America's racists roots


New Member
Any idiot can simply apply and get into a community college. I notice they didn't test people at Yale or Harvard because that would have skewed the results. Not a good correlation.


Well-Known Member
Any idiot can simply apply and get into a community college. I notice they didn't test people at Yale or Harvard because that would have skewed the results. Not a good correlation.
Just a peer reviewed scientific study that concludes a negative correlation between conservatism and cognitive ability but maybe they just couldn't find any conservatives around Yale and Harvard.


Well-Known Member
you label all bad behavior under a racial slur for black, but i bet you're totally not racist and have a black friend or two.


Well-Known Member
Maybe one could replace the word "nigger" with something more appropriate for the times, in the above post anyway. How about thugs, trash, miscreants, scum, people with chips on their shoulders, assholes, etc...
Those are all pretty color blind words , and probably get the point across on what a nigger acts like if the general population was quizzed. Imo.

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dude, you just gave away the dog whistles.

now everyone is gonna know exactly what desert dude and beenthere mean when they call trayvon a "thug".

oh, and i bet that you as well are totally not racist and have a black son in law.