Is bigfoot fuckin real or not ???????

Jumpin Jack

Lately i somehow been reading and watching youtube vids on bigfoot.I think i was stoned and bored when i started researching BIGFOOT.LOL
But anyways is fuchin BIGFOOT real or not


Well-Known Member
Not long ago I was dating a very nice but somewhat country gal. I live in a small University town in very rural Eastern Oregon and count among my friends several of the faculty having graduated from there in 2008 at the age of 52. When I found out that she believed in Bigfoot I had to end our time together. Call me shallow, but I was horrified at the thought of her trying to convince my friends the Bigfoot was real. Aliens OK, but Bigfoot, no. :)


Active Member
Aliens OK, but Bigfoot, no. :)
Even if there were aliens, they live too far away to visit. (Although there is a good argument to be made that aliens are just the current resident phantasms, having replaced angels, fairies, etc.)

I have been a wildlife observer for 40 years. My current residence backs up to what must be at least 5,000 acres of virtually unbroken woodland that follow a navigable creek running through it. The woods are thick and the hills are steep. Last summer, I saw something out my back window. It was in a thick copse of small trees and I could not make out what it was. Then it lifted an arm to move a branch out of its way. My immediate thought was "Trespasser!" and I quickly and quietly moved out the front door, rounded the house, and sprinted the 35 yards to the sighting area. Not a fucking trace, not a sound of anything. These woods have plenty of noisemaking debris on the forest floor. I waited a few minutes and started poking around thinking it was some teenager hiding in the bush. Nothing.

I walked back to the treeline by my house and stood there listening. About 15 minutes later I heard a distinctive triple knocking noise about 75 yards into the woods, well out of sight. The sounds matched exactly what I later found online.

The most striking thing about the animal was the almost reptilian manner in which it moved the branch out of its way. In fact, the area around the sighting had enough open spaces that there was no need to go through the thick stuff. It was stalking something. At the time, there were an unusually large number of does and fawns in the area. They vanished for at least six weeks after.


Well-Known Member
I say fake. Not one bone or shred of evidence. We have bones for animals long extinct but we can't find a single sasquatch bone?


Active Member
I say fake. Not one bone or shred of evidence. We have bones for animals long extinct but we can't find a single sasquatch bone?
You have fossils for animals long extinct. I have hiked thousands of acres and finding bones - for very common animals such as deer - is fairly rare. Animal remains don't last long in the woods.


New Member
he is real.My friends mom fucked and got prego hence my buddy's good looks and lively hair growth..

Its the only thing that makes sense if you examine his family tree

YES in there somewhere is a BIGFOOT !!!!!!!!!


New Member
I've done seeen many of these creatues. They real trust me. They rep gangs too. There not just sasquatch but there peoples who have minds...
It's sad bc one of them betryaed my trust so I had to gun one down...


Well-Known Member
Till i see one for myself i gotta call bs. I totally believe there still are creatures on this planet we dnt know about but its 2013 and no evidence has been found after all this time. If we could find bin laden, why the f cant we find magilla gorilla in our own backyard. Grape ape cant be that fn clever. Know what? Put a tax lien on his ass then wait for him at h&r block. If he dont show up, he dont exist. U cant outrun/ hide from the irs


Well-Known Member
More evidence for aliens. I mean at least they aren't stuck on or even from this planet so the lack of evidence is justified.


Well-Known Member
you prove to me Big foot cant fly a space ship then we'll debate this..
LoL. Good one.

I suppose that taking a trip to planet earth just wouldn't be complete until scaring a few campers puts the cherry on top. Just hope that his intergalactic AAA membership is up to date.


Well-Known Member
no there not real . why . because all the deer hunters and bear hunters. one of us would of seen one and shot it by now. how much money could we sell a big foot for ? 5 million 50 million dollars ???? so no way there is a real big foot. it would be on display some where.