Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Watched 2 movies today.. well.. I guess they are "movies" anyhow dont watch
The Heat-- WOW.. if they didn't swear every 2 seconds the movie would have been over in 6 mins. I did not watch more then 10 mins of this crapile
Reds2 I liked the 1st one.. this one lost me within 15 mins.. yawn yawn yawn..

did have another piece of pie during reds2 perhaps that is why it gets a higher rating...


more than 270 obscenities (including more than 140 “f” words), not to mention the obnoxious sound track.. wife is still watching it and it's horrid..
How cool is this.. I posted a story about a WW2 Solider who had an amazing story back in 2010 to an online forum.. anyhow I received an email from his grandson today saying he was doing some research on his dad and he came across the post I made.. He mentioned his grandfather was still alive and doing well and will be turning 94 in a few months.. he thanked me for mentioning the story..
Moffat T Burris 24 year old Captain in WWII (I cant find the story on the net where he conditions the surrender of a german platoon of 15,000 men with about 100 Tiger tanks) He and 2 other men with no other soldiers within 40 miles... all the results I am getting are about his Amazon books sales and crap... I saw this story on The History Channel tonight and was loling.... had to get my 9 year old to listen to it too... it's unreal..

can anyone find this story?

found the video online (quickly typed out the transcripts...( Narrator) T. Moffatt Burriss 24 year old captain with the 82nd airborne div in April 1945 as the allies near victory in Berlin
( Narrator) Moffatt was given orders to stay put. But the young captain decided to jump in a jeep with 2 other men to see just what lay ahead of his division unfortunately he stumbled into the German army.

Moffatt: We drove about 40 miles about half way to Berlin and ran head to head into a German armored corp. Just hundreds of tanks half tracks and trucks and probably 15,000 or so troops

( Narrator) Moffatt needed an plan and quick..

Moffatt: I got out and went to the lead vehicle which had a German captain in it, he spoke English and I said I here to accept your surrender, He looks back and says are you crazy? Three men and a jeep? I said I have a whole army of paratroopers and tanks right behind me and the Russians right behind you. Do you want to surrender to us or to them. He said wait a minute. He called a conference of about 3 or 4 other German officers he came back and walked up to me and pulled his pistol out and I thought OH NO, not here in the last few days of the war..then he turned it around and handed it to me.

( Narrator) Moffatt and his two man army had somehow managed to secure the surrender of an entire German Panzer corps and he would be taking home a fine war souvenir
"C'mon people, don't ya look so down
You know the rain man's comin' ta town
Change the weather, change your luck
And then he'll teach ya, how ta...find yourself"
cheap ass grow light check it out <iframe src="http://rcm-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/cm?t=blake0d-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B005DO30MI&IS1=1&ref=tf_til&fc1=000000&lt1=_top&m=amazon&lc1=0000FF&bc1=FFFFFF&bg1=FFFFFF&f=ifr" style="width:120px;height:240px;" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Got into a car accident today with my family in the car. No injuries, I changed the tire of the guy that hit us, he was old.

Sorry to hear that. I thought I was going to have one yesterday, even had a car door open on me!

So 'tire' is another difference I've just spotted. Do you have multiple 'tires' then ?
"C'mon people, don't ya look so down
You know the rain man's comin' ta town
Change the weather, change your luck
And then he'll teach ya, how ta...find yourself"

Friendly strangers came to town
All the people put them down
But, the women loved their ways
Come again some other day
Like the gentle rain
Like the gentle rain that falls
No, I'm asking if you really spell it like that. We have 'tyre' and 'tyres'. Looks strange to me to see it written that way.

Hey, what do I know? I'm only half English!! :)