c99 pheno search

oh fuck your evidence. i've posted pics plenty of times and have better things to do than appease trolls. i'm proud to be a pollen chucker and do all of my selecting at the strain level as i try to test as many strains as possible. look my fruity booty hybrid up. there's your proof. she was sexy and not at all shabby, and as good as a bunch of fruity jack, thai and generic hazes i tried, but not sweet haze. that doesn't stop me from being proud of her as she was my first tested hybrid.

while we're on the topic of C99 phonos, i didn't note any significant difference in taste or buzz between any of my 5 cindys whether tall or short. such nitpicking is the domain of anal retentive social climbing wannabes who get no respect in my world. a pollen chucker who LOVES his gals though... that's my kinda do your own thing and fuck whoever doesn't like it breeder.

no one needs your permission to do shit, so get the fuck over yourself.
yeah it was DNA's chocolate kush, i only ever started 2 out of the pack and 1 was chocolate maybe 10% with a slight kush in it but the other one grew almost like a c99 but with a melon smell. I didnt keep either, not that they werent good just wasnt what i was looking for.
yes i grew chocolope and hit that melon cannalope c99 pheno. shit was dank and wish i was still running her personally...too bad they didnt make chocolope kush lil more stable
Your reading comprehension is terrible. I said 10% chocolate. Yesterday you thought low meant high yielding. Read the posts better bro...
Your reading comprehension is terrible. I said 10% chocolate. Yesterday you thought low meant high yielding. Read the posts better bro...

I was being sarcastic with the second post, if I really was all that interested I would actually worry about grammar and sentence structure. Having the ability and utilizing the ability are two completely separate things. :) But thank you for helping me, maybe you can join me on the short bus as you seem to be the type.
I was being sarcastic with the second post, if I really was all that interested I would actually worry about grammar and sentence structure. Having the ability and utilizing the ability are two completely separate things. :) But thank you for helping me, maybe you can join me on the short bus as you seem to be the type.

Ive read your posts teenager...go sniff some jogro ass while your at it...your just another on the ignore list now.
just say no to trolling

I know man whats the deal with everyone trying to slip in a insult all the time. I come here to talk to my fellow brothers of the bush and theres always some douch that has to make a joke thats in bad taste. Id like to actually meet some of these keyboard warriors someday see how they talk to me in person....
that's the thing with the internet in general... it lets every dweeb act cool just like the kinds of pussies that are tough when they have backup, but ain't shit without 'em like the one 20 something that thought he was going to play knockout game on my 50 year old ass with his two boys backing him until i pulled my knife out and charged him into shitting his pants talking about getting a gun. go ahead fool! you wouldn't be the first or even second person to shoot at me and even when victims don't know how to bob and weave, most people that pull a gun can't hit shit with it anyways if the gun doesn't jam, but knives don't and at close range deal far more damage. ugh! there i go into hood mode again. i just wanna get high and chill out.

it just comes down to jealousy. the haters know that their cash crapper stuff can't compete with the saliva dominants most people would rather smoke, so they just try to bring anyone doing better than them down. it's all about insecurity. fuck 'em! i grow entirely for love and care nothing about yield. the trolls are the same people that badmouth celebrities etc. out of jealousy. i don't get that emotion myself. why worry about what someone else has or is doing? i might envy anyone here that can get high today unlike me, but i'm also happy for them and the fact that they're keeping the faith. the more people that go there, the more common it will be on the streets until everyone that's been lied to about "bag appeal" and wakes up out of their afghani slumber and starts demanding the good stuff that makes greedy dealers angry because it cuts in on their margins.

it's easier to badmouth "the competition" than get off your lazy ass and COMPETE with them. in that regard, i've got more heart. i'd rather wait for my weight and give whatever i don't need away. THAT concept has to feel threatening to a cash crapper too.
"what? give it away free? why you red commie bastard!"
that's the thing with the internet in general... it lets every dweeb act cool just like the kinds of pussies that are tough when they have backup, but ain't shit without 'em like the one 20 something that thought he was going to play knockout game on my 50 year old ass with his two boys backing him until i pulled my knife out and charged him into shitting his pants talking about getting a gun. go ahead fool! you wouldn't be the first or even second person to shoot at me and even when victims don't know how to bob and weave, most people that pull a gun can't hit shit with it anyways if the gun doesn't jam, but knives don't and at close range deal far more damage. ugh! there i go into hood mode again. i just wanna get high and chill out.

it just comes down to jealousy. the haters know that their cash crapper stuff can't compete with the saliva dominants most people would rather smoke, so they just try to bring anyone doing better than them down. it's all about insecurity. fuck 'em! i grow entirely for love and care nothing about yield. the trolls are the same people that badmouth celebrities etc. out of jealousy. i don't get that emotion myself. why worry about what someone else has or is doing? i might envy anyone here that can get high today unlike me, but i'm also happy for them and the fact that they're keeping the faith. the more people that go there, the more common it will be on the streets until everyone that's been lied to about "bag appeal" and wakes up out of their afghani slumber and starts demanding the good stuff that makes greedy dealers angry because it cuts in on their margins.

it's easier to badmouth "the competition" than get off your lazy ass and COMPETE with them. in that regard, i've got more heart. i'd rather wait for my weight and give whatever i don't need away. THAT concept has to feel threatening to a cash crapper too.
"what? give it away free? why you red commie bastard!"

Your fucking dumb.
Who's a cash cropper?
I grow top notch ORGANIC Sativas, Indicas and Skunks, not grow top notch sativas badly like yourself.
Your fucking dumb.
Who's a cash cropper?
I grow top notch ORGANIC Sativas, Indicas and Skunks, not grow top notch sativas badly like yourself.

it sucks to be insecure and hate yourself so much the only way you can feel good about yourself is to hurl insults at others like a petulant pre-schooler. how old are you again?

by the way, it's REALLY telling when you say "YOUR dumb" mean "the dumb that belongs to you" when you intended to say "you'RE dumb" which is a contraction of you are. who's (as in who is, and NOT whose.... haw haw haw) dumb now?

ugh... i feel dirty now hurling that insult, but you asked for it. i'll bookmark to remind you about yourself the next time you act all pre-school.
Getting tedious wading thru the dick waving to find real info. Wrong post,I guess, to point out that anyone who gives a personal preference on weed strains, seeds, methods, etc. are attacked by juveniles who couldn't hold a chair at an idiots debate. Problem being that the initial intelligent poster, takes offence and on and on it's side tracked. We, that complain of trolls, should remember that it takes 2 to tango and bullies need an audience. Keep it on Facebook or something.
Anybody have any experience with G13's Cinderella 99? Getting it as a freebie and not sure whether it's worth popping. I have limited room left for the next garden and only want strains that are A+ quality.