Talkin about the homestead: I have rattlesnakes, only venomous critter, but they aren't a real problem. One got my dog 20 orso yrs ago, she was vaccinated so no prob. Extremely rare wild pig raid these days, occasional puma tracks by the creek but never a problem; a couple bobcat incidents, then there are coyotes. Have had some problems with them

What do you do with the coyotes ?
Are they similar to a wild dog ?

I forgot to mention the big bin we have next to the fire in the pics , we fill with river water and the fire keeps it boiling the whole time we are there (usally 1 - 2 weeks at a time )
I've got a creek that goes through my place...a natural highway for critters. Its cool and I like it. Coyotes cruise through, maybe 50-75 yds from the house....when my dog gets old the coyotes get cocky and go for the dog and hence close to the house....Darwin strps in
Yeah, coyotes are very similar to your dingos, 'cept look like small wolves. My old dog before Sal was a Blonde red heeler Queensland, same size as coyote....40lbs or so
I've got a creek that goes through my place...a natural highway for critters. Its cool and I like it. Coyotes cruise through, maybe 50-75 yds from the house....when my dog gets old the coyotes get cocky and go for the dog and hence close to the house....Darwin strps in
Better start thinning them out, coy,s will eat EVERYTHING.
Better start thinning them out, coy,s will eat EVERYTHING.

I do. Not proud of it, but if they get cocky I wipe them out, literally. They get cocky when my dogs get old...they make a move and I've killed the whole pack. Not proud of it, don't like to kill unless I eat it
I do. Not proud of it, but if they get cocky I wipe them out, literally. They get cocky when my dogs get old...they make a move and I've killed the whole pack. Not proud of it, don't like to kill unless I eat it
Dont be ashamed, those things wil eat cows, ponys, take chunks out of horses, chicken, small children and on and on.
Coyotes are crap animals in many part of the U.S. I watched these stupid farmers out here in Cali not do anything about the coming hog problem and now they lose millions each year to the damage.
I love animals but they arent humans and shouldnt be given the same consideration.
Feral animals need a good lead injection , In Australia we have same prob with feral pigs , wild dogs , rabbits , foxes they all distroy farmers livestock and grazing / feeding paddocks
In some areas even kangaroo and camel are classed as feral and can be thinned out abit every so often .
When i was a kid growing up i couldnt find a deer, now they are everywhere.
I see so much road kill of all kinds of animals from a skunk a day to coyotes , pigs , deer.
I dont wish them any bacd luck, but i dont want to hit one on my bike at about 65 mph either.

This state is so litigious they wont let anyone hunt for fear of a law suit if anything happens.
On top of it all you have a enormous agricultural base here with food being grown year round. Lots of food means lots of animals to eat it and more to eat them, Ive seen coyotes in broad daylight 10 at a time right next to the air port.
When i was a kid growing up i couldnt find a deer, now they are everywhere.
I see so much road kill of all kinds of animals from a skunk a day to coyotes , pigs , deer.
I dont wish them any bacd luck, but i dont want to hit one on my bike at about 65 mph either.

This state is so litigious they wont let anyone hunt for fear of a law suit if anything happens.
On top of it all you have a enormous agricultural base here with food being grown year round. Lots of food means lots of animals to eat it and more to eat them, Ive seen coyotes in broad daylight 10 at a time right next to the air port.
Yep, everyday I see at least one, generally more, deer road kill. Coyotes, maybe 2-3 times a week daylight
It's because all these animal activists that will cause a mass protest because a poor bambi got shot etc
You don't wanna wipe out all these animals , just thin out a little in high prone areas
Here they send out rangers who trap or poison the wild dogs when they get to big in numbers , and the government has put a bounty on fox skins
I think for every skin or tail you hand in you might get 5-10 dollars
Maybe they should do somthing similar for those coyotes !!!
just a thought
Dont be ashamed, those things wil eat cows, ponys, take chunks out of horses, chicken, small children and on and on.
Coyotes are crap animals in many part of the U.S. I watched these stupid farmers out here in Cali not do anything about the coming hog problem and now they lose millions each year to the damage.
I love animals but they arent humans and shouldnt be given the same consideration.

around here it the bears that you gotta watch out for
around here it the bears that you gotta watch out for

Any stories on that you wanna tell ?
Does a gun scare them off ?
I've read stuff about people shooting bears and they just keep comin
What i've seen on tv they just keep attacking you (big anger issues i think )
We may indeed have a lock on the big brown gopher issue.

F Bear.JPG

And some bears are spooked by close gunfire - but some are unfazed.
It's a crap shoot when it comes to reactions.

The bear in the pic is almost 11' from nose to tail and considerably over that from front claw to front claw.
We have bear , or so im told, its the mountain lions you have to watch out for, and they are the size of lions, they had one stuffed , i almost crapped myself, they are frickin huge.
And i live in a state with no concealed carry, smh
I've got a few bear stories but this is the most recent.Long story short,here it is.
I know this rich guy that wants a record bear.So he builds a custom gun.A few grand there.He goes on the hunt.Few grand there.Record bear spotted.Few grand"extra" to harvest said record bear instead of regular bear.Kills bear.Now its taxidermy time.15,000 BUCKS THERE.
Now he has a roughly 30,000 dollar bear that is too tall for his house.Its been on display at a Hotel for ten years.Now they want it gone.This guy has no place to take the damn thing.It sounds like the sporting goods store will let him display it in their store for free.But really 30,000 for a bear?
We may indeed have a lock on the big brown gopher issue.

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And some bears are spooked by close gunfire - but some are unfazed.
It's a crap shoot when it comes to reactions.

The bear in the pic is almost 11' from nose to tail and considerably over that from front claw to front claw.

That bear is down right scarry , If it stood up it would be almost 2 x bigger than me or you :cry:
That would need a cannon to take down , even then i would still run
But what i have seen on tv those big fuckers can run faster than a human
So you have no chance !!!
The claws are like longer than our fingers
I'm glad i live in oz
That bear is down right scarry , If it stood up it would be almost 2 x bigger than me or you :cry:
That would need a cannon to take down , even then i would still run
But what i have seen on tv those big fuckers can run faster than a human
So you have no chance !!!
The claws are like longer than our fingers
I'm glad i live in oz

I've got a claw on my desk.Its pointed and curled.It'd rip.....
That bear is down right scarry , If it stood up it would be almost 2 x bigger than me or you :cry:
That would need a cannon to take down , even then i would still run
But what i have seen on tv those big fuckers can run faster than a human
So you have no chance !!!
The claws are like longer than our fingers
I'm glad i live in oz

That particular bear took somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 rounds.
We were on top of a ridge in a blizzard with a 60 year old client - a Mexican gentleman with much hunting experience, myself and two others contributed to his demise as he was well within reach of a 1000' ice cliff just off to his right and the client's shot didn't immediately immobilize him.
He missed the record book by about an 1/8" of skull width (or length).
A true lunker in the 1400 lb range.