Club 600


Well-Known Member
rr i will be waiting for it to dry propaly before jarring, it just felt like that on the 2 i done on wed.... i need to invest sum into a 2.4 and new gear to fill it so that will be going over weekend but mine not be going in jar till monday or summit


Well-Known Member
thats what am after haha for sake of the tent and extra light few other bits in bobs will benifit much more 8 plants


Well-Known Member
if you aren't a heavy smoker an 8x4 is enough to keep you in green.

i have been terrible lately, smoking 7g a day+ and at £10+ a gram it soon adds up.

yesterday was the first time in ages i never got high, ok i smoked half a 1/3rd of a joint with friends but for me that is nothing, i was in bed for half 9 lol, it felt weird.


Well-Known Member
haha well i tho i was a heavy smoker but 7g is loads haha, not that much like but still about 4 or 5g day if its there for nowt when im buying as long as i wake up with a few bongs i can wait till around 4 or 5pm for a £20 which is about 1.8g then that will last me till next morning and so on


Well-Known Member
And so are most Haggis', believe me it's just a Lamb sausage, but unlike hotdogs it doesn't have eyelashes, bits of meat "power blasted" off bones, and scrap swept up off the abbatoir floor with colouring added:)If you like spice, lamb, and oats then haggis will definitely be to your liking. And don't get me started on "White Pudding", my oh my that makes my mouth water just thinking about it!
Hotdogs are fucking delicious though. Well some are.
the white bratwurst at the beer fest are the best sausages on earth
I love me a bratwurst, had one from the German market the other day when the lads where in town for the Cup.


Well-Known Member
well just checked and had dropped down to 16c again, so that the window shut the out take switched off and the dehumidifer set a 50%...

so thats just circulation fan on and de-humid hope that sorts it out


Well-Known Member
I have a good dslr and some sick lenses and for the life of me I can't get a closeup that I'm happy with…I may have to break out the tripod..SKOG 2 weeks before chop


Well-Known Member
My brother has a fairly expensive Canon 7 or 70 or something and I couldn't get very awesome macros with it.
yer….I have a Canon 60D body bought it used for 600 USD….I need the tripod as when I'm focusing I'm weaving a little, I'm talking millimeters…it's the lenses set you back….I bought the Canon because my GF has a collection of lenses worth around 6 grand…(it's her passion)


Well-Known Member
yer….I have a Canon 60D body bought it used for 600 USD….I need the tripod as when I'm focusing I'm weaving a little, I'm talking millimeters…it's the lenses set you back….I bought the Canon because my GF has a collection of lenses worth around 6 grand…(it's her passion)
My dad and I have these little Sony cameras that have what they call a E mount lens. They aren't cheap either, he owns several costing a few thousand dollars total while I only own the one that came in the box :)


Well-Known Member
I tried setting the f stop high so the field of focus would be larger but apparently I'm a weaver hahaha…..leslie has a graphite manfrotto with a ball head (sounds sexy) but it's in her jeep and I'm not going outside in my skivvies, maybe later hahaha


Well-Known Member
Could someone explain why it is possible to take good close up macro shots with flash on. But impossible without flash? Always a bit blurry. Like in need of tripod. But just dont get why its capable when flash is on?
Damn im hungry! Think ill go against Bodil(Storm) for a quarter pounder and strawberry milkshake.


Well-Known Member
Could someone explain why it is possible to take good close up macro shots with flash on. But impossible without flash? Always a bit blurry. Like in need of tripod. But just dont get why its capable when flash is on?
Damn im hungry! Think ill go against Bodil(Storm) for a quarter pounder and strawberry milkshake.

I guess the shutter has to stay open longer to allow more light in,, thus making it blurry? IDK just a guess. I actually have a tripod now,,, its just hundreds of miles away at the house I left it lol I'll be getting it back soon enough.
All my pics have to have flash without the tripod, just adjust exposure, flash intensity, and fstop.

Hey all Iv resorted to lurking for a while, had lots of family in for thanksgiving, was a blast... Back to normal life.


Well-Known Member
I thought you were just smoking your new strong batch and did not give a f... :D Things have been to quiet lately. Glad your family left. lol


Well-Known Member
guys if you want i will tell you every thing you want to know about photography on my update tonight.i love to teach this subject but it is way to much to type and i have to go do some handyman work to pay for the bb beans i ordered just now:weed:

teaching fine art at collage it is what i want to do when i retire