guess of final yield


New Member
Here is my first sog grow in flower since may 18. this is after major nute burn. How do you think it looks, and what do you think yield will be. I have to be done by july 7.



Well-Known Member
:hump::hump:final yield i have no idea since im noob but those are some good looking plants!!!

sorry that im so noob


Well-Known Member
Here is my first sog grow in flower since may 18. this is after major nute burn. How do you think it looks, and what do you think yield will be. I have to be done by july 7.

It's hard to tell because the plant is mostly water and you have to transpire that by drying and curing.Just hope that it gives you several o'zers'.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


New Member
around 2-3 pounds, and possibly more depending on how big you let them get. With that many plants you can get a good 6-8 pounds, however, if harvesting July 7th closer to 2-3.

mr west

Well-Known Member
judging by the amount of rep u got i would of thought u was the wise one here lol, what do u think urll get?


Well-Known Member
around 2-3 pounds, and possibly more depending on how big you let them get. With that many plants you can get a good 6-8 pounds, however, if harvesting July 7th closer to 2-3.
Whoa PIPE DREAMIN!! Those are already in flower and they aren't growing in the ground either,there are true factors to get pounders out of any strain of plants!!KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


I was thinking 15. Thats why i qoute you, do you have a reason to estimate this much? I need to get things ready is why i ask. If i am overestimating, i would like to know.

only on my 3rd grow; but my best honest guess (from that pic at least) would be about 7-8oz; but i imagine my perception may be a little off....can you post another pic or two; maybe one that is more level? (i've found that i dont like the pics i take of my baby's from that head height level; angle throws off dimensions...gotta get down to thier level:mrgreen:)

*edit* toss in a can or something for scale...
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Well-Known Member
Im going with 6 ounces,i do agree that the angle of the pic could be skewing what we see,a low profile shot of the canopy & below would help a bit.


Well-Known Member
I can't really get a good count on the number of plants there, looks like around 20 (let me know if I'm even close on that one), I'ld say you should get about 1/2 lb or more if I'm right on the number here.


Well-Known Member
I'll say 1.5 - 2.5 oz dry weight (are you jar curing)...hard to tell with 2 D......great recovery though from burn...That can be unforgiving..I had a crop start to turn brown at the fringes, within 3 days all leaves were 6 ALL DEAD, and the stems snapped like kindling..........good setup man.............................
and 40 sings nightly......GROW YOU BASTARDS GROW, baby :):):)