Low-Information Leadership.


Well-Known Member
I think Peggy nails it with big hammer here.

Either way it is high grade lumpy grist for the mill.:joint::joint:

The president’s problem right now is that people think he’s smart. They think he’s in command, aware of pitfalls and complexities. That’s his reputation: He’s risen far on his brains. They think he is sophisticated.
That is his problem in the health insurance debacle..................................................................................................................................................................................................................

But let’s go back to the first paragraph, and the original point of this piece.
Mr. Obama’s problem now is that people think he is smart.
They think, as they look at his health-care vows, that either he didn’t know how bad his program was, what dislocations it would cause, what a disturbance it would be to the vast middle class of America . . .
Or he knew, and deliberately misled everyone.
If they thought he wasn’t very bright, they might give him some leeway on that question. But they think he’s really smart.
So they think he knew.
And deliberately misled.
They think he knowingly quelled people’s fears when he knew they had every reason to be afraid.
Which makes him just another dishonest pol, just another guy hiding in the deliberately obscure paragraph on page 1,037 of the omnibus comprehensive reform bill.
He has taken himself down, lowered his own stature.
Commentators like to decry low-information voters—the stupid are picking our leaders. I think the real problem is low-information leaders. They have so little experience of life and have so much faith in magic—in media, in words—that they don’t understand people will get angry at you when you mislead them, and never see you the same way again.

Did you hear Piers Morgan yesterday talking about "The Perfect Barack Obama Who’s a Perfect Physical Specimen." Yes, that's a direct quote.

He is The No-Information President. Ask him about any of his investigations and he knows nothing. He's not in touch with reality. Thankfully for him, his adoring syncophants like Piers have him convinced that he's God.
Did you hear Piers Morgan yesterday talking about "The Perfect Barack Obama Who’s a Perfect Physical Specimen." Yes, that's a direct quote.

He is no-information president. Ask him about any of his investigations and he knows nothing. He's not in touch with reality. Thankfully for him, his adoring syncophants like Piers have him convinced that he's God.

LOL, too true.

And leg tingling Chris Matthews is interviewing his hero Thursday.http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/12/chris-matthews-to-interview-obama-178691.html
Shameless hucksters
Guarantee you Comrade Chris will be "looking at his pant leg and his perfectly creased pant," to quote his fellow shill, David Brooks. LOL
Quite the rebuttal see4. and you claim to be an adult?


Quite the thread. You people claim to be rational individuals?
No. I didn't delete it. A mod deleted it. I suppose I went slightly overboard with my assessment of you people's brain capacity.
By the way, just so we are clear. I hold no ill will to people with mental retardation, in fact, you may have a point in that liking that poor retarded child to the likes of people like you was extremely disparaging... to the child.
By the way, just so we are clear. I hold no ill will to people with mental retardation, in fact, you may have a point in that liking that poor retarded child to the likes of people like you was extremely disparaging... to the child.

like, like, wow, like, you almost like, made sense in that like, unintelligible, like gibberish.

like, why you gotta like, saY "like", like, every other word?
KKKeynes being a national socialist would actually explain a lot of the shit that comes out of his mouth.
Why is it that all of the posts by the left leaning dudes in this thread are devoid of any and all substantive engagement?
Hmmm... puff... puff??
Why is it that all of the posts by the left leaning dudes in this thread are devoid of any and all substantive engagement?
Hmmm... puff... puff??

Says the fellow who asked a question devoid of any substance or meaning.
The theme that Peggy Noonan illustrates in the OP, is expanded upon by this acerbic and accurate assessment provided by Mark Steyn.

ZERO real world business experience is not a valid prerequisite for the job of POTUS.

We are now all finding out the hard way.:leaf:

[h=1]Those Who Can't, Govern[/h]National Review's Happy Warrior
December 4, 2013

For much of last year, a standard trope of President Obama's speechwriters was that there were certain things only government could do. "That's how we built this country — together," he declared. "We constructed railroads and highways, the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge. We did those things together." As some of us pointed out, for the cost of Obama's 2009 stimulus bill alone, you could have built 1,567 Golden Gate Bridges — or one mega–Golden Gate Bridge stretching from Boston to just off the coast of Ireland.

For the last half-century, Obama has simply had to be. Just being Obama was enough to waft him onwards and upwards: He was the Harvard Law Review president who never published a word, the community organizer who never organized a thing, the state legislator who voted present. And then one day came the day when it wasn't enough simply to be. For the first time in his life, he had to do. And it turns out he can't. He's not Steve Jobs or Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. And Healthcare.gov is about what you'd expect if you nationalized a sixth of the economy and gave it to the Assistant Deputy Commissar of the Department of Paperwork and the Under-Regulator-General of the Bureau of Compliance
Entire article at:http://www.steynonline.com/5889/those-who-cant-govern
You literally said a bunch of nothing, written by a biased conservative, devoid of all the facts.

What do you mean zero real world experience? Are you saying President Obama had zero experience as a President prior to becoming President?