Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Yup... The combo of all that pie/cake and whatever elses goes right to my head, and my ass! Haha.. lol. Need to go jogging after eating all this stuff! ;)
I was thinking about jogging but then I got high.......[video=youtube;WeYsTmIzjkw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeYsTmIzjkw[/video]


Well-Known Member
Dankie...You know I'm glad you're back silly ;) I'm not in the best of moods right now. Too personal for the thread, family stuff... I did send you an email about it though...how are your ears feeling? better I hope. And how about precious little angel Laken...is she doing ok? I've been thinkin about her and praying for her ya know. Sure hope she's ok...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, got the email. Not the best 1 I've ever received. I'm sure everything will work out. I hope anyways. Been doing a lot better, head doesn't feel as if its going to explode. Went to go out to start the damn car lastnight and fell down the damn steps! Hurt like hell! Hit some ice and woosh! There I went! Still hurts alittle to move around, but hell, no need to worry bout me. I will be ok.. ;) Dank takes a licking but keeps on ticking.. :mrgreen:
Dankie...You know I'm glad you're back silly ;) I'm not in the best of moods right now. Too personal for the thread, family stuff... I did send you an email about it though...how are your ears feeling? better I hope. And how about precious little angel Laken...is she doing ok? I've been thinkin about her and praying for her ya know. Sure hope she's ok...


Well-Known Member
Can I get any feedback on WW she is looking strange ends of leaves are light green/yellow looks like little rust spots growth is weird she doesn't look like a "normal" youngling......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, got the email. Not the best 1 I've ever received. I'm sure everything will work out. I hope anyways. Been doing a lot better, head doesn't feel as if its going to explode. Went to go out to start the damn car lastnight and fell down the damn steps! Hurt like hell! Hit some ice and woosh! There I went! Still hurts alittle to move around, but hell, no need to worry bout me. I will be ok.. ;) Dank takes a licking but keeps on ticking.. :mrgreen:
Yeah, not the best 1 I've ever wanted to send. I have faith that it will all work out the way God intends...I'm glad you got the infection out of the way but that sucks about the ice. Hope you feel better soon babe ;)
do me a favor? take care of yourself! one day I swear I'm gonna see some crazy headline if you don't ;)

p.s. NTS...buy sand for steps.. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Can I get any feedback on WW she is looking strange ends of leaves are light green/yellow looks like little rust spots growth is weird she doesn't look like a "normal" youngling......
sounds like a cal mag issue...but I could be off, need a pic please...

anything like this?



Well-Known Member
Yeah, got the email. Not the best 1 I've ever received. I'm sure everything will work out. I hope anyways. Been doing a lot better, head doesn't feel as if its going to explode. Went to go out to start the damn car lastnight and fell down the damn steps! Hurt like hell! Hit some ice and woosh! There I went! Still hurts alittle to move around, but hell, no need to worry bout me. I will be ok.. ;) Dank takes a licking but keeps on ticking.. :mrgreen:
I still have my Helmet,From when I rode the Shortbus.....If ya need it holla.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
sounds like a cal mag issue...but I could be off, need a pic please...

anything like this?

good morning everybody!!! hope all is well today is football day! GO BEARS!! :D and rosey i do have pictures up on this thread if you look on this page i got 2 of my plant and 1 of my setup :D thanks for your time. im not a worried parent just seeing if there is any issues at this younglings life right now haha


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone? How is everyone doing today? I'm back home :-D

Dank, plants looking great as usual. Since I'm back we can figure that stuff out, I'll shoot you a PM sometime today.


Well-Known Member
To me, it looks as if you may have 1 of 3 things going on. Or all 3. You can rule out # 3 by letting me know your PH reading. #1 & #2 problem could very well be the issues at hand. From looking at the plants you have going, its looking and sounding as if it maybe a Magnesium and or a Calcium deficiency.. the other problem would be PH. Does you nutes have a good NPK ratio :??:
good morning everybody!!! hope all is well today is football day! GO BEARS!! :D and rosey i do have pictures up on this thread if you look on this page i got 2 of my plant and 1 of my setup :D thanks for your time. im not a worried parent just seeing if there is any issues at this younglings life right now haha
Can I get any feedback on WW she is looking strange ends of leaves are light green/yellow looks like little rust spots growth is weird she doesn't look like a "normal" youngling......


