Gay Marriage ...


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your concern stoney,today is a good day for her,they have her taking injections every other day now to keep her from relapsing,she's still weak & the dizzy spells still come & go but the loss of equlibruim is getting a bit better with the injections.
Glad to hear she's hanging in there. I hope the pain has subsided for the most part ...


Well-Known Member
I know...reading about what has happened over there, and watching documentaries about it...I cannot comprehend how anyone could do something so vile.I guess I can just try to affect my immediate area, and hopefully the ripples spread outward like they do in a pond.
Will you marry me?

Kidding, but the sentiment is my point. The world needs about 6 billion more of you, Stoney.


Well-Known Member
It'd be cool if my cock came with a vibrate function

Luckily I know where the G-spot is

Mine's above my nipple, as shown in my avatar


Take a look, it's in a book..a reading rainbowwwwww

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Did you know some women don't have a G spot? They did a study on it recently.
It'd be cool if my cock came with a vibrate function

Luckily I know where the G-spot is

Mine's above my nipple, as shown in my avatar


Take a look, it's in a book..a reading rainbowwwwww


Well-Known Member
This thread makes me feel... well like I need to wash the stupid off after reading it.

Some logical replies, some not so logical but at least a brain behind it and then ones that make me wish someone added some chlorine into the gene pool.

Myself I don't see a problem with it, is isn't like the state forces any religious group to approve of the marriage within their group. As the state part of marriage is a contract between two people...Not a church and two people.

Just like I think pot should be legal, it isn't hurting anyone but guess what plenty of people think it is and/or will do extreme harm to them.. even though it doesn't.

Personally I cant wait for my friend thats a boxer to move into the professional scene, I think hes gonna make shock waves.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Hm...I have expressed out of my consider this a +1 post and a bump

P.S. Leave people alone and let them do what they want...fuck man. Rebel anyone?


Well-Known Member
Did you know some women don't have a G spot? They did a study on it recently.

Other researchers have attempted to locate the G-spot by building on the claim that G-spot stimulation leads to female ejaculation. Tepper hypothesized that non-urine female ejaculate originated from the female paraurethral glands, or Skene's gland.[9] In their study they examined tissue from 18 patients and demonstrated that 15 showed prostate-specific antigens.
More recent studies have backed up this finding, leading some to call the Skene's glands the female prostate.[10] This finding has been used to claim that the G-spot is actually a system of glands and ducts that surround the urethra. This system is located within the anterior (front) wall of the vagina, about one centimeter from the surface and one third to one-half the way in from the vaginal opening.[11]

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've found it...don't like it...makes you feel like you have to pee.Anyway...back on the marriage...I'm FER IT!:mrgreen:
Other researchers have attempted to locate the G-spot by building on the claim that G-spot stimulation leads to female ejaculation. Tepper hypothesized that non-urine female ejaculate originated from the female paraurethral glands, or Skene's gland.[9] In their study they examined tissue from 18 patients and demonstrated that 15 showed prostate-specific antigens.
More recent studies have backed up this finding, leading some to call the Skene's glands the female prostate.[10] This finding has been used to claim that the G-spot is actually a system of glands and ducts that surround the urethra. This system is located within the anterior (front) wall of the vagina, about one centimeter from the surface and one third to one-half the way in from the vaginal opening.[11]


Well-Known Member

i'll let the religious arguments go
but the only other viable philosophy on life, is darwinism
u know, like survival of the fittest. that would mean ones offspring would not only have to be viable, but one would have to produce offspring that are better suited to survival than u r. or u r redundant useless eaters. best suited form cannon fodder and worm food.

do u think sodomy has survival value?

heres some more issues:

A) e-coli : one of the most lethal bacterium known. it lives in your ass.
spread it around by sticking things up there.

B) the sphincter
if u overstimulate it in your youth, it loses its ability to control your stools

just like the math prof that wanted me to sit closer to understand the math better,

you guys

as your sphincter will no longer work.

survival of the fittest? thats the philosophy u prefer me to take?

so the 300 people on my list should not be understood in terms of psychology, forgiven, and helped

they r just not fit 4 survival.

as the old saying goes

'homosexuality is the disease .... AIDS is the cure'

luckily 4 u, most people are not darwinists since darwin
himself was a CHRISTIAN

as have been every US president

and all the worlds major scientists from Galileo, to Newton to Copernicus.
And Einstein had to flee to Christian America b4 he was recognised.

Hons Psych, flyboy, highest mark in the whole dept (95%)
the topic for that paper?

Free online literature: Psychotropical Forest
(slightly altered from the original 4 literary purposes)

if u think ganja causes schizophrenia, then YOU should not be smoking
u cannot even define schizophrenia

bcos it is just basket collection of symptoms
so vague that u cannot even define after GOOGLING it.

95% for psych hons. not bad 4 someone with schiz?

o dear
u guys r so funny

'fruit loop'
nobody has ever insulted me quite as
sweetly as that


Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Poseidon...Stop talking to me. You have one hell of an anal fixation....It goes as far back as some of your first posts. If you had as many degrees as you claim,and did as much as you say, you'd never have time to be on here spewing your hate filled crap.You are a classic case of someone who just aches for attention. So you make up stories about terrible things that have happened to you, and how everyone has treated you so awfully...I have read the crap on your website, and I have looked at your posts.You are definitely a nut.And the thing is, nuts don't bother me usually...but you want attention for it.So I have no sympathy for you. Get your mind under control. You spout off some of the most racist, sexist, offensive things I have ever read on here.You are not an enlightened man, nor a deep thinker, nor even, it seems, a decent human being. Now I'm tired of you bothering me. We heard your opinion, you have an opinion on everything from gay marriage to rape to dogs...and everything you spout off cannot be backed up by evidence. You are a caveman who cannot think out of the box...and you are absolutely fixed on your backwards philosophy. I have never seen anyone more obsessed with sodomy in my life.You bring it up in tons of posts, along with Nazis, racism and bullshit conspiracy theories.You arrange your paragraphs so they look like the quatrains of Nostradamus...indicating you really think everything that comes from your mouth, pen, and keyboard is something wonderful to behold. Then you try to promote yourself and your second rate website and 2d game made with technology from 1992. You are a legend in your own mind. Now...see if they have some medication for you.

