The correct way to make an actively aerated compost tea AACT

Hell must be nice. Right now im chasing deficiencies around and getting rid of spider mites and my ass is getting echausted. Growing can be very fun but a pain and although im struggling right now i feel like me learning this way is going to help me down the road. I just made up a foliar spray consisting of 10 habenero peppers, 4 garlic cloves, 2 lemons, 2 tbsp of bsm, 1 teaspoon of neem and used chlorinated water. I want to bomb them again just to make sure. Went and got a military gas mask and im ready now. Sorry bugs, your about to spontaneous combust, this mix seems heavy and it is but won't burn your plants. Wear gloves to because even without cuts it will tingle your hands even after washing them, I about to go nuke some pest. Adios.

Red, if you have a good base soio you shouldn't need teas often, I feed my supersoil plants aacts but usually straight water , I will only feed if I see isues, I loke the kiss method too and momey saved is money earned so good man. I cant wait to have a organized setup. Right now im going day by day, looking at plants and seeing whats next.

How often are you guys foliar spraying and what do you use usually? I have run many foliar sprays and im preparing a coconut water drench for enzymes . Im having a root issue due to high heat and over watering. Only one plant. I need go use more perlite in my mix or lava rock, fine tuning I guess.
I do a foliar spray with just kelp and aloe (2x weekly). The another foliar alternating between dr. bronners lavender and peppermint soap (1x weekly). I haven't picked up neem in a while. I probably should. I only ever used it for pm. I don't like covering leaves with any type of oil.
Use habaneros:) itll clear out your sinuses lol plus the knats hate it. Im trying all kinds of stuff but I do like aloe and kelp.
I do a foliar spray with just kelp and aloe (2x weekly). The another foliar alternating between dr. bronners lavender and peppermint soap (1x weekly). I haven't picked up neem in a while. I probably should. I only ever used it for pm. I don't like covering leaves with any type of oil.

Im done with Neem. I tried to justify to myself since last summer, and usually it works great, but even at half dilutions {Dynagrow was 1st] I was still facing leaf burn. [I have some half un-used neem seed powder I sourced from a local organic food store] I also reconsidered it from an edible perspective and I really don't want it in my medibles. [These are just my experiences]
Use habaneros:) itll clear out your sinuses lol plus the knats hate it. Im trying all kinds of stuff but I do like aloe and kelp.

I have been having great results with habanero mixed with ginger root then fermented. Shit does it. Im impressed.
What's the ginger root do? I like to add lemons and garlic sometimes. Its fun doing this stuff and you save a ton. I use neem still but dynagrow says 1 teaspoon per gal, I pour in a tiny amount and been fine but I dilute my mixes with water. I make a concentrate and then add water so id say I use 1/3rd teaspoon per wrt without bhrn but what does nerrm burn look like? I prob have done it before.
What's the ginger root do? I like to add lemons and garlic sometimes. Its fun doing this stuff and you save a ton. I use neem still but dynagrow says 1 teaspoon per gal, I pour in a tiny amount and been fine but I dilute my mixes with water. I make a concentrate and then add water so id say I use 1/3rd teaspoon per wrt without bhrn but what does nerrm burn look like? I prob have done it before.

I do have to say most of this is on whim, since testing is Expenseeeve, but I do try to read and hunt out sources. I do believe there are a couple of different acarifuges in ginger root, oxalic acid, and others that may be isolated thru fermentation. I poke around Dr. Duke phytochemical/ ethnobotanical database for info....

Here is what I know as neem burn....

I don't foliar spray other than the hab/ ginger now and I don't have any new spots. I surmise that they drip or are evapostranspirating to the edges of the margin and then maybe causing hot spots??

When I spray I take them out of direct light and let them sit after until everything is dry on the leaf surfaces. Granted this isn't the healthiest specimen, but other than a little overnute and drooping tips [it happens] this girl is doing OK.

I used to do all these types of sprays [home-made botanicals: sage, rosemary, garlic, chives, hab's, serrano's, parsley, yerba buena] but I wasn't dilligent in my spray patterns.

Now that I spray every day and I spray soil surface too, these home-made remedies just become fire [not the leaf-burnin' kind either] ! :peace:
Foliar twice a week with aloe and kelp. The next week aloe and sst/coconut water. Neem cake cooked in your mix is all you for it's a good food. much kelp do you use in your foliar? I've been keeping it safe (and cheap) @ 1tsp./gal
Foliar twice a week with aloe and kelp. The next week aloe and sst/coconut water. Neem cake cooked in your mix is all you for it's a good food. much kelp do you use in your foliar? I've been keeping it safe (and cheap) @ 1tsp./gal

I use 1/4 cup kelp meal per half gallon of water. Bubble for 2 days. Then strain 3 or 4 times. Use the kelp water for the foliar. Then dry out kelp meal, puree and use in a tea or topdress.

I don't buy liquid kelp. I just use dry kelp meal.
Same here hyroot, I think buying liquid kelp would be pricey and I think by making a concentrate would be ideal. I use small pumps in a one gal jug to prepfoliars , hell I dont kknow ifs needed but I like oxygen, with all my pumps going im probably depleting my air in my room lol
Liquid kelp is one of the biggest H store rip offs. I don't even go to those dumps anymore. Foliars kept my sick seedlings alive for weeks! I really hate the jizz in hand feeling of aloe filet. I'm just gonna try May's suck and spit method.
I don't bother with any of them. But airlifts are super easy. Just put the end of the air tube into a bigger tube that breaks the surface. Nothing to clean and guaranteed to break the surface tension.
Hell im about to just run that flexy tube or make a pvc contraption at bottom of bucket and see how she does. I find airstone lose value really quick plus always needing cleaned. Maybe just put weights on tubes and let them dangle.
Airstone tips... When cleaning, soak in peroxide for a couple hours. Then rinse under hot water. Like brand new. If the stones are water logged and not producing bubbles, wrap them in a paper towel and microwave them for 30 - 60 sec. Will work like new.

I've tried rigging a PVC contraption before. The air bubbles were to big and slowed the tea down and the air bubbles kept pushing the tube out of the pvc. It was pretty snug the way did it. I even tried it looser and it was worst.

with stones get the larger cylinder stones. The smaller ones get water logged more and faster.
I would think more water surface agitation and less dead spots would be they best. Might have to do some kind of airlift or vortex experiment. I don't like how shit just sits on bottom of bucket or whatever. I also don't like nets and cleaning shit after a long water session. I want to take those babies for a ride, then let em chill and eat.
Red get a stick or pvc or wand or big spoon or big spatula and then stir the tea to mix everything up.
