So for clarification you looking for high CBD strains?
Yes. This is a good question.
Maybe you should explain exactly WHY you want a low THC strain, and then you can get better advice.
With CBD in general, what's most important from an effect standpoint is the ratio of CBD to THC; you can always adjust the absolute dosing by smoking less or more, if you need to.
If you are after CBD, then Bad Karma has a good list of high CBD strains (though just to be clear its "Juanita La Lagrimosa", which translates roughly from Spanish into "Weeping Jane").
Off the top of my head, other CBD lines worth considering include Sour Tsunami, Harlequin, 303 Se-eds Meltdown and Ambulance. All the CBD Crew strains are supposedly bred to have 1:1 CBD:THC ratios and they're all probably worth a look. If you're in CO, R4 is a high CBD one you can potentially source around Denver, and there are other local ones.