The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Yes I have mate.

'Brightside' is the username of an old grower over at ICmag (not around anymore), he apparently got his "Cheese" clone from the same guy who gifted the Exodus Collective theirs.

The 'brightside' cut and 'Exo' are supposed to be the same clone.
Well I may be able to lay my hands on a cut of the Brightside from a bloke who has held both that and the exodus cut since the early 90`s but he reckons that they are ever so minutely different in taste but identical in structure/look/growth rate/flower time etc etc etc so he thinks they may be different phenos from the same mother plant, apparently the Brightside is ever ever so slightly more garlicky than the exodus ( we are talking such a small difference it would take a real connoisseur to even pick up on apparently) so just wanted a bit of info in it as ive looked on the net about it and every thread on every site ive come across is just people arguing about it


Well-Known Member
Thx. Id say i sell about half of what i grow. But only to select people. Had Bandidos threats. But HA friends. I just keep as low as possible. But really i wanna step up lol. Selling kg at Christiania would be nice
Got a family friend in the Angels over here in the uk. Friend of my dads. Mum isn't a fan of his says his got a chip on his shoulder lol. Like the idea of a brotherhood and the willingness to go the whole way for each other.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 of my blue cheese tomorrow and bud drying now to fill my jars so won't be without bud and kept busy which stops me from getting bored.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 of my blue cheese tomorrow and bud drying now to fill my jars so won't be without bud and kept busy which stops me from getting bored.
Lucky you, I like me some blue cheese but not been any down this way in a few years now, think im gonna have to add it to my "to buy" list lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't get blue cheese often here wonder why because when it is here it goes fast? Everyone's just got second rate cheese would love to know what seed bank it's from when I've bad to buy it. The exodus by greenhouse was shit first time round then tried another bit from same bloke and I think it was dried better and it was decent. Would love to try some the actual cut version and see how it compares. Will have to try get a cut in the new year, next 3/4 grows I'm sorted and know what I'm doing lol.

Used to be into graffiti at one point, lost two mates too it aswell. Used to be alot more popular I feel but probably just because I grew out of it. Still have times where I think about going and doing it but ain't on being nicked for that with a grow going on at home.


Well-Known Member
Yeah don't get blue cheese often here wonder why because when it is here it goes fast? Everyone's just got second rate cheese would love to know what seed bank it's from when I've bad to buy it. The exodus by greenhouse was shit first time round then tried another bit from same bloke and I think it was dried better and it was decent. Would love to try some the actual cut version and see how it compares. Will have to try get a cut in the new year, next 3/4 grows I'm sorted and know what I'm doing lol.

Used to be into graffiti at one point, lost two mates too it aswell. Used to be alot more popular I feel but probably just because I grew out of it. Still have times where I think about going and doing it but ain't on being nicked for that with a grow going on at home.
With the blue cheese ive heard its quite a low yielder so a lot of commercial growers wont go for it as they would just be doing themselves out of money.

An as for cheese from seed ive heard the Rokerji or whatever the fuck its called ( will have a look in a sec n chuck a link up ) cheese strains are some of the better ones on the market but most people seem to go for the big buddha cheese n greenhouse shit just simply because it has cheese in the title.

Also where on earth in the world are ya that ya cant get a proper cheese cut from someone? every cunt n their mums round here can get hold of it, think i might start calling it the "Clitoris cut" as every cunts got one lmao.

And how do ya "lose a mate" to Graffiti? did a can explode in their face/graffiti jump off the wall n eat em or some shit? Its not exactly in the top 10 most dangerous pastimes lmao


Well-Known Member
Yeah heard its not a big yielder it's meant to weigh up really light? Long as I get 10 I won't be too pissed off lol. Not sure tbh what ill get just because I hear its fluffy.
Could probably get the cut from people I know but just wouldn't want them knowing I grow so wont ask.
had a mate hit by a train and another fell on the third rail. Good friend was there when it happened and said he was like stuck to it. He didnt give up graffiti even after seeing that though. Was a good buzz and rush back in the day traveling to different areas and just spraying everywhere. Meeting random people also into it and and arranging to meet up or going halfords to stock up for an all nighter at the depo lol. Good times but I honestly think it's died out half because of YouTube. Now days kids would rather rap and get known through that rather than graffiti. Some the best times of my childhood though.

forgot to say fuck the graffiti imagine finding an empty warehouse that size lol.


Well-Known Member
Time to hit the sack n call it a night I think. Gonna run green poison fast version twice already got first lot in veg. Then it's to be ugorg#1 which is a exodus cheese x blues. Seen nothing but good things on it so will see how it goes.