Would you F*ck yourself?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I fantasize about it all the time.

It wouldn't be cheating because it is just an extension of my self. I wouldn't get jealous.

Not high enough to post intimates. Maybe tonight?


Well-Known Member
Trying to be a passionate lover? I don't have to try. I just do.
But of coarse you do my lovely !
sorry got carried away in the moment lol
That came across totally wrong , i didn't mean the way it sounded !
I just want pics that's all !!!!!!
joking , just workin ya up a little
All in good fun


Pickle Queen
Who gets to finish first?? Never I'm to hard to please .....at least I can admit it...lol


Well-Known Member
smoked a nice big fat bag of crack b4 ayayayayayyaayyayyayaya
only kidding folks , i would never do a drug named after a part of my own ass
Kind of a personal guide line in my books !
Somebody says " you want some crack ? "
I say no thanks pal i was born with one , i really don't need another one ok ,
If i want another crack i will give you a call
but for right now i'm sticking with the solo crackola thank you !!!!!!


Well-Known Member
If no, why are you not your type. (excluding gender)

If gender wasn't a factor, would you still not be your type?

Even so, what about doing it with the lights off?
These are great questions pie...
Makes me realize how much I hate myself...
hell, still not sure how my gf has been able to stand me for the last 7 yrs...
I'm gonna go hang myself now... I'll talk to you guys later ;-)

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Sometimes I am not even sure how I can stand my husband. So imagine how she feels if you feel that way about yourself.

Real Talk.