We do grow in HS


Well-Known Member
I am so angry and yelling all the time... I think German would be perfect LOL..... at least on Sunday's I am always yelling.... I think I hate my football team more than I love them... like if you were to record my cheers vs tantrums....

Ya... seeds... fo sho......


Well-Known Member
imp..I know of this club out east..they got nice clones...
Seeds are a mans best bet,altho not a very quick bet...I've only taken in 2 clones (well,5 plants,2 different strains) in all my years growing..a cannadential mom and 4 stella blue clones..and those all were from people I knew had knowldge of what the fuck they were doing.seems like anyone with a light in cali is calling themselves a breeder or grower now adays...when I first started a wise man told me to never accept clones,best way to fuck up a clean garden..I've kept to that practice and have faired well...hope your issues are not so bro!!


Well-Known Member
still on the flushing.....man.....that is not how plants work. Flushing= nothing. hey that rhymes.... seriously though... Everyone says they 'feed' their plants.... reality is plants make their own food. .....I refer everyone to the countless threads on Advanced Growing for more flushing info.... either you believe UB or you don't I guess.... he will tell you , though, that his knowledge is backed by University.
I've never flushed.....


Well-Known Member
Every time you feed you should get your water blessed by a priest. and whisper sweet nothings to the plants...lol Have yall seen myth busters? they yell negative shit at a plant and it has a negative response...it gets stressed. bad ass myth busters...


Well-Known Member
I use r.o. water made from little puppies tears and tie the heavy buds up with hair from dead kittens..oh,and use the femur bone from ponies as a stake...don't even ask what I feed with...(botanicare)..hahahaha!
Some say its a flavor enhancer,but I cure my buds in paper sacks made from college rejection letters...hehehehe...sorry,I'm high and we all know I'm a comic...


Well-Known Member
pshhhhht what's wrong with me!? i've yet to post a pic of the plants on this thread...shieeet that's gotta change.
photo 1 (8).jpgphoto 2 (6).jpg
there's my babies. i've been a father for exactly a week now. quite the proud parent. from what i understand over this next week they should take off. i'd say they are no longer seedlings. i'll be counting tomorrow as day 1 for veg.

also decided to take duck's advice and turn these bitches into monsters by using larger pots. planning to transplant from half gallon --> 3 gallon --> 7 gallon smart pots to finish. anyone think 3 gallon to 7 gallon is too big of a jump?

:leaf: i'm finally growing weed damn i cannot believe it i feel so blessed.


Well-Known Member
Ccc..do what ya want but I see no need in working twice..settle on a definitive pot,stick the ladies in em,and go..upping from a 3gal to a 5gal ect..that's repeating the end process 3 times and harming root structure..I can't say for certain since mine stay in the pot,clone to harvest..might wanna go with square ones also if possible.I've found less wasted light in early stages with square pots..but these are my thoughts..and stoned thoughts they are :-)


Well-Known Member
imp..I know of this club out east..they got nice clones...
Seeds are a mans best bet,altho not a very quick bet...I've only taken in 2 clones (well,5 plants,2 different strains) in all my years growing..a cannadential mom and 4 stella blue clones..and those all were from people I knew had knowldge of what the fuck they were doing.seems like anyone with a light in cali is calling themselves a breeder or grower now adays...when I first started a wise man told me to never accept clones,best way to fuck up a clean garden..I've kept to that practice and have faired well...hope your issues are not so bro!!
I am very wary about getting clones from people. It is absolutely the way to go if you can get healthy clones from elite mothers. Most of us can't do that though. Really good cuts are closely held. A tray of clones from a truly desirable strain can cost tens of thousands. Of course that mite infested thing you pick up at the dispensary for $20 is the real deal. Most clone only strains are the result of large selections of 50 seeds or more. Most people who can grow out that many plants are in for the money. And plants that have good growth characteristics and interesting drug characteristics are rather valuable.

Duck..watch 'resivior dogs' in german...that's a lot of yelling.
I think I will do that today!


Well-Known Member
I got a 64 site cloner full of cuts..wonder what I could get..lol..ill charge extra for stella..she's a high class lady..


Well-Known Member
She is a great cut. I've been smoking her primarily all year and I still like her a lot. And she's a great plant that is easy to grow, handles stress very well and produces extremely well. I want to try to work some of her characteristics into some pure or nearly pure sativa lines. The goal would be get something with a buzz like a real sativa but with improved yield and resin from Stella. Finishing in under 80 days would be pretty fucking sweet too!


Well-Known Member
lol I have heard that urban legend of clones being a thousand dollars too.... I don't see that ever happening though...there is no regulation on the industry....only a great fool would let go of that kind of cash with no guarantee the genetics are solid.... shit man, I was on HIgh Times and reading about the dude who came up with the strain Grape Ape. Aposletary ---or something I have that misspelled. Anyways, that dude fucking ripped up these growers in LA and called the fucking cops on them. Had their big Op shut down and he jacked them for like 10,000$. ....and he is suppose to be on top of the 'weed industry'.


Well-Known Member
Apothecary?..wow..if so I'm glad I didn't order from them..I don't like rats or thieves..or supporting them..
Wasn't it like the skywalker seeds were like 20k$ or something stoopid like that?...lame..its a fucking plant..ill outbreed them and give seeds away..fuck dimebag hustlers who lie and scam.


Well-Known Member
lol I have heard that urban legend of clones being a thousand dollars too.... I don't see that ever happening though...there is no regulation on the industry....only a great fool would let go of that kind of cash with no guarantee the genetics are solid....
yeah that's the thing..how do you know FOR SURE what you are buying? i need to be 100% sure if i'm gonna drop that kinda cash..


Well-Known Member
Dude,if I pay 1k for a clone,it better water itself,need not to be trimmed,test at 50%thc,and everytime I take even a PUFF young children in neighboring cities get high..(and all my friends get layed by the celebrity of their choice)...


Well-Known Member
I will NEVER pay 30$ a seed..that's rediculous..if its a clone,maybe that's reasonable...but I've never bought clones..they allways been gifts or trades..hell,I've only bought seeds 3 times I think...


Well-Known Member
Dude,if I pay 1k for a clone,it better water itself,need not to be trimmed,test at 50%thc,and everytime I take even a PUFF young children in neighboring cities get high..(and all my friends get layed by the celebrity of their choice)...
Think about it this way, what if someone grew out 200 seeds to select that clone. That's a lot of work.