Would you F*ck yourself?


Well-Known Member
These are great questions pie...
Makes me realize how much I hate myself...
hell, still not sure how my gf has been able to stand me for the last 7 yrs...
I'm gonna go hang myself now... I'll talk to you guys later ;-)
you smoking yet? :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Haaa.... much better
Auto erotic asphyxiation does it every time :shock:
Haha jk I just went and got stoned instead :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Fuck yea I would. I would totally suck my own dick if I could get down there. A clone is the next best thing.

I can picture it now, the 69 never stops, except to cash the two welfare checks.

don't break your neck trying to get to that thing. You know about a dozen guys die every year trying.