Help with first setup.


Active Member
hi people, i am going to start growing within the next month and just want to make sure im going to be getting the right equipment for my first setup. It's not going to be big just a small setup so i can learn and then someday when im comfortable with it i can get bigger.

To start with i have made a shopping list for everything (i think) i need. Please add anything i forgotten or advice. I hope to go with 4 plants starting from seeds.

- 3 or 4 small fluorescent bulbs for starting the seeds off.
- 4 pots (4plants)
- 1x400w hps light
- reservoir
- white plastic sheeting
- small fan
- tray for pots
- nutrients

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Well-Known Member
ok um all good but....

1 3 or 4 small fluorescent bulbs for starting the seeds off.
2 1x400w hps light (great 400w will grow fat buds for 4 plants..)
3 reservoir
4 white plastic sheeting
5 small fan
6 tray for pots
7 nutrients

1 (you want like 6 42w cfls for Vegging or 2 x 125w 6400k )
2 (HPS'S are great 400w will grow fat buds for 4 plants..)
4 (white plastic sheeting or white paint...(no heat spots)
5 (go for a couple of pc fans (cpu fans with high rpm's)
7 (nutrients) (Bio-Bizz Topmax Organic Stimulators)


Well-Known Member
ive got 2 x 125w 6400k big cfls 12000 lumens which grow 5 fat plants and when they go in the hps DAMN they go big as fuck and it saves money growing with cfls in vegging then when ever the hps is on is getting bud not just growing....


Active Member
thanks dude, appreciate that!

cfl stands for "cool fluorescent light" am i right?
another thing, how long do you have them under the cfl's and what are the times etc.

im still learning as to the timing of the lights. oh and i also forgot to add a timer.


Active Member
alright just been reading up more on the CFL's and there not exactly what i thought they were, but now i understand. i was thinking they were just the small energy saving bulbs you use in your home but the ones i need are bigger and longer.

like this-



Well-Known Member
the water is going into the large tray..
then where does it go?

you'll need a pump to get it back up to the reservoir.


Well-Known Member
Nah CFL means ::Compact fluorescent lamp ::
and cfls are both is just thats a big one lol
buy 2 125w 6400k and it will grow 4-5 fat plants nicely though vegging (and vegging is mainly 4 -5 weeks max but its up to you all it is ..putting the lights to 12/12 (flowering)(winter) -----from------ 18/6 (Vegging)(summer)
and yh a timer will save you time as hassle


Well-Known Member
alright just been reading up more on the CFL's and there not exactly what i thought they were, but now i understand. i was thinking they were just the small energy saving bulbs you use in your home but the ones i need are bigger and longer.

like this-

Unless I am mistaken but that's an Ecolight. That's what I am using at the moment. Good for small area and few plants and you don't have to worry about heat so much; but you will a blue spectrum one for flowering and a red one for flowering.

Check out my journal, I did my first grow with an 125w and updated for 200w this time around.


Well-Known Member
its not a Ecolight.
its not even a Envirolite 125w Fluorescent Blue its a cheap version from china ...with a little less lumen intentisty CFL Blue 125w 6400k

check this out and you can see that theres a better one
Fluorescent grow lamps


Active Member
would i be fine to use just 1 x 400w HPS for the full growth of plants, vegging & flowering. Im going for a basic grow setup and anything to cut down costs help for first time around anyway.


Well-Known Member
Yes a 400w hps will grow 1-5-6 plants all the was though growing ...but
you want to use cfls for vegging as the hps's kill the bill so ever time your using the hps you are getting bud ....coz the cfls vegg better with the blue (6400k)