basic nutrient question when flowering

Got a small closet grow with 5 plants 2 weeks into flowering. so far looking awesome. nice little buds forming everywhere. ive been mixing a 1/4 strength of some old age bloombuilder with every watering, about every 3 days. should i keep doing what im doing or maybe go full strength with every other watering ??? Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
Do you have any nute burn now? If not, you can up it a little but I'd be careful making it too strong.
i did get one plant with some minor burn looking on the edges of some of the top leaves but that may have been cause they were to close to the lights. what will a nute burn look look like ???


Well-Known Member
Yellowing of leaves.

Slowly increase the dosage depending on how your plants respond. There is no set rule of thumb, just adjust as they adjust.


Active Member
You should do at least 3 day nuts 3 days just cal mag n r/o water. You don't want so much nut been the only thing you give it. Might be fine now but when it gets to be to much you will get a bad result.

Lol think of it like soda it's amazing but you dont want to drink it all day you need some normal water to clean out your system of all the yuck.


Active Member
First things first...

How do your PLANTS LOOK? What's the NPK ratios of your bloom builder?

Thing want nitrogen to be present during flowering, up until harvest or until flush..depending on how you do things. It's a fine balance, since lack of nitrogen will kill off your leaves prematurely and lower your yield, and too much phosphorus will work against you and cause lock outs etc. What are you using to feed your plants between the feedings of bloom builder?

No one can give you input that will be best for you without knowing specifics on what you are working with now, and getting more details on your plants, their environment, feeding schedule, etc.


Active Member
i did get one plant with some minor burn looking on the edges of some of the top leaves but that may have been cause they were to close to the lights. what will a nute burn look look like ???
Hard to tell. A nute burn could be confused with a light burn from splashing water on foliage under a hot/warm light. It could also be confused with PH problems, and even nutrient deficiencies/toxicities. Try raising the light or lowering the plant and see if the new growth is affected. If new growth is burned after moving the plant to a comfortable distance ("back-hand test), it's most likely nutrient-related.
i used nothing through veg state. the dude at the grow store said the soil ocean forest soil would give plenty of nuts through veg... The age old bloom is 5-10-5. going with a teasoon per gallon which old age says thats ok for every watering but im going like a few waterings in a row on a few waterings in a row only water. The last one i went a tablespoon per gallon and i had a couple leafs on one plant that may have a few nut burns but overall the plants look f***ing awesome. 2 weeks into flowering and i have lots of nice little buds forming.. very happy with my first grow since 20 years ago ... Also ive been watering like every 3 days but plants seem to be be sucking more water now..