i'll let the religious arguments go
but the only other viable philosophy on life, is darwinism
u know, like survival of the fittest. that would mean ones offspring would not only have to be viable, but one would have to produce offspring that are better suited to survival than u r. or u r redundant useless eaters. best suited form cannon fodder and worm food.

do u think sodomy has survival value?

heres some more issues:

A) e-coli : one of the most lethal bacterium known. it lives in your ass.
spread it around by sticking things up there.

B) the sphincter
if u overstimulate it in your youth, it loses its ability to control your stools

just like the math prof that wanted me to sit closer to understand the math better,

you guys

as your sphincter will no longer work.

survival of the fittest? thats the philosophy u prefer me to take?

so the 300 people on my list should not be understood in terms of psychology, forgiven, and helped

they r just not fit 4 survival.

as the old saying goes

'homosexuality is the disease .... AIDS is the cure'

luckily 4 u, most people are not darwinists since darwin
himself was a CHRISTIAN

as have been every US president

and all the worlds major scientists from Galileo, to Newton to Copernicus.
And Einstein had to flee to Christian America b4 he was recognised.

Hons Psych, flyboy, highest mark in the whole dept (95%)
the topic for that paper?

Free online literature: Psychotropical Forest
(slightly altered from the original 4 literary purposes)

if u think ganja causes schizophrenia, then YOU should not be smoking
u cannot even define schizophrenia

bcos it is just basket collection of symptoms
so vague that u cannot even define after GOOGLING it.

95% for psych hons. not bad 4 someone with schiz?

o dear
u guys r so funny

'fruit loop'
nobody has ever insulted me quite as
sweetly as that



There's treachery afoot much hatred in here....ouch! Quite honestly to all those who enter, if you do not approve of gay marriage...don't have one. What the hell ever happened to seperation of church and state? The whole gay marriage debate is ridiculous. How is it that the marriage of two women or two men can affect anyone but them? What the hell does it matter to you? The right wing, bible banging breeders seem to feel that allowing gm, will some how destroy the sanctity of marriage. How about reducing the divorce rate? For eons only straight couples could marry and I can assure you that each and every one of you knows a couple who has divorced and then fought through the court system like wolves to walk away with everything they can. How holy is that??? So "god" like to rake the person you loved enough to marry over the coals. There are roughly 1500 rights/protections that gay couples are not privy to because they are not married. These critical protections include the automatic right to hospital visitation and to make health care decisions for each other, as well as the right to designate a surviving spouse as a pension beneficiary, family health insurance coverage and bereavement leave, joint responsibility for each other's debts, and the right to make burial and funeral arrangements for a deceased spouse, just to name a few. Typically those who oppose, just do not understand the entire situation. The government should have no right to control who we love and who we marry. Allowing gay marriage will further tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals and make this country a better place. It will help curb the hatred, the predudice and the bashing. So tell me nay sayers, how is it that allowing gay marriage will hurt you? Just because you don't "believe" it is right, does not make it wrong, just makes you a homophobe.:evil:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Excellent post. +rep. much hatred in here....ouch! Quite honestly to all those who enter, if you do not approve of gay marriage...don't have one. What the hell ever happened to seperation of church and state? The whole gay marriage debate is ridiculous. How is it that the marriage of two women or two men can affect anyone but them? What the hell does it matter to you? The right wing, bible banging breeders seem to feel that allowing gm, will some how destroy the sanctity of marriage. How about reducing the divorce rate? For eons only straight couples could marry and I can assure you that each and every one of you knows a couple who has divorced and then fought through the court system like wolves to walk away with everything they can. How holy is that??? So "god" like to rake the person you loved enough to marry over the coals. There are roughly 1500 rights/protections that gay couples are not privy to because they are not married. These critical protections include the automatic right to hospital visitation and to make health care decisions for each other, as well as the right to designate a surviving spouse as a pension beneficiary, family health insurance coverage and bereavement leave, joint responsibility for each other's debts, and the right to make burial and funeral arrangements for a deceased spouse, just to name a few. Typically those who oppose, just do not understand the entire situation. The government should have no right to control who we love and who we marry. Allowing gay marriage will further tolerance and acceptance of homosexuals and make this country a better place. It will help curb the hatred, the predudice and the bashing. So tell me nay sayers, how is it that allowing gay marriage will hurt you? Just because you don't "believe" it is right, does not make it wrong, just makes you a homophobe.:evil:


Well-Known Member much hatred in here....ouch! Quite honestly to all those who enter, if you do not approve of gay marriage...don't have one....

...It will help curb the hatred, the predudice and the bashing. So tell me nay sayers, how is it that allowing gay marriage will hurt you? Just because you don't "believe" it is right, does not make it wrong, just makes you a homophobe.:evil:
We've been having quite a bit of fun at the homophobe's expense.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Read some of his other posts....he thinks woman ask for rape if they dress provocatively, german shepherds are nazi dogs,women should be seen and not heard...there's something in each of his posts to piss off everyone.
We've been having quite a bit of fun at the homophobe's expense.