compared to the UK and how different things can be in said parts of the country, i really dont know bout the meth just suprise's me is all? there a lot of drug addicts n drug takers here and from what i read that drug is very appealing to junkies with the long high n cheap price, also we love our amphetamine its real poplar here and always has been but why not meth?

ive done lots of phet but never meth, closest i come i think was canadian ICE pill's from the road i dunno how much if any meth they got in them but it deffo didnt feel like phet.

Oxys's i think cause of the NHS we just get cheaped out, fuck your lucky in the uk once out of hosp to get a few tramadol thats considered hardcore let alone all them painpills they seem to dish out like smarties when your paying for your treatment in the US.
I think its coz coke n weed are so abundant an one phone call/text and ya can get it delivered to ya door within n hour, plus theres 20-30 pubs in most towns
I think its coz coke n weed are so abundant an one phone call/text and ya can get it delivered to ya door within n hour, plus theres 20-30 pubs in most towns

but what about all the phetheads? theres plenty in the country why has not meth ever shown up properly??? as you no sae pub coke is pisspoor and weed or good weed anyway is getting so expensive here its prob cheaper to be a smackhead lol

and what with the smack problems we always had why not oxy?
but what about all the phetheads? theres plenty in the country why has not meth ever shown up properly??? as you no sae pub coke is pisspoor and weed or good weed anyway is getting so expensive here its prob cheaper to be a smackhead lol

and what with the smack problems we always had why not oxy?

I think you already said it earlier why no oxy.. I know certain states here, drs hand out scripts like they're handing out Christmas cards.. it's rather disturbing to me at least.. some states are known as pill mills, Florida is a huge one, Georgia, Tennessee. .. seems a lot of the southern states are this way IMO..
Seems like in the UK drs actually have some morals and don't enjoy getting patients strung out like they do in areas of the us, and thank fuck for that ..
Think its probably a mixture of 1) we aint stupid enough to fall for it in as big numbers as other countries n 2) people just simply prefer the coke n weed n most people have got so used to the shite grade of both that they just kinda accept it in the same way people keep just accepting the government fucking us over n stuff
Think its probably a mixture of 1) we aint stupid enough to fall for it in as big numbers as other countries n 2) people just simply prefer the coke n weed n most people have got so used to the shite grade of both that they just kinda accept it in the same way people keep just accepting the government fucking us over n stuff

Nothing against any m8s in the UK, but I don't think it's number 1.. not saying Americans are any smarter than Brits, don't get me wrong, just saying when it comes to addiction, you can be the smartest mofo on the planet and all that takes a back seat once drugs are involved..
but what about all the phetheads? theres plenty in the country why has not meth ever shown up properly??? as you no sae pub coke is pisspoor and weed or good weed anyway is getting so expensive here its prob cheaper to be a smackhead lol

and what with the smack problems we always had why not oxy?
Because oxy isn't heavily prescribed and heroin is readily available and FAR cheaper than pills.
No idea why meth has never been a big there.
I think its coz coke n weed are so abundant an one phone call/text and ya can get it delivered to ya door within n hour, plus theres 20-30 pubs in most towns

That can't be it, since there is way more weed and coke in the US... and alcohol is easy anywhere.
Think its probably a mixture of 1) we aint stupid enough to fall for it in as big numbers as other countries n 2) people just simply prefer the coke n weed n most people have got so used to the shite grade of both that they just kinda accept it in the same way people keep just accepting the government fucking us over n stuff

ok i suppose on the oxy side anyway im kinda bitter all we fucking get is tramadol at best lol oxy's are a lovely buzz and as ive said many times only the weak or very dumb would use any highly addictive drug to the point of abuse and addiction, yeah i get people are prescribed them and then become addicted but what stopped them people typing into google what them drugs will do??? its all there to be read or told in this day n age......
Nothing against any m8s in the UK, but I don't think it's number 1.. not saying Americans are any smarter than Brits, don't get me wrong, just saying when it comes to addiction, you can be the smartest mofo on the planet and all that takes a back seat once drugs are involved..

i also aint saying no country etc is more intelligent than the other or nowt like that, but i do feel in todays world that education about drugs and what they will do to you is everwhere so why would people take these harddrugs over a prolonged period of time knowing only addiction follows unless either in a very weak moment of life or very dumb either from the us,uk anywhere???
Because oxy isn't heavily prescribed and heroin is readily available and FAR cheaper than pills.
No idea why meth has never been a big there.

so why is oxy heavily prescribed in your country? for me its us brits get cheaped cause we aint paying for it, if i was was paying for my pain relief fuck yes i would want the strongest there is and thats how it seems to me you get what you pay for.....
I would also not be surprised if your equivalent of the DEA (you guys have that right?) keeps a closer lid on a lot of the precursor chemicals for meth. The US only got into regulating that stuff relatively recently, and seeing as how a lot of the craze started here on the West Coast, it only makes sense that your government would have more time to enact draconian laws simply by way of physical distance.

As to your other question, I read somewhere that America eats ~99% of the world's hydrocodone supply. At less than 5% of the world's population that should tell you something about America and our healthcare system in general.
Not really I know UK drug laws are generally less draconian. Idk much about meth law but Casey Hardison went to the UK to cook bc of a better legal climate
Location id guess...all the cartels moving all the drugs through spain main...too much coke and weed..coke iks real big there..more $ in it than far as the chemicals to produce meth..its being diverted to mdma manufacture(I hope)...
Most meth is made by the reduction of pseudoephedrine to methamphetamine while MDMA is made by the reductive ammination of 3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone. P2P is old school and not preferred because with methamphetamine you want the d- enantiomer while with MDMA you want the racemate.