Grain alcohol

Depends on your your state or where you live. Some states have it readily available and others it's prohibited.
For all of ya’ll living where 190 proof isn’t readily available, here are a couple sites that will ship most anywhere,East coasters check out,
West coasters, try

Thanks for the links! Very difficult to find a place that can ship to my state.
All of the other links I have for grain alcohol will not ship to Michigan. The store link you provided says they will. Just placed an order. Greatly appreciated. Can't wait to try it out and compare it to iso. I will do high quality comparisons using the same buds, extraction technique, same day, and same time. I will post the results in my journal here at RIU.

I have really been looking forward to doing this experiment. There are a lot of patients out there uncomfortable using iso. I was considering driving to Indiana or Illinois to go fetch some.

If they inform me that they cannot ship it to Michigan, I will let you all know.
beginner420, we gotta order it from alberta, they don't sell 191 everclear in BC.
You can order from oregon, but lemme tell you as a former personal tobacco importer. Custom's is going to have sex with that bottle for 7 business days then tax you through the nose if they let you have it at all. I use to drive 5lbs of organic pipe cigarette rolling tb, one time I paid 45 dollar's tax on $100 dollar's worth of tb, they caught on to my classification loophole and deleted it, $435 in taxes for 100 dollar's worth of tobacco, 2 hour's at the border... There hard on anything i get from aqualab's even if it's just a carb cap...5 days.....

You'll have the best success driving to point robert's and "staying" for 4 hour's, then just pick up some everclear at the grocery store on your way back. I don't know of any liquor store's in alberta that ship online but I know vac purge has gotten it in...."r.i.p vp"

Call these cat's up, there not online click, but I have a feeling we can get it shipped from alberta if distributor's that supply clubs don't have it already. Good luck

For more information here are the agent contacts:
Everclear: Highwood Distillers. 604-467-3491 CSPC (Product Code Alberta): 711369
Spirytus (Polish Everclear): United Distributors. 604-420-4808 CSPC (Product Code): 638700
wouldn't vodka leach out more chlorophyll, being it has more h2o? i never tried it, just grain, thats why i'm asking
Grain alcohol being more pure than vodka (95% vs. 40%) means the grain alcohol would dissolve more resin and purge MUCH easier.

The water will grab more water soluble crap while doing nothing to gather resin.

If you must ship I say just order a litre of hexane.
wouldn't vodka leach out more chlorophyll, being it has more h2o? i never tried it, just grain, thats why i'm asking

Chlorophyll is actually not soluble in water, it is transported in micelles. It is however, highly soluble in alcohol.
wouldn't vodka leach out more chlorophyll, being it has more h2o? i never tried it, just grain, thats why i'm asking

Grain alcohol being more pure than vodka (95% vs. 40%) means the grain alcohol would dissolve more resin and purge MUCH easier.

The water will grab more water soluble crap while doing nothing to gather resin.

If you must ship I say just order a litre of hexane.

my vodka is polish 192 prof (96%).......everclear is 190 (95.6):)

everclear to me has a strong alcohol smell....the vodka does not... $35 for 1.75 L
They round....
Same etoh content as ever clear
If its doesn't have added sugars or flavoring it should literally be the exact same
Then I wouldn't use it..
Pure ethanol smells like pure ethanol
In any case..they contain the same etoh content
They should be pretty much exactly the same.. distilled a few times to reach azeotrope. Both made with the same process
The final product in the form of rectified spirit is the basic component of Polish Vodkas known throughout the world for their supreme quality.

Polish Rectified Spirit is absolutely neutral and is devoid of even a slightest trace of smell.

It does not contain even a trace of natural sideline residues of fermentation

buy a pint of each, smell them, add alittle oj to a shot of each and you'll taste the difference...

according to my 50 year old nose & taste buds... the everclear smells and tastes way stronger...totally different smell

friends agree too....

I will wait for anyone else to chime in that also has/uses both..... the 192 vodka and the 190 everclear.