Reggae's Dazed and Confused Winter Grow

I will post some pics when I get home Sat...

Oh snap! A stranger visited my page. And so early on. I'm shocked and totally bouncing off the walls over here.
your most welcomed here with your impossible to pronounce name..

ok so I just got done with the cleanup in the cave and now my back hurts. I havnt smoked all day also and so I thought what better time than now for the cookie smoke test.

besides all that I just got called out for being a slacker by a stranger with a funny name.. Haha
anyways time to pick a nice personal size bud and burn that fuckr down..


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Listening to the song "All by myself" by Buju. The smell from the sweetleaf grinder totally has me thinking wow! This is gonna be so much fun. :)
It has a really sweet purple spice smell at first but the pungent piney woodsy smell quickly takes over. It's alright tho because it does it in such a groovy way you just wanna cuddle up in the jar with it, maybe have some pancakes in the morning.
The dry hit is almost the same except the spicy pine taste is clearly present on the tongue.
On to "murderer" by barrington levy Cough! Cough! Cough! on the first hit and a huge head change already. It's smooth, minty and spicy all at the same time. There is a slight fruitiness about it, but it's more like a tart mango than a peach you dig. I like it!
4 hits in and listening to "bamboleo" by the gypsy kings I'm really high folks. Already nice and relaxed. Pain is fading and I'm seeing sunshine at one in the morning. There is a pretty good sticky cotton mouth that I can only describe as a dog licking peanut butter. That I don't like too much but can live with. So after about 6 hits "everyone deserves music" by Michael Franti comes on and I need to put it down. I am officially stoned!
Pain is gone. My body is totally relaxed but I have a strange itch to go play in a park at the same time. It's a great social smoke at first but can quickly turn into a hammer in the head if you smoke too much. ZZzzz
Maybe I put a use with caution sticker on the jar. My final thoughts in a word WOULD be
Now listening to "Zion Train" by the great Bob! It's been a nice steady high that has lasted about 2 hrs now. I love the wide range of use with it. You can wake up with it if you so choose. Puff one at work. Take a puff and swim some laps in the pool. Take a puff and climb a mountain. Umm no! Puff one after I mean. Haha, and when your done having all that fun at the end of the day you can always puff one mo and bring out the hammer effect in it.
Two thumbs up!
On a 1-10 scale
8 for looks
8 for smell
7 for taste
9 for high
6 for yield
Almost wish I didn't get rid of the momma. Almost!
Well there you have it folks the last of the original thin mint Girl Scout cookie.
I'm actually kinda sad now thinking about that..
Hmm. Cheers folks.


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Hey man, sorry for the late reply, have been busy and drunk lol.
Im really hoping Jack might help me plant some of these beans, i may just find the golden goose ha ha.

Man that mint cookie sounds awesome! Was that a clone only or did you get beans from somewhere?

Keep up the good work (and smashed talk lol), im enjoying bein here :D
Lmao bro it's been fun. And I sure hope you find that golden goose. Bring her back here cause I wanna ride it like a horse..
I actually got that momma as a second gen clone about 4-5 years ago. Believe it or not at the time they were selling those for $100 a pop here in San Francisco. Mine I got for free cause I was lucky enough to be in the circle. You said you had some cookie beens, do you know what pheno they are? Monster cookies was a good one, sugar cookies, I just had a bunch of beens of that cross until a few weeks ago when I sprouted them and then soon after screwed up and dried em out. Luckily the same guy that gifted them to be just called me up and asked for some of my clones, maybe gonna have to barter for a few more of them beens.
And also if I'm real lucky I might even be able to get my hands on the thin mint again. You remember Jsamuel? He posted a grow here before going Mia. Well a couple years ago I gave him a third Jen clone of the thin mint. He took it and crossed it with a fire OG kush not to long ago and named it flaming scout.. Gonna be a good one! I'm supposed to pick up a few sometime soon so I can be one of his testers.. Maybe I will take back a thin mint cookie as well?
Stay frosty my friend!
Well I'm gettn stoned again. Lmao, like that's a surprise? And I thought I would share I pic of my little perk some call a sidecar.
I had this thing the longest of all and it's always been my favorite. Smoking some cookie again but a good few bowls tonight that's for sure.


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Thanks man, im pretty sure i should find a cracking mum to use, i got almost 200 beans from each one so far ;)

Nah mate, ive never grown cookies, have looked at beans but never made the purchase, id seen cali connection ones but hear they are shit, the other breeder i think was reserva privada maybe...not sure man. Your cookies sound bloody awesome though man, would love to try the mint pheno, sounds almost edible lol.
Love the side cart too, is it smooth??
Holy Reggae Your Cave's Rocking! :bigjoint:

I like how you just started rambling ...just like the good ol days :-P

It's Awesome that your sharing your grow/adventures/vents and all in one thread! ...glad to see you back bro :D
Damn these phones! Sorry guys I been trying to post the past few days but issues with an update that prevented me from doing just that.. This is what I think of phones named after fruit..