Well-Known Member
Yeah, not the best 1 I've ever wanted to send. I have faith that it will all work out the way God intends...I'm glad you got the infection out of the way but that sucks about the ice. Hope you feel better soon babe ;)
do me a favor? take care of yourself! one day I swear I'm gonna see some crazy headline if you don't ;)

p.s. NTS...buy sand for steps.. :mrgreen:
;) I didn't think it had iced. And I "after falling" wnet and bought salt! Lol. I work backwards sometimes. It must be this damn bud at work. Lol

sounds like a cal mag issue...but I could be off, need a pic please...

anything like this?

What's all that foil around at the bottom of this picture for :??: Maybe someone is trying to catch pollen. :??: That would be the only reason I could think of. Lol

I still have my Helmet,From when I rode the Shortbus.....If ya need it holla.:mrgreen:
funny har har har.. ;) Shortbus. Naw, you keep your helmet bro, you may need it 1 day.. haha.. How's everything going bro :??: Hope all is well yourway..


Well-Known Member
To me, it looks as if you may have 1 of 3 things going on. Or all 3. You can rule out # 3 by letting me know your PH reading. #1 & #2 problem could very well be the issues at hand. From looking at the plants you have going, its looking and sounding as if it maybe a Magnesium and or a Calcium deficiency.. the other problem would be PH. Does you nutes have a good NPK ratio :??:
well the medium i am using has no nutes in it... PH i have no clue i dont have anything to test with... could the peat moss be a problem i know its acidic..... i do have nutes though alaskan fish fert for veg state as of right now....


Well-Known Member
;) I didn't think it had iced. And I "after falling" wnet and bought salt! Lol. I work backwards sometimes. It must be this damn bud at work. Lol

What's all that foil around at the bottom of this picture for :??: Maybe someone is trying to catch pollen. :??: That would be the only reason I could think of. Lol
You sound like me...lol...we'll just blame it on the weed ;)
Yeah the foil not sure on, pulled from a google search.


Well-Known Member
Go to the pet store, or Wally World, and grab you a PH test kit for aquariums first off.
I recently picked up a kit, and a bottle of PH down for about 20 bucks.
IME, most tap water comes out high, and even with a little drop when you add your nutes, may be too high.
Mine comes out at 7.9 2 years ago when I checled it, but it drops to about 7.2-7.5 after I let it sit out overnight.
You very may well be hungry there, but don't go tossing a bunch of nutes in until you have a general idea of your PH.
well the medium i am using has no nutes in it... PH i have no clue i dont have anything to test with... could the peat moss be a problem i know its acidic..... i do have nutes though alaskan fish fert for veg state as of right now....


Well-Known Member
Here's a few shots of a few of my ladies that was just now starting to flower when I had got sick and had to take a small break. I honestly myself can't believe how fast the Blueberry Yum Yums flowered! They where 54 days flowering when I took them,and was showing atleast 50/50 cloudy/amber trichs! Same goes for the others. I am starting to think it has something to do with the new product I added to those! They all are super good smoke! Loving the Blueberry Yum Yum! It really does taste and smell like blueberries!! :mrgreen:
Unlike other "blueberry" strains I've ran! Was very unpleased with the Original Blueberry strain from Herbies, can't remember the breeder. It yeilded really good, it just lacked the "taste" of the blueberry I was looking for! So thumbs down in my book. I like those strains that truely live up to their name! Like Grapefruit, I want that shit to taste like a grapefruit! And so on. ;)

The Grape God is smelling mighty funky! The trich production is crazy on that 1! The Pure Kush is following close behind in trich production, but lacking in bud growth. I'm thinking she (Pure Kush) is just slow to flower is all. I'm also liking the looks of the Silver Bullet! She is starting to get so many trichs she is looking white almost! I'm sure she'll be covered when finshed flowering!

As always each picture has each strain name. I hope you guys enjoy the update. And if anyone has any questions for me, please feel free to hollar.



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