the hydro party is over

----stop telling people meth is natural

The main point is that just because something is natural, it doesn't make it better or safer than man-made. Nature creates plenty of things that will kill you quick.
I've always chuckled at the natural claim. I mean it's good to have rules but natural doesn't mean safe or potentially non addictive I.e. tobacco and alcohol.

My rules have been don't buy pills ( I guess I may have broken that when I traded a half for a shit ton of oxys, man that was an awesome deal), No cocaine, no meth, and No needles.
Oh I only do natural, a guy says as he puts some wax extracted from indoor in his vaporizor and inhales the fumes, only natural man.
Yup. 100% natural. But don't use those chemical salts that occur in nature to feed the plant. That makes it unnatural.
It can be done. You can get heptane from pine trees or limonene from citrus for a solvent and there's plenty of natural acids and bases that don't originate in Animalia.
I don't see where availability will go down..I don't use pills,nor hang with anyone who really does simply because I really don't hang with anybody,but when I do venture out,I allways meets someone on,selling,looking for more oxys..and I see them frequently in small amounts around town at house partys(the 2 a year I attend) if they are gonna be in the same class as oxys,well it should make it easier to get hydros....least round here..
When I got wisdom teeth pulled I smashed 60 7.5 pills in two weeks it was fun and a loopy time but man I didnt shit for like 4 days

I had a ramekin of marinara that had been in a microwave unknowingly for 7 mins fall in the crook of my left melted the skin offa my arm..I got scrubbed hard by the dr..he took gauze and padding and wrecked my arm..they gaved me 80 tabs..granted I had a tolerance then...I went back for a check up and got 80 more..I think they were the 7.5s..3rd
I knew I was in trouble when I was given tabs by the dr in charge and he gave me a few and said 'chew these up..'
I used to be prescribed 7.5/325 like candy. I'm kind of relieved that Dr's are going to have to cut back a little. I've taken them off and on for about 6 years due to some major injuries and surgeries.

I'm not blaming the doctor for my over indulging in the past, he didn't cram the pills down my throat... but when your prescribed 180 pills a month its pretty easy to over do it.