Are you feeling sad??

Jumpin Jack

I love spring and fall.
Where i am i get the great lake effects.Nothing like wakeing up with 3feet of fresh the winters suck and driving really suck at times


Well-Known Member
No his body is trying to hint it's hungry. One of the first signs of inadequate nutrition is coldness and the inability to heat your own core. But I think he's deaf, to his own body's pleas, because if he was listening, he might cue to that agitated depression.
Yup! I'm getting my oats! I mean I'm having a lot of porridge. I like to put on a winter warmer of about 7lbs if I can. This winter ritual started at school when I was out the door at a dark and freezing 7am. In the UK we have some great cereals. I loved Ready Brek, Oat so Simple etc. spain has nothing!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Yup! I'm getting my oats! I mean I'm having a lot of porridge. I like to put on a winter warmer of about 7lbs if I can. This winter ritual started at school when I was out the door at a dark and freezing 7am. In the UK we have some great cereals. I loved Ready Brek, Oat so Simple etc. spain has nothing!!
Pata negra wink wink, nudge nudge.....

I love a bowl of porridge for breakfast with a lump of brown sugar and cream, full fat cream. oh yes! mmm not that instant junk either that doesn't have the right mouth feel for me. It's plain ole boiled oats for me and keep the fruit off it. I like it creamy, mushy and warm.... I can't do that anymore LOL but it's sooo good!


Well-Known Member
Pata negra wink wink, nudge nudge.....

I love a bowl of porridge for breakfast with a lump of brown sugar and cream, full fat cream. oh yes! mmm not that instant junk either that doesn't have the right mouth feel for me. It's plain ole boiled oats for me and keep the fruit off it. I like it creamy, mushy and warm.... I can't do that anymore LOL but it's sooo good!
don't forget the HUGE pat of butter:wink:..

Silly String

Well-Known Member
A blazing fire in the woodstove helps my mood -- I find I get really fucken depressed when I'm cold. I make a lot of crockpot soups in the cold months, so my house smells happy. (broccolli beer cheese potato soup cooking as we speak!) Another weird trick, I like to make home made bread -- just the act of kneading the dough, smelling the yeasty smell, and creating something so tasty from a few ingredients helps me.

If I force myself to exercise -- walk the dogs, rake the leaves, chop kindling, I feel better too. Bonus points if I do this when there's a glimmer of Winter sunshine. Funny thing is, I love it when it snows here, as it's not very often, and it's still *new* to me (I lived most of my life in snow-free areas). Snow is not a depressing thing for me, but an uplifting one. It's the Oregon overcast and rain that gets me down.

I also recommend the three S'es, Shower, Sleep, Sex. Life always seems a bit brighter after one, or all, of those things. :-P

Good luck to you!


Ursus marijanus
Pata negra wink wink, nudge nudge.....

I love a bowl of porridge for breakfast with a lump of brown sugar and cream, full fat cream. oh yes! mmm not that instant junk either that doesn't have the right mouth feel for me. It's plain ole boiled oats for me and keep the fruit off it. I like it creamy, mushy and warm.... I can't do that anymore LOL but it's sooo good!

mmmm cranial cavity
Spoon, or just start licking?


Well-Known Member
I've hardly been out today (yet). I may go to a club just for the sake of it. There's no way I'd be in this much or thinking about cookimg if it was summer.

It was grey and cloudy all day. Tomorrow will be gloriously sunny!


Well-Known Member
It gets dark here at 17:30 which isn't too bad. December 20th is the shortest night I think. The weather has been amazing here in the last week. Even got some sun in Parc Güell!



Well-Known Member
Well it was -19 here when I woke up the other day, so my tears of sadness were frozen to my cheeks. It's almost like the weather was saying "quit crying bitch"


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Staff member
You might wanna come inside from that dumpster chewie :) I know it's got the prime eats but I suppose a man's gotta do.....

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
It can be tough to be motivated to do anything outside when it starts hitting -45 with the wind.

Goddam...that's Celsius...and also a bit fck'd up.