150w hpsMicro Stealth Machine -PICS- My god, what have i created!?!?!?!?!??


New Member
This box is 20"l 17"w by 23" high. The grow chamer is 13" w by about 17 inches high. As you can see customed this box out so no light can escape. Its going to be good, i can feel it.

I have a big question. My Thermaltake computer fans, though very quiet, are making this anoying humming sound that blower fans also but out when you try to dim them. Know what im saying?

I dont know if its the way i mounted them or what. I uesd plumber tape and wheather striping, making sure that any thing touching the fan and mount have at least two layers of the strip. The strip is about quarter inch thick, but is very squishy which might be the problem, i can squish it down to like a 1/6 of a inch.

Anyways any help would be aesome and help me get my journal up quicker. This is pissing me off right now, i put all this work into silencing it and these fans are humming like mini blowers. im almost sure theyd be noticible even when the box is complete, like i think they will tell me, and anyone else around what its name is. a Grow box. If you catch my drift.

(sorry for the blurry pics, im like a crack head holding that camera, cant keep stil)

Expertise will be worshiped.

Edit: oh, and dont stress on the heat isue, i have 4 more thermaltakes:mrgreen:

One more will be placed in the row of two, the intakes, and three more will be placed by my hand (3rd pic) exausting


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Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think what you are having there is sympathetic vibrations. It is like when you actuate a string on a guitar. The string vibrates and the vibrations are transferred to the bridge and then the wood of the guitar. You may want to try a strip of hard plastic or rubber to dampen the vibrations. Good luck with your box.


New Member
thanks for the input guys, much appreciated

Sweet. A harder material youd recomend? And yeah i imagined it had something to do with vibrations coming from the blades. what kind of rubber would you suggest... hmm....


Well-Known Member
i have a 6" duct fan as my exhast. it also make that damn humming. but if i leave my ceiling fan on in the living room it helps to hide the noise. so although you might not be able to kill 100% of the sound. maybe you could you your grow box as a aquiriam stand w/ fish, air bubblers and all; it would be stealthy. either way if u start a grow log id watch :) good luck


New Member
i have a 6" duct fan as my exhast. it also make that damn humming. but if i leave my ceiling fan on in the living room it helps to hide the noise. so although you might not be able to kill 100% of the sound. maybe you could you your grow box as a aquiriam stand w/ fish, air bubblers and all; it would be stealthy. either way if u start a grow log id watch :) good luck
:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:Fucking great thinking, great. Yeah ill keep a big box fan on in the room, should have thought of that one, and i love the fish tank idea. Just have to find a tank and a airater. Tight shit. I think ill actually get around to that, itd be 100000% stealth with that little touch. Plus rep.


New Member
well, just about done.

I managed to secure the exast on two to the roof and side of the cab and it worked out aesome. No humming whatsoever. The intake is a different story. i only have the roof of the cab to secure it to and it just isnt working out. This thing is really turning out nicely, let me tell ya. not sure its going to be enoufh height now though, as there isnt as much air flow as i was expecting . Im going to run a test tomorrow and see, hopfully it will work out.

On more question. So cpu fans are 12v. Household outlets put out 120. Soo could i hook up to fans to one plug, 10 X 12 to equall 12ov?


Well-Known Member
well, just about done.

I managed to secure the exast on two to the roof and side of the cab and it worked out aesome. No humming whatsoever. The intake is a different story. i only have the roof of the cab to secure it to and it just isnt working out. This thing is really turning out nicely, let me tell ya. not sure its going to be enoufh height now though, as there isnt as much air flow as i was expecting . Im going to run a test tomorrow and see, hopfully it will work out.

On more question. So cpu fans are 12v. Household outlets put out 120. Soo could i hook up to fans to one plug, 10 X 12 to equall 12ov?
NO! 12v is 12v not 120 fuck you wanna burn the house down? im sure you have an old mobile phone charger around that is 12v run them off that but make sure cthe amps add up ie. if your fan is 0.2 amp and charger is 1 amp you can run 5 ect. happy growin n smokin free tha weed


New Member
woa, i need to watch my typin.

Edit Soo could i hook up ten fans to one plug?

Cause i noticed when i put two on to one adapter, the power decreases, which gave me the idea.

Yeah i tried pluging a cpu fan into a household outlet back in the newb days whe i hadnt a clue... i just heard a pop, a fizz. and a puff of smoke to follow. Ahh the learning stages, good times.


New Member
NO! 12v is 12v not 120 fuck you wanna burn the house down? im sure you have an old mobile phone charger around that is 12v run them off that but make sure cthe amps add up ie. if your fan is 0.2 amp and charger is 1 amp you can run 5 ect. happy growin n smokin free tha weed
yeah ill look into the amps aswell, i have a collection of the chargers so i probably have one or two with a high amp reading, though my fans are 120 mm, which probably gives them a higher amp, hld on let me check.... alright the fans are .3 amps, u were about on. Though i cant find any amp ratings on the adapters, only like a 300ma...?


Well-Known Member
@ 23" high lst is going to be a must. allow 10" for grow container 8" for plant 3" for light ( no reflector) = 21" thats 2" from plant top to light bulb...check this it might help>>>>>GROWFAQ


New Member
@ 23" high lst is going to be a must. allow 10" for grow container 8" for plant 3" for light ( no reflector) = 21" thats 2" from plant top to light bulb...check this it might help>>>>>GROWFAQ
actually the grow cab itself is 17" high. I plan on using 5 inch high 2 liter bottles, maby the 3 liters. i did the math and i could fit 8 of em in there. so yes lst IS definatly a must, no wories though, ive done my share of homework.


PROJECT COMPLETE!!!!! pics to come.

Well for those who thought this was going to be a failure,,, well,,, let me tell you, you haters are wrong!!!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ok so i let it run all night yesterday night and i didnt eceed temps above 85 degrees. My ventilation system proved to be very efficent, im even thinking of adding some cfls:blsmoke: What do you think? throw a little blue spec in the equation?


Well-Known Member
^^^ you want cfls or summat blue for veg veggin with a hps is a waste of time too much stretch ect.

What dude??!?!?!? Hps blows cfls out of the water any day. Where did you guys get this idea??? Cause thats total BS, not to be an ass. Its all about intensity, Intensity intensity intensity...


Well-Known Member
HPS is good for flowering and yeah will piss on CFLs but stretch like fuck during veg you need more blue spectrum in veg 450nm ish


Well-Known Member
I have seen plants tighter than shit whith hps. Plants dont stretch with hps, thats not true at all. Some will even argue hps are more efficient then Mh, as Ed Rosentha would. You know who that is? All you have to do is see that 150hps scrog grow on here somewhere to see thats not true. The journal of the dude with the pic of the topless chick with fat plants sourounding her, whats his user name...ehh ill have to look it up.