Why Do Progressives Feel They Are Entitled

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Well-Known Member
And you try to act like a person with dignity on here, you're no different than UB. Both of you play games like little kids, if you guys aren't lying about someone, you're making up shit to call them racists.
Thank you, I take that as a compliment.

But just for information sake, I have been using the term, "Would you look at that" for the entire time I've been registered on this site. Nothing new there.

What does dignity have to do with this? We are on an online forum. I don't care about respect. Most of you mean absolutely nothing to me.


Well-Known Member
Oh..pheeew. High Times? I made the cover so many times it isn't even work anymore. Anyone can do that. The really liked my Sage n' Sour for some reason.

Well, this one was nice, I admit. How boring, though. The parties, I mean.

That is awesome man. Could you kindly prove these are your plants?


Well-Known Member
My grows are so fucking awesome the manufacturers of the equipment I use openly bid for my endorsements.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Oh..pheeew. High Times? I made the cover so many times it isn't even work anymore. Anyone can do that. The really liked my Sage n' Sour for some reason.

Well, this one was nice, I admit. How boring, though. The parties, I mean.


After looking at the front page of those mags I am not impressed. Wheres all the sugar, they look like mid grade plants or is it just me?


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show ya, High Times has always published skank. How do you think I got on, with this low dope? Banging one of the editors? :)

Will you just look at the airy fairy shit they call a pin-up bud. Disgusting.


Well-Known Member

After looking at the front page of those mags I am not impressed. Wheres all the sugar, they look like mid grade plants or is it just me?
All the way from San Francisco, fresh out of detox. Let's give some applause. Greetings all hello. Show him a warm welcome. I'm sure you'll have fun...watching me juggle eight balls at one time, I'm no fucking mime..... I play practical jokes. This squirting flower, that wasn't flower that blew up your nose...it's my special blend of ex coke-and-k....you should be OK in several hours. He's got oversized shoes, and ill fitting clothes...

That, is real blood dripping from his big red nose....I will trip you down all 12 giant steps. I brought you all presents. Against good judgment, but being a good host, you all have been dosed, the kettle corn's been laced, the fudge has been lined.. You're having a great time...You might not recall the rohypnol in the lemonade. Cokie homemade...


Well-Known Member
All the way from San Francisco, fresh out of detox. Let's give some applause. Greetings all hello. Show him a warm welcome. I'm sure you'll have fun...watching me juggle eight balls at one time, I'm no fucking mime..... I play practical jokes. This squirting flower, that wasn't flower that blew up your nose...it's my special blend of ex coke-and-k....you should be OK in several hours. He's got oversized shoes, and ill fitting clothes...

That, is real blood dripping from his big red nose....I will trip you down all 12 giant steps. I brought you all presents. Against good judgment, but being a good host, you all have been dosed, the kettle corn's been laced, the fudge has been lined.. You're having a great time...You might not recall the rohypnol in the lemonade. Cokie homemade...
Are you are rapper, a plagiarist, or a wannabe?


Well-Known Member
Just goes to show ya, High Times has always published skank. How do you think I got on, with this low dope? Banging one of the editors? :)

Will you just look at the airy fairy shit they call a pin-up bud. Disgusting.
Oh I see what you did there. You were just doing some tom foolery. The buds that made High Times were not in fact yours. But rather you were showing us that High Times posts pictures of shit weed. Interesting notion.


Well-Known Member
Well almost. It was to show the fact that anyone can claim anything. And that was layered, as you noticed, in a somewhat entertaining way, (I hope) with the notion that anyone that claims their bud porn was published in High Times, is claiming no claim to fame and it never was. Owned by the DEA, I am almost sure. :) <broad wink>

Now about that intern...woops, I mean Jr. "Editor".....sweet.


Well-Known Member
The photo sucks but what do you think about this nug, be honest.

Looks a little hairy to me. Maybe ran her a little longer than you should have? But this could totally be a genetics thing. I would have vaped it though.


New Member
Looks a little hairy to me. Maybe ran her a little longer than you should have? But this could totally be a genetics thing. I would have vaped it though.
looks like abused GDP.
why is it so hairy?
your trim, sucks balls..sloppy, sloppy..who taught you to do that?..they should be ashamed of themselves they did that to you..oh yeah..nice detail on the plate:P
Oh, it's not mine, that's a nug Pinworm grew and took a picture of.

I was just asking your honest opinions, thanks everyone.:lol::lol::lol:
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