Best seed banks for stealth shipping methods.


Well-Known Member
I clone my regular strain so don't need seeds for that but I like to try other strains from time to time and with lots of shipments from attitude getting snagged by customs lately "so I read on here bad packaging or something"
where's a better "safer" places to order from that ship to the U.S. ?


And many more stories like the above.
I never had a problem with this place and also seedboutique/ are both good but them two don't guarantee shipping MNS does though and you get mns seed elsewhere your fucking yourself. I love gypsy's site just I only do smaller orders cause it comes from the UK without a guarantee you also need to send a money order you could do cash but A few dudes lost there money that way. There are some good ones in Canada too probably be less likely to be checked then something from the UK.
Attitude is not slipping..don't you guys notice some companies have closed, some don't take credit cards recently, and they all are getting more orders swiped...look at the big picture, the govt is learning to hack and they are getting very sneaky..they just busted silk road and confiscated all the records and info from people who used the site, I think they are going to go after these bean companies next and I don't want to be on any list of people to bust for importing illegal agricultural items, I think i'm done ordering I do order again though against my better judgment, I will still go with attitude because i've never had an issue, they reship, and I think my chances are the same regardless.
It does seem to be the case that the Federal gov't is cracking down on bean companies in a variety of ways now.

I've written a lot on this before, so I won't repeat it all here, but in a nutshell, if the gov't can't stop thousands of kilos of actual coke and heroin from moving across the borders, despite literally billions of dollars of effort and enforcement, they're not going to be able to stop a few ceeds. At best ("worst") the crackdown will just make it harder to get beans across, driving up costs, and driving weaker players out of the marketplace.

With increasing legalization and sources of domestic beans increasing slowly (eg in CO, for example) the whole international gray/black market in beans may be moot in a few years anyway.
Attitude is not slipping..don't you guys notice some companies have closed, some don't take credit cards recently, and they all are getting more orders swiped...look at the big picture, the govt is learning to hack and they are getting very sneaky..they just busted silk road and confiscated all the records and info from people who used the site, I think they are going to go after these bean companies next and I don't want to be on any list of people to bust for importing illegal agricultural items, I think i'm done ordering I do order again though against my better judgment, I will still go with attitude because i've never had an issue, they reship, and I think my chances are the same regardless.

All I've noticed is a lot of negative talk about Attitude lately.
It does seem to be the case that the Federal gov't is cracking down on bean companies in a variety of ways now.

I've written a lot on this before, so I won't repeat it all here, but in a nutshell, if the gov't can't stop thousands of kilos of actual coke and heroin from moving across the borders, despite literally billions of dollars of effort and enforcement, they're not going to be able to stop a few ceeds. At best ("worst") the crackdown will just make it harder to get beans across, driving up costs, and driving weaker players out of the marketplace.

With increasing legalization and sources of domestic beans increasing slowly (eg in CO, for example) the whole international gray/black market in beans may be moot in a few years anyway.

Feel free to paste what you wrote before, it maybe helpful...
Have no clue who the zon is got a site for them ?

The zon as in cannazon. .
And of course you hear more beans being snagged from the attitude than any other bank as I'd bet the attitude out sells the next top selling bank 10 to 1..
It's not just the attitude though for sure.. earlier this year another bank stopped sending beans to the us for a few weeks till they changed a few things..
Anytime you order anything illegal through the mail you're taking a chance that customs will do their job and find it..
seems that O'Hare in Chicago is topping the list of snagged orders, followed by l.a. and lastly new York..
The zon as in cannazon. .
And of course you hear more beans being snagged from the attitude than any other bank as I'd bet the attitude out sells the next top selling bank 10 to 1..
It's not just the attitude though for sure.. earlier this year another bank stopped sending beans to the us for a few weeks till they changed a few things..
Anytime you order anything illegal through the mail you're taking a chance that customs will do their job and find it..
seems that O'Hare in Chicago is topping the list of snagged orders, followed by l.a. and lastly new York..

Good to know.. I have ordered I'd say around 8 orders from the attitude over the years and never had no major problems, but all the talk about bad shipment lately is about the tude, making me a bit nervous.
Good to know.. I have ordered I say around 8 orders from the attitude over the years and never had no major problems, but all the talk about bad shipment lately is about the tude, making me a bit nervous.

no, not.all the talk is about the tude.. look a lil.harder and you'll find threads about pretty much every bank getting snagged here and there..
I have heard sos has an amazing super stealth method although I've never used it personally..
Single Seed Center had the best stealth so far. Have ordered from several banks and no probs with any. I am in Cali so that may make a difference or not.
Feel free to paste what you wrote before, it maybe helpful...

Well, I could go on for hours about this; was I posted above was the most important highlights.

The fact is, right now we're in a sort of "boom" period for what I'll call grey-market beans. Medical cultivation is legal in many places and the number is increasing, and we have more people cultivating at home than ever before. Consequently demand for beans is at all all-time high, and the market has responded with dozens and dozens of new "breeders" most of whom are putting at mediocre product.

In the meantime Federal law still prohibits selling beans, or importing them, and there is a fundamental conflict here. While there are SOME legal (or quasi-legal) domestic sources for beans, at the moment the number is pretty limited. So the number of beans crossing illegally into the USA is at an all time high, leading to more confiscations. Also, I think its this increasing traffic in beans that's causing the Federal response we're seeing.

Still, I think the domestic bean supply is going to improve over time, albeit slowly, as more and more states permit medical use, home cultivation, or even outright legalization (like in CO, etc). As that happens, there will be an industry shakeup, with the "boom" followed by a "bust" cycle.

Once cannabis is TRULY legal, most of the "pollen chuck" breeders will probably disappear. Why pay $100/pack for illegally imported crosses of "elite" strains, when your pal can make equivalent quality beans in their basement and will send them to you for nothing or just swap for yours? As the legal situation improves, there will be more demand for consistency in quality, and I think it will result in a smaller number of breeders, but of higher quality.

To answer the absolute first question, the absolute "stealthiest" possible source of beans is you. . .make your own. If you have a little bit of knowledge, technical ability to make the beans, and can resist the urge to have the "latest greatest name", then you can easily make a several years supply of high quality beans at home by yourself. I think the hardest part of this is starting with parents worth propagating.