Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Izzat anything like "stay here baby I still gotta nut before we go"?
yes. yes it is

Anybody else ever have an urge to walk into a GNC and ask the clerk for whatever looks the most like cocaine, just to see the look on their face?
no but me and my girl used t throw on blue polos and khakis and hang out in bestbuy til people started askin us for help. good times

...hamsters are not guard pets.
sheeiiiit. says who? i used to have a hamster that packed a foe-fif


Well-Known Member
...Japan, experiments on closed-loop life support systems have recently been performed on small goats.... ...Russian crews have performed extensive experiments on one potential food source: the Japanese quail. Crews have sent quail eggs up for study since 1979, with the first ones actually hatching in 1990. Since then, Russian cosmonauts have nurtured baby quails from birth, hand-feeding them and studying their adaptive abilities. The downside? “The cosmonauts grew attached and had trouble killing them,” according to Dr. Gioia Massa of NASA.

I would like to get me some of this

Lunar and Mars Soil Simulant



Well-Known Member


im a paedo now i want to play


New Member
my neighbor just stopped by and filled my freezer with Red Snapper.Prolly 15 lbs or so.I know whats for dinner tomorrow


Virtually Unknown Member
vid reminded me of film from the 30's or 40's of elephant hunters in Africa. These guys would face off a huge, charging bull elephant using a double rifle and drop them so close I swear they could touch them. The shot of the lion shows how unbelievably fast they can charge from standing.


Undercover Mod
My neighbors are hacking their tree to death. I'll be surprised if it survives another year after they are done with it.