Picture of your pet thread !!!

Pic 1 Roxy being lazy in bed , it almost looks like she's stoned Hahahah
Pic 2 Roxy just being her usual self
roxy 079.jpgroxy 078.jpg
Is she a lab ?

She's a mutt.. part lab and part hound.. the papers we got from the shelter place say lab x hound..
She has all the markings of a lab, the Angel wings and all, but is built a bit more like a hound IMO, she doesn't have the typical barrel chest of a lab..
she's very muscular, but much thinner than a lab.. we've even had a neighbor knocking on the door and said her husband bought the wrong kind of dog food, and would we like it.. like we don't feed our beloved dog.. it REALLY upset the old lady to say the least ..
She's probably the best dog we've ever had.. super gentle and a real people person.. absolutely loves the people who walk by the fence and pay attention to her.. loves kids even more so.. will get down on the ground and roll on her belly so the kids can pet her through the fence..
Also has the best sniffer ever.. if the mail man brings mail, she'll stop and sniff the mail box and steps and knows he has been there. Someone different comes over and she does the same thing.
I'd love to be able to smell like a dog, err, be able to smell the things they can that is, lol, just for one day..
GW - I hope you're not near the coast, your weather looks nasty now.

No I'm quite safe here we are about a 100 miles from the coast but we have had some bad weather in land to, my daughters fence is completely demolished by the wind and my wheelie bin was in the middle of the road yesterday morning, its very cold and its just started sleeting a little but we have snow on the hills and we are surrounded by hills so it looks quite festive.
Remember those 29 trees I borked? Well I put their soil in my compost pile. Apparently dead pot is dognip. I did not get the memo. The dog just got a bath.