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Ok so now that I know it's working again.
Whats going on Mo, Lime? I hope the days have been good to you.
Mo you have a crap load of beans bro I can't wait to see them go to work for you. And dude! yes sir that pipe is smooth. That's why it's my fav.
Lime, you have no idea. The cave is about to be "crack A lackn" in the next few weeks. I will try my darnedest to stay active and share it all with you all or two I should say. With one small change, life is starting to get good again so I will keep the bitching to a minimum.
Ok so because I'm a walker and not just a talker here goes a few pics of what's going on lately and what's I the works.
The first pic is of my SLH queen. She isn't too happy right now but when I tell her story it will all make sense. As for her fate I decided I'm just gonna throw her under 1k watt and scrog her out all by her self. As you can see in the pic her training is well under way and the build is about 50% complete.
Second pic is of my new young mommas ant there younglings after talking clones for the first time.

And the last two is just me saying cheers to you!


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Ah dude you crack me up :lol:

Man I'm so friggen excited about popping these girls, I got a bit over excited and decided to pop 10 of each to start with and see how they come out, aiming to do about 30 of each as that's all the room I got. I'm sure I will find some good ones!! Finally getting some decent weather so will pop the othernew strains and put some outside :D

Yours is coming along real nicely too bro, can't wait to see them really take off :)

That pic of you is gold too bro, made me lol pretty hard ;)
Lol I'm just a big clown sometimes. But this is all just entertainment so might as well act a little goofy sometimes.
And Sweet! I'm glad you decided to get things poppin off on your end. Might as well take advantage of that good weather. It's cold, wet and ugly here lately.
things are coming along pretty good in the cave so far. Theres lots if last minute activity and shuffling of plants trying to find out what's gonna work best for the girls I have. But I think I finally figured out the final and best game plan. I will show some pics of my final thoughts in a few days when it's all said and done.
Ad far as the SourD grow is concerned, huge disappoint! This chick that I'm sharing that grow with wants so bad to help but literally fucks up every time she touches anything. Anyways not to get into specifics I been fighting trying to save them from her wrath since the day I posted the first healthy pics of the grow. I'm gonna head over this morning and decide wether or not to just scrap that grow and count my losses. Maybe I will just bring some of these new babies over there and get a fresh start once rooted. Honestly I'm thinking it might be the first thought. But that totally depends on if she's willing to be a silent and less lethal partner in the future.
Wish me luck today cause I'm gonna need it.!
Oh bro that sounds like a headache you dont need! Nothing worse than trying to help someone out and they dont listen! Good luck man, hope it works out ok for you! At least your cave will be sweet ;)
Yes sir Mo, the cave is coming along slowly but surely. I'm not gonna show any pics for a few days until I know what all I'm gonna do with this chick. Maybe we come to an understanding and I take some more plants over there? Maybe not? At this moment all the cave plans revolve around that. Just know all the young ladies in the cave are all nice and happy at the moment. Also the clones I made the other day are also still healthy at 5 days old. Guess that meens I have about a week to make final plans and preparations for there new home as well.
Lions and Tigers and Bears!!

Here goes one of them whistling in the wind trying to get your attention.

Stay frosty my friends.


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Well thank EaMo! I will do my best to please..
And hey did you see my thread got a face lift?

Totally awesome Lime, thank you so much... That name just makes sence with all the madness in my head..
Well thank EaMo! I will do my best to please..
And hey did you see my thread got a face lift?

Totally awesome Lime, thank you so much... That name just makes sence with all the madness in my head..

no problemo bro...though i did not actually change it, GreatWhiteNorth did :D

I know you will bro :D

Yeah that just spun me out, i swore it had a different name before..ha ha nice Lime :-)

lol .... i didn't do it i swear ;)

.. but was involved ha

idk why reggae wanted title changed? :-P
idk why reggae wanted title changed? :-P
because I thought those SourD plants were history. If you saw them a week ago you would have thought the same thing.. Or well maybe not, I almost forgot the topped seedling haha. the roots were all brow and gooey and the foliage was all yellow and brown. yuck!
But, looks like after a very intense flush and root boost I can see life once again. Foliage is turning green and roots are turning white.. :)
I also had a nice talk with this lady. I told her I would bring her one plant in soil and one in a DWC bucket to do whatever she wants.. And she agreed to keep hands off the Sours... So seems the the 4k Sour grow is still on after all.
I'm sure the madness won't end there tho so name still sounds right to me..

here goes a couple of them Sours still in recovery..

peace y'all


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