Well-Known Member
If I see a pig I will kill it cuz I love me some pig....other critters, not unless they screw with me or mine
Talkin about the homestead: I have rattlesnakes, only venomous critter, but they aren't a real problem. One got my dog 20 orso yrs ago, she was vaccinated so no prob. Extremely rare wild pig raid these days, occasional puma tracks by the creek but never a problem; a couple bobcat incidents, then there are coyotes. Have had some problems with them
Better start thinning them out, coy,s will eat EVERYTHING.I've got a creek that goes through my place...a natural highway for critters. Its cool and I like it. Coyotes cruise through, maybe 50-75 yds from the house....when my dog gets old the coyotes get cocky and go for the dog and hence close to the house....Darwin strps in
Better start thinning them out, coy,s will eat EVERYTHING.
Dont be ashamed, those things wil eat cows, ponys, take chunks out of horses, chicken, small children and on and on.I do. Not proud of it, but if they get cocky I wipe them out, literally. They get cocky when my dogs get old...they make a move and I've killed the whole pack. Not proud of it, don't like to kill unless I eat it
The first was X-mas morning! Num-chucks Rawk! The second pic was my first day of skewl this year.
Yep, everyday I see at least one, generally more, deer road kill. Coyotes, maybe 2-3 times a week daylightWhen i was a kid growing up i couldnt find a deer, now they are everywhere.
I see so much road kill of all kinds of animals from a skunk a day to coyotes , pigs , deer.
I dont wish them any bacd luck, but i dont want to hit one on my bike at about 65 mph either.
This state is so litigious they wont let anyone hunt for fear of a law suit if anything happens.
On top of it all you have a enormous agricultural base here with food being grown year round. Lots of food means lots of animals to eat it and more to eat them, Ive seen coyotes in broad daylight 10 at a time right next to the air port.
Dont be ashamed, those things wil eat cows, ponys, take chunks out of horses, chicken, small children and on and on.
Coyotes are crap animals in many part of the U.S. I watched these stupid farmers out here in Cali not do anything about the coming hog problem and now they lose millions each year to the damage.
I love animals but they arent humans and shouldnt be given the same consideration.
around here it the bears that you gotta watch out for
We may indeed have a lock on the big brown gopher issue.
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And some bears are spooked by close gunfire - but some are unfazed.
It's a crap shoot when it comes to reactions.
The bear in the pic is almost 11' from nose to tail and considerably over that from front claw to front claw.
That bear is down right scarry , If it stood up it would be almost 2 x bigger than me or you
That would need a cannon to take down , even then i would still run
But what i have seen on tv those big fuckers can run faster than a human
So you have no chance !!!
The claws are like longer than our fingers
I'm glad i live in oz
That bear is down right scarry , If it stood up it would be almost 2 x bigger than me or you
That would need a cannon to take down , even then i would still run
But what i have seen on tv those big fuckers can run faster than a human
So you have no chance !!!
The claws are like longer than our fingers
I'm glad i live in oz